I’ll allow this story the chance to stand alone seperate from the title, New Avengers, that birthed the idea because it really contained everyone and affected everything.
Skrulls invaded Earth and attempted to take us down by infiltrating each and every super group that they could. It was an enjoyable, if not completely high brow, series that changed the status quo of the Marvel U.
Though I do, far too often, feel like Bendis writes his main titles as mere preludes to the big events. I have no idea what’s really happened in the Avengers books he writes, they just seem to push the latest event forward.
This was one of those stories that had everything about the DCU in it and would have seemed a tad off to include as just another arc in someone else's title. This title I can handle getting it's own mini. It seemed like it was classical, historical, a little more than it could chew but certainly a mouthful to be proud of tackling.
To boil down a comic universe and continuity-chocked history into something so mythical and erudite has to be applauded purely because someone attempted something new with the form. But sometimes you can't win, you deliver the same old story and get called for rehashing and you try something new and suddenly your spitting on the walking and talking childhoods of all and sundry. Poor Grant Morrison, you can't help but feel he's getting some undue backlash at times.
Civil War probably didn’t need to be a stand alone title. Have the events affect other people, but don’t go out of your way to get a comic with a #1 on the title. Things happen in titles that are referenced in other titles and it is allowed. The idea of a Civil War was more than enough, with the specifics of what each character does referenced in their own title.
And add to this the fact there was basically no ending to the miniseries (Cap is tackled by some cops and fire fighters, so everyone quits) and there really wasn't any reason for the miniseries. Just put each storybeat in the character's title.
People always seem to ask for a Doctor Strange on-going title but it then never sells successfully. So this time we have been given a mini and I think that’s a smart way to do it for this character. He works well in other titles and his salad days with Lee and Ditko were superb, but no one really buys him on his own, it would seem.
When you have enough people complaining and calling for a title then eventually you have to give the baby its bottle and see if it feeds. If this doesn't sell well enough then Marvel can at least say they tried.
I actually didn’t mind some of the Dark Reign minis as they gave certain characters a bit of room to breathe that they otherwise would not have gotten. Elektra and Zodiac will rarely/never get their own title.
However, I wish that minis like the Fantastic Four and Hawkeye (Bullseye version) were contained within their own titles. It might take a bit longer to work the entire story through as a subplot or actual story but is that a bad thing?
I’m talking old school Eddie Brock tales after he turned good. He wasn’t going to get his own title but he must have had at least a dozen consecutive minis that I loved.
He was no longer a Spider-family character, at least not enough to be in the Spidey book as a peripheral character, so he branched out. All the way to San Francisco, where all good heroes go to prove their mettle at one stage or another.
I just don't understand why they didn't morph this into an on-going at some stage, the same writer kept pumping out the stories so it seems like it should have been simple enough to just let him runs his numbers in sequence and maybe even try some longer form stories.
Ed Brubaker is doing one hell of a run on Captain America. He’s written over 50 consecutive issues that address a massive story. He killed Cap and put Bucky behind the shield. A very well done and respected run which is why I don’t understand why the main title had to stop so that the return of Steve Rogers could be brought to us in a stand alone mini, Reborn.
Sure, sales for Reborn went through the roof, so I guess it holds merit and I’m just an idiot, but it felt impure. Like eating a big bowl of ice cream but then having to go next door to get the chocolate topping. They also managed to print out a one-shot to cover the aftermath of the rebirthing of Captain Rogers, Who Will Wield The Shield, which could have been the issue to restart the ongoing, but even that had to be an one-shot for no apparent reason.

This, to me, and I know I'm completely on the outside, feels like a Green Lantern story. Sure, it is massive and can probably justify line-wide status on scope, but that's what I want from my regular titles, a gigantic storyline that hits for the bleachers, just like Sinestro Corps War was.
I see no need, even if other characters are included, for this storyline to be touted as line-wide when it's really just a big Lantern tale. Keep it in the Lantern, or multiple Lanterns, titles. Pull in other characters or have tie-ins, sure, but still sell it for what it is, a Green Lantern story.
It's like saying Spider-Woman is a line-wide title because Agent Brand, Spider-Man, and the Thunderbolts appeared, that's just not how it works.
Jason Aaron took over the reigns of Ghost Rider at issue #20 from Daniel Way. Aaron then went on to craft a fun and fantastic run for ol’ flamehead that grabbed critics and readers. It was Grindhouse, it was sensational, it was legendary. And it has now ended, any guesses on how they did it?
Batman: Battle For The Cowl
I was actually reading Batman up until the end of R.I.P. And it was good which made me even more confused when the main title decided to do a two-part funeral retrospective, or whatever that was, and a mini was introduced to actually continue the story that was going on.
