Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Moment of the Day - NOOOOOO!

From Captain Marvel Vol 4 #4

Seeing as Thanos Imperative wraps up today, I thought we'd go with a cosmic Marvel based Moment of the Day with Drax trying to buy some mint cookies.  Sadly, as is the case whenever I try to buy Girl Guide Cookies, the mint ones are all sold out.  

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Anonymous said...

Pretty sure this moment was included in an earlier MOTW post...but it's still funny. I'd like to see a modern version of this scene with current-day Drax. He'd probably Access: Fist on the poor girl.

Matt Duarte said...

This feature has only been around for a month at most. I don't think we've repeated anything yet, haha.

Kirk Warren said...

@Anon - I may have posted it somewhere else, like a Soapbox, but this is the first for the MotD.

Zdenko said...

Awesome! :D Definitely the best one yet. :)

Ken said...

I'm gonna eat a whole box of cookies after reading Thanos Imperative #6......

Naymlap said...

Fun fact: in the original script for this issue Drax screams, "Yes!"

Soares Chronicles said...

Anyone knows what happened to the girl-sidekick in the first Drax miniseries by Keth Giffen, I remember her in the annihilation storyline, but I cant find anything else with her.

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