Monday, March 21, 2011

Long Time No See

Hey everyone, just thought I'd make a quick post and reintroduce myself after being away for a few months.  For the new people in the audience, I'm Kirk Warren. I used to do a lot of reviews, the moments of the week and various other day to day postings on the blog.

I was going through some pretty rough health related problems that kept me sidelined for the past few months.  Many probably noticed irratic and sharp declines in my output leading up to my absence and it was pretty much due to trying to push through the health related stuff.

I'm not 100% just yet, but doing significantly better these days.  I've actually been doing some behind the scenes stuff the last week or two and trying to get my blogging legs back before jumping back into the game.  I'll be doing mostly light work for the first while as I readjust and continue my recovery, so review column and other weekly features might be a bit too much for my plate just yet, but I'll try the odd single issue or maybe trade related review here and there. I've actually got a feature on comic book binding I've been picking away at lined up for the next week or so and a contest for every one going live this Wednesday, so there's something to look forward there.

Anyways, good to be back.  Look forward to talking comics with everyone again!

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Chris said...

Wow I wondered where you had been, I hope you continue to recover and get back to 100% real soon!

btownlegend said...

Glad you are back!

Bill said...

Next time, don't forget the safe word (I kid).

Glad to hear you're doing better.

Naymlap said...

Welcome back Kirk. It's great to see you coming back in some capacity.

Marc said...

I too was wondering where you've been the last few months. Glad you're doing better, and I'll be looking forward to reading your comic-related thoughts again soon!

Klep said...

Glad to have you back.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we all wondered but were afraid to ask. After the devastating news of Spider-girl's cancellation today, this certainly turned my frown upside down. Welcome back home.

ArianPoe said...

welcome back dude.. i love your site.. thank you fro continuing on.. you are my go to source for all things comic book related.. thank you again and keep up the good work

Matthew said...

Welcome back, Kirk.

Air said...

Welcome back Kirk! Hope things continue to be on the up.

Anonymous said...

:D Yay!

Jake said...

Haha spider girl was cancelled? That must be some sort of record for shortest lived title lol

TenaciousLee said...

All the best Kirk.


Matt Duarte said...

Wow, way to ruin a happy situation by bringing up the cancellation of Spider-Girl. As far as I can tell, we'll get the confirmation once the solicits come out.

@Jake: It's not the first series to be canceled so early. I did a post about it last year

Patrick said...

reminded me of that time you went AWOL on us for many months 2 years ago. The site was still going strong this time and no need to apologize for your health issues! Great site and its pretty much the only one i come to for comic reviews and such.

Warwick Johnson said...

Glad to hear that you're doing better and that you're back Kirk.

Anonymous said...

well it's not as if there was any demand for a female version of spider man and her tweeting about her dead dad was ridiculous so I think everyone is pretty meh then sad

Anonymous said...

The thing about spider girl and young allies is there wasnt any need for it nor did nobody want it. nor was it a critical success like thor the first avenger or captain Britain . Young avengers and x 23 fills the marvel teen market quite well

Ivan said...

Welcome back, Kirk. Here's to your full recovery.

Ken said...

Welcome back, Kirk!

Jim said...

Glad to see you back! I am looking forward to reading your new stuff.

HomieGFunk03 said...

Good to have you back but make your health priority number 1!

Anonymous said...

does this mean another monthly crisis?

Russ said...

I hope that you get your "Sea legs" back soon.Glad to hear that your on the mend.

Patrick Hulman said...

glad your back kirk. hope all is well.

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