Monday, March 14, 2011

Comic Book Moments of the Week for 03/09/11

Wow, I am really late with this edition of Moments of the Week. I bet you were all already thinking that you wouldn't get any this week! We have a particularly strong outing by DC this week, as a lot of their titles seemed to have come out. Justice League: Generation Lost, Batman, Inc., not to mention some Marvel titles like Venom and more after the jump. 

Batman and Robin #21

The new villain is called The White Knight. Someone has been watching The Dark Knight too much, I think.

Batman, Inc. #3

It's not often that Batman is not the manliest person in the room, but I think El Gaucho has him beat on this one. I mean, he is riding his motorcycle on some dude's face! That's hardcore.

Birds of Prey #10

Oracle decides to go back underground. Also, note the mention of Cassandra Cain.

Justice League: Generation Lost #21

Fire x Rocket Red? Didn't see that one coming, to be honest.

Suddenly, Blue Beetle gets up like his head hadn't been shot to hell. What the f*ck? Did they really have to drag this out for three issues?

New Avengers #10

Surely Dr. Strange could use that same teleportation spell to get poor Mockingbird to a hospital, right?

PunisherMAX #11

Bullseye and Punisher fight their way into a bunch of power tools. There will be blood.

So, what do you think was it that Frank said to his wife before she died? That he was leaving her?

Superboy #5

Oh no she didn't! Also, as far as I can tell, this Lori girl is always dressed in the same clothes.

Superboy and Kid Flash race around the world.

Titans #33

It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye. Or two.

Ultimate Spider-Man #155

Kitty makes a comeback to the pages of Ult. Spider-Man. Note the dragon t-shirt, which is supposed to be Lockheed.

Tony Stark redesigns the webshooters for Peter. Remember that this is the drunk-version of Tony, so odds are that these are going to implode on Spidey's face.

Venom #1

That's a whole load of guns. Trying to overcompensate for something, Flash?

The new Jack O'Lantern, which has some rather chaotic views on life.

Wonder Woman #608

Coloring error or did Cheetah take of her panties during the somersault? In any way, the result is a big furry naked butt.

This page would be a thousand times better if the comic had included goggly eyes that moved whenever you shook them.

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Klep said...

At least Gail Simone got to mention Cass. I would really like to know why DC is working so hard to keep Cassandra Cain from being involved in anything ever.

On a related note, I would also really like to know why the Batwoman solicits got pulled down again, given that JH Williams is indicating at least the first couple issues are ready to go.

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure King Shark is hanging with the Secret Six nowadays, Not sure why Bart and Superboy are collaring him in the race montage.

Ivan said...

Matt, did you read Batman Inc. #3? If yes, what did you thing of how Argentina and Argentinians were portraied?

Logan said...

I'm not reading Wonder Woman so I'd like to know: why does that guy have Wonder Woman action figures in his pocket?

maskedmanissue1 said...

Possible solutions for Batman should include growing a Tom Selleck-style 'stache, and being a little more Frank Miller, and a little less Morrison.

I must definitely agree that the "shocker" return of Blue Beetle should have been a Moment of the Week two weeks ago.

@Klep: DC has been giving us glimpses of Cassandra here and there (Red Robin, the Return of Bruce Wayne), but they'll probably pull a "Cassandra Cain: The Lost Years" mini in a year or so.

Naymlap said...

Dude, it's not the motorcycle to the face (which is just awesome). That 'stache is more manly than anything about Batman.

Redion said...

In PunisherMax if you look really (really) closely you can tell it's "I want a divorce." Gut punch from Jason Aaron. I'm surprised you didn't post a panel of Bullseye vomiting all over Frank's mouth. It's there in the first moment but still.

Space Jawa said...

I thought Ultimate Spider-Man was suppose to have organic webbing. Or what's the deal with that?

John G said...

Haven't followed DC for a while, but... whenever did Deathstroke get the Loki treatment?!

Matthew said...

Hmm, Tony's gift; web-fluid plus repulsors = impact webbing? :P

Matt Duarte said...

@Ivan: Check later this week, I'll have something else about that.

@Space Jawa: No, last time I checked Ult. Spidey still had the webshooters.

@Redion: That page grossed me out too much. Even I have my limits, haha.

matthew. said...

Why does Peter look like he's 12 in Ultimate Spider-Man? I thought they were in high school, not middle school.

Klep said...

@maskedmanissue1: As far as I'm aware, Cass has only been in a dozen panels or so across all of DC since the end of RIP. If that's what Didio meant when he said that 2010 was going to be a "big year" for Cass, I'd hate to know what he thinks a normal year for her is.

Cass is Bruce's daughter now, and we haven't seen so much as a reunion scene between them. I'd love to believe that DC was going to do something with her, but right now it seems like they're ignoring her as hard as they can in the hopes that her fanbase just gives up.

Peter F DiSilvio said...

The litle man with the dolls in his pocket is Dr. Psycho. We havent seen why he has them yet but, if I had to guess, I would say he remembers the way things are supposed to be and has, in some warped way, been trying to make Diana remember.

Alot of people online have been knocking the current direction of that book but I think Wonder Woman has been enjoyable. I like the alternate time line stuff and I am excited to see how it all turns out.

As far as Titans go I would be more inclined to care about Deathstroke losing his eye if I thought, for even second, that it would last more than a single arc.

Anonymous said...

Deathstroke's got a healing factor. No biggie.

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