Welcome to another edition of
Cover of the Week. As two heavyweights duke it out, who will come out as the real winner? How about you tell us in the comments section? Hit the jump to see the winning covers.
Matt & Ryan L.'s Covers of the Week - The Mighty Thor #3 by Olivier Coipel
Ryan L.: It's a rare occasion when a cover actually makes me want to pick up a book. I haven't read any of Fraction's current Thor run but this image is simply crackling. The composition and size of characters is perfect and the colours are gorgeous. I like that there's still depth to the cover, down the bottom we see more of the world. Coipel could have easily left it blank, who's really looking down there, but he commits to the whole image. I'm going to make a call that this might become my cover of the year. Seriously. Just keep staring at it. Keep on looking and you'll find you love it more and more the longer it's there. Awesome - in the true sense of the word.
Matt: I have to agree with everything Ryan said here. Just a really damn good use of imagery in this cover. Intriguing, eye-catching, and beautifully rendered. Everything you want from a cover in one simple package.
Ken's Cover of the Week - Superman #712 by Carlos Pacheco
Ken: The moon is what sells this cover. Perfectly positioned on the page, and nice coloring to allow for realistic shadows, and much like Matt & Ryan's Thor cover, the more you look down the more you see. Not just the Kent's house, but Krypto's as well. It gives a sense of being somber without being over the top in sadness.
Runner-Ups: Action Comics #902, Deadpool #39, DMZ #66
Wow. Very impressive work by Coipel.
That's one funny Deadpool cover! Haha!
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