Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Reader Question: ComiXology and Marvel Mondays Sales

ComiXology has started a new endeavour where each Monday their main App and separate Marvel App will sell a set of Marvel comics for $0.99 each issue. This inaugural sale gives up The Wonderful Wizard of Oz at a buck an issue ($8 for the whole series) and it's well worth it for the Eisner winning work from Eric Shanower and Skottie Young. I haven't seen it completely confirmed but it seems that if they have put a banner image into play then this might be something to happen again.

This is hot on the heels of DC's Black Friday sale of the entire Blackest Night saga at $0.99 an issue.

Is this enough of a lure to get you to buy an arc from Marvel for just a few bucks? What comics would you like to see on sale in the future through the Marvel Mondays Sale? Should DC get their own day to trade? Let us know in the comments below.

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MisterSmith said...


A few months ago a small company by the name of Introversion Software was in a terrible fix and nearly had to shut down after their most recent release had underperformed. They had a promotional sale on one of their games on Steam (which is something that service does regularly) as a last ditch effort. The promotion was such a success that the company was able to getting enough money to operate for another year.

Now Marvel is far from going into any closure (well, AGAIN at least) but my overall point is that I think that temporary fire sales such as these can only be a good thing. It certainly makes for a good impulse buy, which comics seemingly haven't been able to pull off in quite some time.

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