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Posted by
Matt Duarte
1:11 PM
Thought Bubbles: Opinion/Editorial, Parodies
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My name is Kirk Warren and I’m a full time comic fan blowing my pay cheques on way too many comics every week.
Back in the early 90's, my mother bought me a Spider-Man comic to shut me up on a trip. I didn’t know it at the time, but that moment changed my life. Since then I've become a full blown comic fan and now purchase well in excess of 20 comics per month plus trades and other comic related goods.
As you can see, I've taken my hobby to the next step with this blog and it's allowed me to connect every single day with thousands of people that share the same passion I have for comics and I wouldn't change that for the world.
Only thing bad about All Star Batman and Robin was Jim Lee's lazy ass on causing delays.
no man All star batman and robin was truely awful. there was nothing new or even interesting about the characters. All miller suceaded in doing is turning batman into a pyscopath. It is good reading only as a throwback to the "dark and gritty" era of the 80s. and I have an answer as to how bad cry for justice was I used it when I was learning to bind because they were the only comics I wasn't afraid to destroy.
Is Storm coming back on the X-Men? What about her marriage to the Black Panther, or did Joe Quesada back-pedaled out of that, too?
Speaking of dumb editorial decisions, whose bright idea was it to have Gwen Stacy have the illegitimate children of Norman Osborn (Sins Past)?
I agree with that Anonymous fellow.
This one really irritated me last week.
Come on, Neal Adams. You're better than this.
Just a few days ago I got the 3rd Ultimate Collection of JMS' Spider-Man which contains Sin Past (which I've yet to read). Looks like I'm going to find out how bad it really is.
@MisterSmith: I'm actually a pretty big fan of JMS tenure on ASM. People complain about the Spider-totem stuff or The Other, but I didn't really mind it that much. That being said, Sins Past is a horrible, horrible story that should have never been published.
As much flack as Sins Past gets, it's not a poorly written story, it just based on a really bad idea.
I... I actually kinda like All Star B&Rtbw. It's almost parody, and so over the top that I just kinda get into it.
Still awesome. I love just about every single one of these (none more so than the original, just because it really is THAT bad)
Much as I hate Sins Past, I have to agree with Eric. It really isn't written poorly, its more what the story did then what the story was.
As for All Star Batman, I like it still. Also I think that "How Bad Is It?" applies more to Millar's Kick Ass then Nemesis. Still can't stand that comic.
If I were to do a "how bad is it?" (which I may, later) it would have to be on Spawn Endgame, such a waste of time that turned out to be.
@Ramon Villalobos - No, he really can't. The art is about par with anything he's put out in the last decade or more. He is almost 70 after all. And he has always been a terrible writer. Read pretty much anything that credits him as writer as example.
Hell, other than the modern Robin costume on Dick Grayson. This could easily read as a continuation of Miller and Lee's All Star Batman.
@Andrenn - The fact that it was written with competent skills doesn't discount the fact the it was incredibly stupid, cliche and completely nonsensical. It was a bad idea, implemented with bad editorial intent. If it had been written by Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, Kurt Busiek or Roy Thomas it would have still been bad.
That shot of Norman Osborn's face is the single creepiest comic panel I've ever seen....thanks for making me relive that again.
@Chris: You are welcome!
I agree with all but Nemesis. I actually like most of Millars work.
Huh? Legion of 3 Worlds is pretty critically acclaimed. I read it myself. It's one of the the most epic stories I have ever read. It's certainly better than Infinite Crisis and Other leigon stories.
Steven, I don't think anyone is saying that Sins Past is a good story.
Also, ASBAR is parody and if you aren't reading it like that then you are reading it wrong.
@Anon #15: I remember the first couple of issues were received well, but the last was almost universally panned, except for people who were just laughing at the absurdity of it all.
Can't forget the following:
@Anon 15 - These are also just for fun parodies and not definitive statements on every book listed (well, there's a few that ARE that bad).
For instance, I'm a big fan of All Star Batman. I hated it at first, but it grew on me. The lemonade and painted yellow room is hilarious to me. It's so over the top it just bottoms out on stupid and comes out the other side as awesome in my eyes. like the ultimate self-parody by Miller.
Now, whether he intends it to be taken in that manner or not is a different story, but I always laugh when reading it. it's just too ridiculous not to.
I also agree that Sins Past is not a badly written story. At least the first half of the story was suspenseful and interesting, and even the Peter/MJ confrontation was good. But damnit...OSBORN man...JMS' idea was to make them Peter's kids, but JoeQ put a stop to that.
There's a lot of ways to use this JPG. Just wait!
Critically acclaimed....Legion of 3 Worlds?!?!?!?!
Ask any Legion of Super-Heroes fan about Legion of 3 Worlds..... You'll get your answer...
Matt we are in total agreement. I loved the Spider Totem stuff...I tolerated The Other.... I could not tell you what comic box I banished Sins Past to.... never to be seen by my eyes again...
How Bad Is It? How Bad IS IT?!?!
Vulcan getting blown up in the new Star Trek bad....
Jason Rusch/Kyle Rayner/Matt Murdock new girlfriend bad....
Wolverine/Hawkman continuity bad....
Image United/Ast. X-Men 34/ASBAR 11 Shipping Schedule bad
Fry becoming his own grandfather in Roswell bad...
200 Deadpool books a month bad....
Weekly Crisis missing a week for maintenance bad...
Are you crazy? Legion of 3 Worlds is amazing!
I agree with Eric Rupe on this one.
Also, JMS did try to use OMD to re-retcon Sins Past out of existence but Jon Q wouldn't let him.
So Yeah...
Legion of 3 Worlds? Legion cameos From 3 Worlds is more like it. We got Kid Flash and Superboy revived in a story that, let's face it, starred Superboy Prime and was drawn in that style of Perez's that hasn't evolved one iota in over twenty years. It was like reading a Teen Titans version of Where's Waldo with all those tiny little figures Perez insists on putting everywhere. I'd love to see the man forced at gun point to draw a Bendis script that features two people talking for twenty-two pages...
The death of Marvin wasn't bad, it was glorious. Unfortunately, Wendy survived.
Image United... How bad is it?
As soon as I read these comic moments, this Red Robin moment came to mind.
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