Monday, November 15, 2010

Moment of the Day - We Made You a Warrior, You Made Yourself a Hero

You...humble me.

Seeing as Cassandra Cain made an appearance in Red Robin last week (first time in a long time we've seen her since she quit and gave the costume to Stephanie Brown) and  knowing how people always wonder why so many others love Cassandra Cain as Batgirl, I thought I'd spotlight a favourite moment of mine from Batgirl #67. The man is Bronze Tiger and he helped train Batgirl in the League of Assassins.  I just thought the whole "you made yourself a hero" line summed up what I liked about Batgirl most.  Despite everything that had been done to her and how she grew up, she still becomes a hero. 

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Ivan said...

Bronze Tiger. Man, there's a character I'd like to see more these days. I miss the Suicide Squad.

The Dangster said...

i feel like adam beechen needed to see this page

Ken said...

Cassandra Cain, best new character in comics in the last 10-12 years? Maybe Jaime Reyes is runner up?

The Dangster said...

damien, kate kane, and larfleeze rank with them too

Anonymous said...

If I could have five wishes to change the comic book realm with, I would use one of them to return Cassandra to her rightful place in Gotham. Step aside steph.

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