Friday, December 3, 2010

Moment of the Day - Blows From An Unseen Assailant

(Click here for the full size version. From Incredible Hercules #114 by Greg Pak, Fred Van Lente, and Khoi Pham )

In case it's not completely clear what's going on: Ares thinks that Wonder Man is an idiot, and wants to get rid of him. To do so, he attacks him in the back of his head, proclaiming over his radio/communicator that he will hunt down those responsible and speeds off into the distance.

I remember picking up the first few issues of Incredible Hercules, not completely sure if I was going to stick with the title, until I got to this page. It had me laughing out loud, something not many comics can manage, and to this day it still brings a smile to my face. From then on, I knew that Incredible Hercules would be a special title, and one to watch closely.

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Anonymous said... 1

Also , note the sound effect: "Krok!" As in "this is a crock!"

Ken said... 2

One of the best stand alone pages ever.

You don't even need context for it.

Zdenko said... 3

A great moment from, maybe, the best Marvel Series in last 10 years or so...

Another great moment from this Arc is the one where Herc is hallucinating and he sees his old team The Champions in their old costumes. ''S'alright.'' :D And Ares's ''Hot damn, I'm evil!'' :D

Ryan Schrodt said... 4

I resent any and all Moments of the Day that make Wonder Man look back.

Ivan said... 5

Hm...the way I remember this issue (one of the very few Incredible Herc I read) it's not that Ares wants to get rid of Wonder Man because he thinks he's an idiot, it's that he wants to use lethal force against Herc and Wonder Man speaks against it.

Or it could be both.

Michael said... 6

Like many others, this was the moment when I fell in love with Hercules. It probably helps that I've always thought Wonder Man was a bit of an idiot.

Zdenko said... 7

Ivan's version is right here.

Anonymous said... 8

Nice Posting Keep on update like this

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