Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sean McKeever on Young Allies's Cancellation

Sean McKeever laments on Twitter over the fate of Young Allies, which was cancelled as of issue six (seven was actually solicited, but will not be published, which is rare for Marvel or DC to do when cancellations come a calling) as there is now more interest in the book now than when it was actually still being published.  

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Maxy Barnard said...

Depressingly he's on the mark. Young Allies got a fair bit of chat from the people buying it, but then suddenly as it's cancelled everyone's been like "oh noes", which more than anything makes me curious about piracy, and moreso about how if the people cared WHY DIDN'T THEY ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO GET IT.

Matt Duarte said...

Another one bites the dust...

(now you have that song stuck in your head too)

Anonymous said...

did you follow young allies?

Kirk Warren said...

@Anonymous - I was following it.

Eric Rupe said...

Flip - Maybe they did but people didn't want to get it anyway? Most Marvel, and DC, readers only care about the comics that are "important" and Young Allies wasn't on any level.

Not to mention the fact that the most known character in the title was probably Firestar so it's not going to draw that many readers based on the characters it had.

So, it's not an "important" title and it has no characters that have a following. No matter how good it was or how much its fans pushed the title, it wasn't going to last.

Plus, there is the fact that anyone who was paying attention would realise that is book was going to be canceled pretty quickly. If SWORD and Dr. Voodoo didn't make it, there is no way this title was going to. That's the only reason why I didn't try out the first issue.

Maxy Barnard said...

@eric you know what, you're right. But that just sucks really, that the comic reading public look at titles that way. But who knows, the attitude may change one day, and people'll try unconventional things. Not that I'll hold my breath or anything.

Anonymous said...

This particular title just didn't catch my interest in a time when I am trying to cut my pull list. I make it a habit to try books based first, on the writers I like and second, on what gets great buzz. I'd rather have get short sweet runs on 8 different titles than 8 volumes of a mediocre title. I feel bad for those that loved and got shorted on Young Allies, I feel your pain.

Logan said...

I was going to pick up Young Allies just because I liked gravity as a character but it seemed to me like it was just another book about teenage heroes and really the market is flooded with those. For a book to gain an audience it needs to stand out in some way that makes it different from Young Avengers, Runaways, Avengers Academy, Teen Titans, and the rest.

Anonymous said...

Huh you got the first issue free on digital .

I hope the artist gets better work though

captain koma said...

buh da duhm duhm duhm
da duhm duhm duhm da duhm
buh da duhm duhm duhm
da duhm duhm duhm da duhm
buh da duhm duhm duhm
da duhm duhm duhm da duhm

Anonymous said...

I like McKeever's work so I bought the first issue. It wasn't bad but it didn't grab me enough to add it to my pull list. For me Firestar and Gravity were the best characters.

Had Young Allies been billed a 4 or 5 issue miniseries I could have tested the market without making a long term commitment to an unproven product. I'm not too sorry to see it disappear but maybe it could be retooled and see a bit of a return in the pages of Spider-Girl.

Retcon Joe

fodigg said...

I liked it a lot, but I agree that it was just another teen superhero book, of which Marvel has too many.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Young Allies came out at the same time as Avengers Academy. I was only going to pick one, so I ended up picking AA because it was familiar.

I don't regret my choice, because AA is an incredibly good book, but I can't be the only one with that kind of mindset.

Anonymous said...

@twobit well yes I guess but not really worth noting lol JK

Anonymous said...

@anon14 - Oh, anon14, you card. ;)

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