I didn't see any reason why they couldn't both happen within the one title that people would be reading to continue both veins of narrative. I'd have made Batman $3.99 with Battle For The Cowl headlining each issue and Gaiman's nostalgic whatever as a back up. It would have sold better and made things a lot more cohesive.
I don't want to have to round up a bunch of titles to get my plot, I want it in the one place I started, though I understand this may make me an abhorrence not a constant.
Frank Miller wrote Born Again within the main Daredevil title. A great story of the fall and rise of Matthew Murdock, it sells excellently well in trades, but wasn’t packaged as a stand alone story because it didn’t need to be. It worked within the main title and could be followed on from.
This is exactly how creators should be treating their characters, not as plot farms to weave the next big event from but rather just a character that they want to write and have something to say with. Not everything has to affect all, sometimes a story is just what it is and crossovers aren't necessary, even if the Avengers do come in at the end.
You almost get the feeling this should have been a mini of its own. Instead, Frank Miller got it in the main Batman title and as such this story is much more seriously treated as canon, which I think is a good thing.
You should write your story with the idea that it will count, so why not put it in the main title. If more creators were doing this now, a nice stand alone arc that didn't need to build on so much, then you'd find more buyers finding accessible jumping on points for titles instead of having to wait for the next retcon/renumbering moment.
The storyline of Hulk becoming a gladiator on another planet became a wide-spread darling of critics and buyers and put Hulk back on the map of interesting characters from the Marvel U.
Pretty cool considering it mainly came about because Quesada thought the idea of a gladiator Hulk was was a wicked idea and then Grek Pak went off and found a way to make that happen.
The sad dénouement to this tale is that the follow up, World War Hulk, became its own mini series.
Mark Millar made an interesting story. I would never call it great, but it was fluffy and enjoyable. However, being a piece of speculative fiction, hell, almost fan fiction, I’d say this should have been a self-contained mini instead of in the main title. Especially with its scheduling issues.
This is one time I’d allow something to break off. It's not quite canon, and I don't care if Millar thinks he can pull a Miller and make stories canon just through pure force of will and grit. Millar, though the name is close, is no Miller and he needs to know his limitations. This story won't ever be considered canon and should not have held up the Wolverine title for even a day.
Ryan, aside from the financial motivations you've discussed, I think there are legitimate reasons for moving a storyline from the main book into minis. Simply, it announces the story's importance to non-readers of the main book. I was not reading Captain America. (Yes, I know. Shame on me.) Announcing a title like Cap: Reborn signals to me that big things are happening - and the title actually told me precisely what that was too. This is acceptable because knowledge and interest are spread about and it also explains future events that may touch other titles. If you don't read Captain America and he's suddenly in New Avengers, Siege, Thunderbolts, and every other comic known to man, you might be confused if Reborn hadn't been advertised so strongly.
If one is going to radically alter a character, it may be beneficial to put that in a mini and draw others' attention to it so that they are not then confused when this "new" character shows up in other books. Is this _necessary_? No, but I do think greater visibility aids the problem.
Consider: One More Day was, to my knowledge, contained entirely in ASM. If I pick up an issue of Daredevil and suddenly Murdock has no clue that Spider-Man was Peter Parker, I'm confused if I don't read ASM. If OMD had been a mini, I would've likely heard about the major change that it represented. (OMD also ably demonstrates the countervailing point that storylines in the main book can achieve great publicity, though I think the huge negative publicity of OMD is likely something to be avoided.)
Is this an entirely convincing counterargument? No, I don't think so, but it IS a worthy consideration apart from money.
Lastly, I'm surprised you think Civil War could have been done without a supporting mini. Where do you think Cap would have fought Iron Man? Where does the death of Goliath go? And how would readers know which books are going to contain these bigger moments without just buying everything? I think that's the benefit of a mini: it signals importance to NON-readers. They're like greatest hits albums for those who don't want to buy an artist's whole discography to find the big hits.
Epic post my brutha from down under.
Many of your examples I've read.
I'm not a fan of mini series and, yet, I seem to buy a lot of them.
I am more likely to sample a storyline if its in a mini series as opposed to an announced arc in a series.
However, if the character/title is something I have an interest in and am looking for a jump on point then the announced arc (like Planet Hulk or Messiah Complex) gets me hooked in.
Typically a mini series will never make cross over to the main character title.
Two examples - I heard about Planet Hulk and ended up staying with the title for three+ years. I read RIP and ended up staying with Morrison's Batman titles still to this day.
The flip side - I loved the Rogues Revenge Final Crisis but have no desire to read Flash Reborn or the relaunch. The mini is cool and I see no need to continue. I was following Captain America - I have all of Bru's run. I saw the mini series as the perfect jump-OFF point.
