Sunday, April 3, 2011

Cover of the Week - Butcher Baker & Jonah Hex

Sorry for the rather late edition of Cover of the Week! Let's just skip all the niceties and go straight into the winners, which include a very close shot of a man's privates, and a pile of blood. Sex and violence, just like you demanded it! Hit the jump to see the winning covers.

Ryan L.'s Covers of the Week - Butcher Baker, Righteous Maker #1 by Mike Huddleston

Ryan L.: I want to say it takes balls to slap some dude's package all over your comic cover but from the up close look here it takes a little more than just balls. This cover works on a visceral level, like it or not it catches your eye. But it's also a statement of intent for the series. This comic is about an oversexualised hero who relies on his dong and his weapons to say what he thinks about America. That's what this cover says, right?

Maybe I'm not sure...but you can't argue that cover isn't visually arresting.
Matt's Cover of the Week - Jonah Hex # 66 by Fiona Staples

Matt: Fiona staples creates an astonishing and powerful image here. The contrast between the negative/white space and the pool of red blood just instantly draws your eyes towards and makes you wonder what's going on.

Runner-Ups: Deadpool Team-Up #883, Secret Six #32, Thor #621

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Unknown said...

Skottie Young's covers are so consistently strong, it's a little unfair. I just re-read his and Zeb Wells's New Warriors, so it's great to see some love for him.

I hadn't seen that Fiona Staples cover before, but it's absolutely gorgeous. I've never read an issue of Jonah Hex, but I've been tempted. This is the kind of cover that would make me give the title a shot. Since that's pretty much the purpose of the cover, I'd say it's a great choice for cover of the week.

Ivan said...

That Butcher Baker cover...I don't know, man. Those pubes (they are pubes, right?) are really bothering me.

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