The month of September looks to be a time where additions and variations are to be made. New teams, new rosters, surprises abound and delight as Matt and I go hunting through all of the solicitations for the revelations that cause us multiple titilations. This isn't a future pull list, necessarily, but more just a few newsworthy items that caught our eye and we wanted to discuss with you all. Please feel free to join us in the comments section below.

I didn't pick up Black Widow on debut, I know, wrap my knuckles now. I wanted to , was intrigued to, heard only good press, but I just couldn't add another title. I couldn't, I swear. However, now I find out that one of my favourite writers, Duane Swierczynski is on the title and I have to admit, I've now got room for that extra title. Swierczynski took over the Immortal Iron Fist way back when Brubaker, Fraction and Aja left off and I liked his run, I'll admit it. The art wasn't stellar but Swierczynski's ideas were right up my alley. I have read a fair stack of his novels as well and he appeals to me. He does great hyperkinetic action set firmly in this decade and I love him unashamedly for it. He also writes a mean woman at times, and his deadly agent in Severance Package was apparently based on Black Widow so this seems like a perfect fit to me. It is a shame to lose Liu and Acuna but I'll happily pony up for Swierczynski. I just hope Manuel Garcia is up to the challenge on pencils.
What is this one-shot about, exactly? I know it's a set of short stories in wars and they certainly sound like zany premises but I just don't get why DC is putting this title out. However, do not take this as me complaining. I think this one-shot looks pretty awesome and I will be on the fence about picking it up because of the fantastic names I see attached to it. Ivan Brandon and Nic Klein doing anything will always get my attention. Though, I would have liked to see it be a bigger size. Overall this looks pretty intriguing.
Action Comics #893
Don't get me wrong, this title sounds pretty good with Lex Luthor versus Gorilla Grodd over the Law of the Jungle. I like the sound of a bald V hairy showdown but that isn't why I'm mentioning this title, the real reason is thus; this issue will kick off a brand new back up feature centering on Jimmy Olsen, and it'll be written by up and coming Image star Nick Spencer, as well as being drawn by R.B. Silva. This is great because it seems to me that usually these creator owned writers make a break for it and then Marvel picks them up. This time DC has been smart and they're doing a great introduction for this writer to the DCU, they're putting him on a back up to a well selling title. I like that DC will be getting some of the new flavour coming through and definitely appreciate seeing Spencer getting more work.
Icon Comics Abound
It's a big month for the Marvel Icon imprint as Incognito: Bad Influence and Kick Ass 2 launch #1's. Brubaker and Phillips back in the Incognito universe is sure to not only sell well but be creatively awesome. This duo show little signs of wavering as they bring us Criminal each story, it's not like they hit us with their A game first and are slowly dropping off in quality, I have massive hopes now as I loved Incognito the first time around. And Millar and Romita Jr are back on Kick Ass, and after the movie, so I'll be interested to see how this one sells. I'll also be interested to see how Romita Jr goes also pencilling Bendis' Avengers. Bendis and Maleev have Scarlet continue into her second issue, and at 40 pages for $4 I wouldn't feel so bad about this title. I am intrigued still, yes I am. A Kabuki HC is released and Fraction's Casanova continues to be translated in colour for the Merry Marvel Masses. It's a big month, and pretty big on quality, too.
$3 Comics
The price of comics is rising. Research enough on the internet and you'll find irrefutable proof that the price of our little stories is going from $2.99 up to $3.99, and you'll also find plenty of people that will complain about it all while enabling it with their wallets. Sure, I don't love the concept but I'll buy whatever comic looks good. However, in the interest of showing people that comics aren't completely overpriced and dead I thought I'd put together this list of great comics that still adhere to the old school price.
To show the love the Big Two have for their fans let's look at what they have for $2.99. There's a selection from Marvel; Fantastic Four, Daredevil, Secret Warriors, Invincible Iron Man, Thunderbolts, Black Widow, Deadpool, Amazing Spider-Man (x2), Avengers Academy, Atlas, Hawkeye and Mockingbird, Young Allies, Namor: The First Mutant, New Mutants, and X-Factor. And DC have; Brightest Day, Green Lantern (and Corps), Green Arrow, Birds of Prey, The Flash, Titans, Batman, Batman & Robin, Superman, Booster Gold, Jonah Hex, Power Girl, Secret Six, and Wonder Woman. I think that's pretty good.
Thor #615
I'm looking forward to Thunderbolts. I hope the rationale for them to be involved in the Shadowland event makes sense and that it involves ALL team members. Back during Spider-man: New Ways to Die, I was disappointed when only a handful of the Thunderbolts got involved ("No Penance or Swordsman? What?").
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