Generally speaking for me, minis won't get me into the regular title. But I do seem to buy a few.
I understand the argument from the previous commenter about a separate mini bringing attention to a book when they might not have already, but I agree more with the initial post.
Nothing says Captain America: Reborn couldn't have been issues #601-606 (or whichever) of the main title. Same with that "Heaven's on Fire" book, which, I haven't seen sales figures but I'd imagine they were the same if not lower than the original series.
I also wonder about a lot of these spin-off miniseries vs. things actually happening in the main book. A character like Wolverine, for example, grew into something great as part of the Uncanny X-Men. Now, we've since seen he can sustain his own series, but now, when, say, Cyclops has an "interesting story to tell," it would happen in a miniseries instead of the core X-Men book. I'm probably babbling. :)
I also wonder about these "Amazing Spider-Man Presents"-themed miniseries that have come out lately. Why not put those within the core title and then get ahead on deadlines? I suspect it could be because (often times) the miniseries aren't nearly as good as the core title, in which case, why not strive to do something that's the best in the first place, that can stand up with the main book? Why wasn't - as an example - New Avengers: Reunion part of the core New Avengers book for four months?
You didn't touch upon this either but another issue I am having is with situations like Deadpool, where there are weeks we get 4 Deadpool books and then nothing. Again, why not consolidate it into a more frequently published series and switch creative teams between arcs? There's no way they'd release 2 or 3 issues of the same series in the same week... would they? This glutting of the same material in the same week is another reason people drop books, especially on the low selling titles. Why ship Ghost Rider, Danny Ketch, and a Ghost Rider Annual all in the same week, for example.
(Exception to the previous paragraph of my own: I love the concept of Deadpool Team-Up, just like I like the idea of a Marvel Team-Up to introduce readers to lesser-known characters through a popular one. Although oddly enough the core Deadpool book has given us better actual team-ups than the Team-Up book. And enough with this "issue #900" business... it was slightly funny the first time, it's getting old by now)
All in all, fantastic column. I really enjoyed reading this.
I also agree with you on Old Man Logan, by the way, especially since it was (seemingly) out of continuity. And then there are some concepts like Frankencastle that I WISH were separate from the core title.
@Aaron - In some cases, like the Cap Reborn one, the new miniseries turns off old readers. It's written completely different from the main series and acts as a catch-up book written in broadstrokes with lots of recaps for new readers.
Arguably, I'd probably still dislike the story as it was told if it had been in Captain America proper, but I'd likely still be reading the book if it was 'just one bad arc'.
Now, with the long downtime and hiatus of the ongoing, I saw no reason to return to it and promptly gave up on Cap after dropping Reborn half way through in disgust.
To me, something like Secret Invasion would have been a great Sinestro Corps War for New andMighty Avengers. Add a couple of random tie-ins or miniseries and youd have a self-contained event for the Avengers books. Siege is the same thing. There's no point to these ridiculous flashback stories that add nothing to the current story. Complete fluff pieces. Siege should be in New Avengers or Dark Avengers, no questions asked.
Sinestro Corps War vs Blackest Night is a perfect example of the differences in how a story reads and plays out when forced to be an event book. Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corps are carrying blackest Night on their backs. The entire story is told in those two issues, but all major reveals have to be excised out of the books and put in Blackest Night for shocking cliffhangers and splashpages. They are never followed up on in those issues (Martian Manhunter fight? In GL. BL JLA? Tie-ins. Superman, WW, etc turned into BLs? Undone before next issue in tie-ins. Nekron? Barely mentioned in the main book, etc, etc.) and the main event book, while entertaining, is merely a broadscope, light on content issue. The meat is not in the event.
SCW in comparison told two interconnected stories that weaved in and out through GL and GLC, much like how both are handled in Blackest Nigth. The difference is that none of the major moments are held back in the singles of that story and it's a cohesive story.
To me, forcing the two to be "tie-ins" hurts the story.
Many of the examples Ryan makes are also spot on. Batman: Year One likely wouldnt hold as much weight if it was a miniseries. Much easier to forget or wave off as out of continuity that way. Battle for the Cowl felt completely extraneous and proved to be exactly right after the fact. Ghost Riders should be in the ongoing, though I admit I ended up reading it due to it becoming a miniseries and possibly being a little easier to get into without having to buy a dozen trades.
It's a tight rope to walk in figuring which story needs an event. At this point, it seems every major story has to be an event just to have an event.
