Friday, November 12, 2010

Green Lantern Movie Pre-Preview From ET

Entertainment Tonight has an exclusive look at the upcoming Green Lantern movie and released a teaser of their upcoming preview (next Tuesday for reference) in the form of the above commercial. Kilowog looks great. Green Lantern though? I'm not sold on the costume and some of the effects either look bad from resolution of the YouTube video or maybe are just unfinished/lack polish. However, despite some misgivings, I'm still quite impressed with how the movie is coming together. What do you think?

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Minhquan Nguyen said...

I actually liked that effect of the energy fist punching whoever that was. It's about as good as you can make it for a movie version of Green Lantern. I'm sure that as more substantial footage comes out, it'll be easier to make a judgment call either way, but for now, this clip's got me excited.

Dennis N said...

Definitely excited, but the teaser makes it look kind of corny. I also have my doubts about Ryan Reynolds portraying Hal. I always thought of him as more like Wally West, and was thrilled when he was attached to the Flash movie (don't know if he still is). I'm not sure RR can do "fearless" and Hal has never seemed like a funny guy. Then again, Hall has never been much of an interesting guy either.

Is that guy he shows the ring to supposed to be Tom Kalmaku? I don't think it is, but I can't think of Hal having any friends outside of the super world besides Tom and his brother's family. Can anyone clue me in?

And Green Lantern is beloved? I dunno about that. Awesome, respected, cool, impressive? Beloved is probably the last adjective I would choose for Green Lantern, but that's just me.

Jarmir said...

The clip does raise my expectations for the movie, and the special effects must not be fully done, so I dont mind: looks cool though.

I do like how they are branching into other super heroe movies, so it's all good

Ivan said...

The mask looks TERRIBLE. Don't dig Blake Lively as Carol Ferris at all. All the rest is ok.

Anonymous said...

The effect may look like they need polish but they may not end up being perfect because not every movie can look like Avatar. This look good and I like the Ryan is adding some personality to the usually bland Hal Jordon...yep never liked him never will. I'll definitely watch the movie though

Matt Duarte said...

The bit with the Big Green Fist punching people had me laughing.

Anonymous said...

The HD version looks much better and has me hyped for the movie:

Ivan said...

...and the mask manages to look EVEN WORSE in HD.

Ethereal said...

The Green Lantern costume reminds me way too much of the horrible Robin costume.

Kevin Flythe said...

Costume: Looks worse every time I see it.

Ryan Reynolds: Horrible casting job. Maybe Kyle, but definitely not Hal.

Blake Lively as Carol Ferris: Doesn't bother me

Green energy fist effect: I've seen worse

Kilowog: Awesome!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully, they'll fix some of the CGI when the film comes out. The one constructs are the ones I'm worried about the most.

I haven't seen enough of Ryan Reynolds in any sort of media, so I don't know how good (or bad) an actor he is and how good a Hal Jordan he'll play.

Stephen M King said...

i've thought about this. okay so after watching this again i've concluded i can't wait to see this movie and i don't think it will be horrible. BC - 1.) yes there are some parts in this... movie that seem very campy, or even borderline absurd (hal's domino mask), but this is the nature of the green lantern. Green Lantern is, arguably (maybe against the flash), the epitome of the silver age in all it's science fiction and strange ideas. you can't approach every superhero movie with ultra-realism like christopher nolan's batman, or savy futurism like iron man bc Green Lantern is none of those things. he's part of a squandron of science police who patrol the universe, runned by little blue men that have been there since the beginning of time, and their most powerful weapon charges from a cosmic lantern. none of these subjects speak realism, but yet it pulls at what makes the superhero, and the superhero genre, so extradorinary. 2.) I can't expect them to give me a guilt ridden Hal Jordan in the first movie. The first movie is illustrating an immature Hal Jordan, who was leading a normal life till an alien bestowed upon him the greatest weapon in the universe. The forces Hal must face are not corruption, escalation, or even skepticism with technology. He's facing the emotional spectrum of the universe personified in cosmic enitities like Parallax (embodiment of fear). By facing these literal metaphors, Hal is overcoming fear within himself, and from what I have heard he'll come to face anger & greed. Along the way he'll gain hope, compassion, and from (regretably Blake Lively) his closet friend; love. No vengence, no learning to gain responsibility, just a man learning to face his fears in a grand universe 3.) although I was hoping Ryan Reynolds would do the Flash movie, I think he's our closest bet with Hal. And even though I can't stand Blake Lively, I think she'll prove herself to be a great Carol Ferris. 4.) Martin Campbell is directing (he directed casino royale) - like i said earlier, i can't expect this movie to be mind blowing, and to watch a movie of my favorite superhero and to be critical is stupid. i have to enjoy the movie like i would with a superhero i barely care for, and for someone who as been obbessed with this character since 6th grade, i give them credit and i am counting down when this movie comes out.

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