Thursday, July 21, 2011

SDCC 2011 – What Will Happen?

The San Diego Comic Con is one of the largest events in the comic year. Publishers, and creators, unveil their biggest and best news there and much of it sets the tone for the next year. SDCC kicks off this week and it’s sure to be a wild ride, as usual. I wanted to take a moment to look forward at what might come, what we know has already come early, and what we hope will come. Hit the jump to read and discuss.

What We Already Know
There have been some news items confirmed already. News leaks early so the announcement doesn’t get washed out at the Con but it will be discussed there first. Here’s some of it:
Marvel: Season One OGN
Marvel might have scoffed at DC’s Earth One initiative to retell Superman’s origin (again) but they clearly could not ignore the sales success. Next year we will see OGN retellings of the following characters; Fantastic Four by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and David Marquez, X-Men by Dennis Hopeless and Jamie McKelvie, Daredevil by Antony Johnston and Wellington Alves, and Spider-Man by Cullen Bunn and Neil Edwards.
Some of these creative teams are pretty interesting and these might sell well. They seem like a great entry point for new fans. This is a big push for Marvel and definitely one to keep an eye on.
Brian K Vaughan and Image Comics
I’ve already reported on this one but it’s worth repeating. BKV will be at an Image Comics panel about creator-owned comics on Saturday. One can only assume he’s announcing a new project.
DC Omnibus To Collect 52 DCnU #1s
This December, for $150, you can own all 1,216 pages of every DCnU #1 title launching this September. Who this book is aimed at I have no idea but I have to admit I love it. I doubt there’ll be massive pre-orders, so I doubt they’ll print many, and so I think it’ll become a strange collectable very fast. I’d love to have a copy, to be honest.
It is also worth looking at the math as 1,216 pages broken down over 52 issues is just over 23 pages per issue? I thought DC were all about 20 pages per issue to hold the line at $2.99? Maybe there’s over 100 pages of extras (covers, sketches, etc) or maybe some #1s are larger – I’m too lazy to check solicits to see.
What Might Happen
A reputable site, who was spot on with early ‘guesses’ last year, has discussed two items I find extremely
The Defenders by Matt Fraction and the Dodsons
This will apparently spin out of Fear Itself, and the typographical announcement of The Mighty. The team consisting of Iron Fist, Dr Strange, Red She-Hulk and the Silver Surfer will be a new iteration of The Defenders with a Hulk as a villain. With Fraction writing, and the Dodsons drawing, I’ll flat out stamp this as a guarantee buy from me. More Iron Fist is always good and I’d be interested if they did name this book The Defenders as they refused to use that name for the Fear Itself tie-in mini from Cullen Bunn, instead opting for The Deep as the sub-title.
Hulk by Jason Aaron and Marc Silvestri
Greg Pak’s run on the Hulk is winding to an end and even though Jeff Parker is still kicking along on his Hulk title that doesn’t mean Marvel won’t want another one out there. Having Jason Aaron on this character could be a great idea. I’m not such a fan of Marc Silvestri but Aaron would get me to probably buy this one too. Unless, like all Aaron books, they price me out with a $3.99 tag.
Marvel have commented on both leaks and stated they are not 100% accurate…I wonder what little aspects of them are wrong?
What We Hope Will Happen…?
What are you hoping will come to light at SDCC 2011? Here’s my list of things to look for:
  • I was hoping for those typographical teasers to lead to some sort of Defenders title so it looks like that will be on the cards in some respect. Yay.
  • I’d like some new Marvel film properties to be touted. Let’s have some more definite chatter about Dr Strange, Luke Cage, a Thor sequel, Spider-Woman, and Iron Fist.
  • Daredevil movie news. Fox are holding a panel, and there is supposed to be some daredevil chatter there, so perhaps we’ll find out the casting of Matt Murdock. I think that’s a long shot, as last I knew there wasn’t a director attached, but one can hope. As for who I want in the role…ah, it seems David Wenham is possibly too old now. What a shame.
  • Some sort of further digital comics discussion/announcements. DC are going to release their comics digitally at the same time as in paper. How will Marvel counter this? The more digital options, the better.
People can ironically complain all they like, I love SDCC time because it gives me plenty to think about in regards to the future of comics. It makes me hopeful. Most importantly, what announcements do you most want to hear at SDCC 2011? Let us know in the comments.

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Bill said...

Supposedly Kirkman's Thief of Thieves is going to be a collaborative multi-writer project, so it's entirely possible BKV is there because he's contributing to that.

Hopefully we're both right and he contributes to Kirkman's book and has a cool new idea for a book of his own.

Klep said...

I'd like to hear that Marvel is actually going to do something with Marvelman.

I'd also like to hear that Quesada, Brevoort, Slott, Wacker, etc. will not be allowed to have anything to do with Spider-Man ever again going forward, but that's probably a pipe dream.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3.

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