I think I would prefer an overall abolishment of the continuous, numbered series. This is a point I saw Matt Fraction discuss in the archives of his columns with Joe Casey. Since our normal serial series seem incapable of providing consistently engaging ends to their stories just switch most titles to a series of minis. Criminal is an excellent example of this. There is continuation, etc. from previous stories, but the arcs now have their own separate numberings with excellent beginnings, middles, and ends. They're pretty self-contained and easy to jump on with any arc, just like I did with "Sinners". And we have the joy of a few months off here and there between stories to catch a breath.
Completely agree with you that Blackest Night should have been kept in Green Lantern. Just double ship the book for 8 months. Then they could have collected it and GLC like the Sinestro Corps War. But that means they wouldn't be able to milk us for 3 different collections to get the main story.
Been enjoying your gonzo pieces though. Keep up the nice work man.
Hey, someone who liked the Venom mini's of the 90's! I loved a lot of them, mostly Lethal Protector and Nights of vengeance.
Great post, a really interesting look at the 2 formats. I'd say I think many of these stories would have worked as mini's like Old Man Logan which got a bogus 5 dollar rip off finale so they could continue Wolverine, which was stupid. Also things like Cap Reborn and Heavens on Fire only exist to try and bring up sales for the characters which is dumb.
Oh, this is excellent, just the sort of discussion i wanted to open up. Ultimately, I don't think there's any real answer, it'll work for some and noth for others. But we, as fanboys, must certainly have our opinion.
Daredevil is about to be in an event type book, we think, called Shadowland, we think, and I think that's awesome. I'll buy it and not complain, unless it really sucks, but could the story just be in the DD main, maybe, but if it opens up DD to a new audience then I'm all for it.
I just find most event books a rip for the $4 price tag when it doesn't always involve everyone. Unless it's a Crisis or a Secret Wars then it feels like it could be on one, or maybe two or three, titles and have a happy home. It's maybe not the most money-hungry result but there has to be some artistic integrity involved. I like that the readers of the ongoing title are getting the absolute best work from their creator, not filler to keep up with the event. I want that level of respect from my creators and that's what it comes down to for me. We buy the comic month in and out so give us the top story that we deserve.
I'm now of a mindset, to support this cause, that I'll jump on a title I like numbering be damned. It doesn't really matter if the first issue I own is #572, we need to break that mind set.
I do love the Criminal method, mini that all join, and the Hellboy U works that way too, i think. It's pretty cool and get's that collector mindset out, mostly.
@Andrenn - I have nearly every Venom mini from the 90's, I loved Funeral Pyre and of course loved the ever growing hair of Eddie Brock, haha.
Keep up the dense comments guys, this is awesome.
Sinestro Corps War and Blackest Night really are the perfect example, after reading the former in trades I really wanted to read BN but then it just looked like it was getting bigger and bigger and too bloated to try and follow, so I didn't.
On the other hand, Marvel Cosmic's recent (and future) events: the War of Kings mini made sense because it focused on the Shi'ar vs Inhumans/Kree war and those characters while GotG and Nova had their own to deal with. The Thanos Imperative is going to be its own mini which also works as all the cosmic characters will be joining together and the two current ongoings are too different for a crossover.
@RoadRunner88 - the Marvel cosmic events are a good example of miniseries done right. The first Annihilation was required as there literally were no books for it other than the miniseries leading into it (and I guess the illfated Thanos ongoing that ended prior to it). It proved popular, so they gave Nova, the star of Annihilation, an ongoing
When Conquest came around, Nova was involved, but it wasn't his story. It was Starlord's team and Quasar's. It wasn't some broad ranging, macro view of the story taking place in Nova. It was their event and Nova's title only added to it. They eventually launched out of that with an ongoing for Guardians of the Galaxy.
Finally, the last event, War of Kings, was again neither Guardians nor Nova's event or story. It was an Inhumans and Shi'ar story. The Guardiansa nd Nova appear and factor in, but their stories only enriched the main event and are not required in the least to understand nor are they where the beefier parts of the story take place as is the case with GL and GLC in Blackest Night.
It's really a very nice way of doing an event and probably why I like those event formats as much as I do.
If Nova had been ongoing at the time of Annihilation and his fight with Annihilus consisted of the money shot in Annihilation and the rest of the fight in Nova's book, I'd probably be just as frustrated with that event as I am with how Blackest Night and other recent events have handled their stories (put money shot in event, actual story in tie-ins).
There's a lot to do with slapping a #1 on the cover, I think. That sticks out like a sore thumb.
I think now we're at the point though where a new #1 is also a good "jumping-off" point.
I feel that way about a lot of the recent relaunches and such, too. It's a lot easier to cancel a book at #5 than it is at #120. (See Exiles as a perfect example) Sure the #1 can occasionally be a good temporary fix but then what to do when sales #'s fall back down?
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