Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Guest Posts For The Weekly Crisis - Want To Be A Gonzo Superstar?

Hello one and all, Ryan L here and I have a proposition for all you amazing readers and budding journalists out there and I think you should give this a look and some serious consideration. Hit the jump to see how you, yes you!, can have your words up on this site and become the writing superstar you always thought you were, or could be. We're holding an open call for some guest post submissions and we need you to submit your best ideas for a post. Now, hit that jump and see how and why.

As many may now know, I've gotten a gig writing reviews for Comic Book Resources and this is going to take up some of my available comic journalism time. Speaking of available time, I am just about to have my first child and my writing time is going to suffer for this. Inversely, my fathering time is about to go through the roof, but that's not this site's concern. I won't be able to dedicate my heart and soul to The Weekly Crisis each and every morning and while this hurts me I want to take the opportunity to get some other people to write in my stead. I want to guide some guest posts onto the screen.

Writing for The Weekly Crisis has been a stack of fun for me and I hope it will continue to be, and it's also been a great showcase for my writing to eventually get me the, paying, gig of writing reviews for CBR. If you're a person who thinks they've got a bit of a gonzo streak in them then you need to heed this call and give up some guest posts to us. It's a great showcase for your writing and we usually get plenty of comments so you can have your work deconstrcuted by the literary internet masses and have fun interacting with new people.

Have a look at our previous Guest Posts and see the fun they all had!

The guest post guidelines are at this link. Have a check through them and then craft your own masterpiece.

You can try any kind of article out on us; we want to see your Trade Waiting reviews, your Top 10 lists, your Hype Machines, your Creator Calling Cards, or even an Op/Ed piece. Maybe have a look back through some of our posts and then get your mind into gear to write your own.

We hope we've whet your appetite to write and we certainly hope to see your articles come in via the email machine very soon. Contact us at

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Ivan said...

Hey Ryan, congrats on your new gig!

Rick Chung said...

Congratulations on both!

Mike Haynes said...

Congrats Ryan!

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