Friday, October 29, 2010

Moment of the Day - Dr Doom Steals The Power Cosmic

From Fantastic Four #57

Today's moment is another Dr Doom moment and it ranks up there with staring down the Beyonder in Secret Wars as Doom steals the power cosmic from the Silver Surfer.  Bonus points for stunning Jack Kirby artwork.

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Dennis N said...

Kirby dots!

Anonymous said...

Great pic. Man, Kirby was a genius! Who DOESN'T use Kirby dots today?
Hmmm, this pic leads me to another question. Who is the Dr Doom in the comic book artist world today? Who has commandeered the most storytelling gimmicks from the greats as their own? Such as Kirby dots, speed lines, McFarlane's spaghetti webs, Jim Lee's character poses and the like...

Matt Duarte said...


mugiwara said...

My favorite moment from this story was when Doom crashed on Galactus' barrier like a fly hitting a window.
All that for that!

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