Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Top Ten Tuesday – The Best Moustaches of Comics

It seems fitting that with Movember ending we should do a little something for the cause. After the jump, you will find a compilation of the best facial ticklers in comics. All moustache, less commentary, because the cause demands it.

10. Joe Hill

He deserves first mention because he's a real person, he writes Locke & Key for IDW, and he's really doing it for Movember. He's raised a lot of money because he Tweetbombed about it plenty, and he's actually grown one heck of a 'stache. Hit up his page, or just the site, and drop your money now while there's still one day left to go!

9. Alfred Pennyworth

Not the manliest 'stache, but one of the most regal.

8. Thunderbolt Ross

This man is Sam Elliott and vice versa. Bringing the soup strainer back as the addition that is all that is man.

7. Dum Dum Dugan

The fact he has orange hair is enough, but he's so proud he needs to wear it on his face makes it all priceless. It is a pretty rocking cookie duster, you must admit.

6. Lockjaw

I'm calling it, this one counts. Look at that bad boy, like Selleck mated with a dog made of dwarf stars. Golden.

5. Abraham Ford

It's not just the handlebars that make this one but everything else Abraham throws into the mix, the singlet, the hair, the posture. He owns this fuzz lip and you could never argue against it.

4. Chuck Norris

You wouldn't think he would count, but here he is, on the cover of a comic. Will you dare argue his inclusion in the comments?

3. Viltrumite Genes

A whole culture dependent upon the soup strainer. The best idea in this entire comic.

2. Tony Stark

He might have shunned the face caterpillar more recently but there's no doubting Stark rocks the iconic moustache like no one else on the four colour page. The image here shows the 'stache/stubble combo - notoriously difficult to pull off, though the flop sweat is optional.

1. Stan 'The Man' Lee

'Nuff said.


If you want to pay tribute to any better moustaches in the comments please do. And also support a great cause in Movember as they promote men's health issue awareness globally.

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Anonymous said... 1

Abraham Ford? Chuck Norris?? Lockjaw????

Where the f$&* is Floyd Lawton?

Ryan K Lindsay said... 2

I was going to include Floyd...but then I realised I wasn't, sorry, mate.

Ivan said... 3

Who's Abraham Ford?

And how could you miss Bruce Wayne from the beggining of The Dark Knight Returns?

brandon said... 4


Abraham is an epic choice. Kudos. No Governor? haha

Ryan Schrodt said... 5

I definitely think that Sinestro and Floyd Lawton are missing from this list. Lockjaw and Chuck Norris are unexpected choices, but I'd swap those out for sure. I also would put Thunderbolt Ross higher up on the list, as his 'stache has been completely epic for decades longer than Walking Dead or Invincible.

Also, where is J. Jonah Jameson?

Anonymous said... 6

Sinestro would have been the clear choice. Obviously.

Anonymous said... 7

I'm pretty sure that Lockjaw's muzzle is just darker than other parts of his face (like a real bulldog). That ain't a 'stache.

Aaron K said... 8

Doctor Strange! I'll also add a vote for JJJ.

Johnny C said... 9

Aunt May?

Ryan K Lindsay said... 10

@Ivan - oh man, you finally pegged a great one I forgot, old Bruce Wayne and his Selleck madness. DAMN!

I will say JJJ and Doctor Strange came close, but just didn't make it, and Sinestro and Alfred fought it out with the results to be seen above.

As for Aunt May, I say harsh, man, harsh but fair, ha.

Lee Nygma said... 11

What the hell? No Sinestro, no BATROC ZE LEAP-AIR?! *despair*

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