Friday, October 15, 2010

Moment of the Day - The Arrow Mobile

From Green Arrow vol 3 #33

Story on this one is the Arrow-Mobile, a Silver Age relic from Green Arrow's past, shows up on eBay for auction.  Seems a fireman found it in a burning wreckage, saw that it still worked and drove it home.  Put it up on auction all these years later and Green Arrow sees it and gets all nostolgic.  Speedy desides to buy it and gets into a bidding war with the Scavenger.  Then Batman gets in on the bidding.  If you can't make out how much he bid, it's a little out of the other two's price range - $20,000,000.

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Logan said...

That's brilliant! Batman FTW!

Klep said...

Just to put the coda on the story, didn't Bruce buy it for Ollie?

Kirk Warren said...

Yeah, but they didnt know that at the time.

Anonymous said...

An interesting battle would be Bruce Wayne versus Tony Stark (and I did not say Batman versus Iron man if you know what I mean)


Anonymous said...

Holy ebay-preptime powers , Batman!!!!

Anonymous said...

Can anyone make out Bruce's ebay screen name?

TexiKen said...

Bruce is on eBay, he's on detective forums to figure out crimes (with Detective Chimp, Riddler and Babs to boot), no wonder he has such a big family; pretty soon he'll be playing Call of Duty but only using the knife.

Anonymous said...

Haha! Bruce's screen name is "Fledermaus," German for "bat" (flying mouse).

A. Gabriel said...

I like how they put the Batman shadow on the wall in Bruce's panel. As if there would be another guy sitting at a computer in a bat filled cave while wearing tights and a cape.

Anonymous said...

@Anon8 - lol thanks. I figured it'd be some not-too-obvious bat reference.

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