Ryan Lindsay, Ryan Schrodt and I take a crack at our
Covers of the Week again this week. I went with a very well done
Spider-Man: The Clone Saga cover while Ryan L. went with a stunning
Vikings cover. Mr Schrodt went with the always beautiful
Madame Xanadu cover. Hit the jump to see these covers for yourself and find out why each was chosen.
Kirk's Cover of the Week - Spider-Man: The Clone Saga #6 - Cover by ChrisCross
Kirk: Even ignoring my abnormal affinity for the C
lone Saga, I just loved everything about this cover. The colours provide an excellent contrast, there's some dynamic posing to
Spidey and the
Scarlet Spider and the promise of a fight between the two along with the chaos of the civilians shown on screen all adding up to a cover screaming to take a look inside the issue.
Ryan L's Cover of the Week - Viking #5 - Cover by Nic Klein
Ryan L.: It's a simple cover, and yet so emotionally effective. A perfect ending note for the finishing issue of the first season of this title. It's been plagued by delays, but to get
Nic Klein's gorgeous art has been worth the wait every time. The amazing thing is that the interiors look just as good.
Ryan Schrodt's Cover of the Week - Madame Xanadu #20 - Cover by Amy Reeder Hadley
Ryan S.: This really wasn't the strongest week for covers, but Amy Reeder Hadley won me over with this very simple, but striking cover. This one stands out and sticks with you.
Runners-Up: Realm of Kings: Inhumans #4, The Marvels Project #6 & Donald Duck and Friends #351
Hm, I gotta say, I'm not crazy about calling story arcs "seasons".
I'm with you Ivan . . . and I agree with you guys - some great looking covers.
I don't particularly agree with calling an arc a season...but I have no idea why they're doing it here.
I know Brubaker set Sleeper into two seasons, but that was because it got canned and then brought back.
Also, with that Viking cover, man it looks even better in your hand. I hope a few people checked it out.
That Donald Duck cover is great.
I find Viking confusing to read and the interior art unclear in terms of character depiction and general storytelling.
Todd Nauck didn't do the cover to Spider-man Clone Saga 6. It was done by ChrisCross. Nauck just did the interiors (though, they're great like all his work is so he totally deserves recognition for them).
"Arc" doesn't sound as definite as a "season" when it comes to comics. From what I've seen, season does a better job of making something seem more stand alone than arc, which tends to denote a smaller story that takes place during a larger, ongoing narrative. For example, a story arc from Batman brings to mind something different than a season of Sleeper.
@CM22 - My bad. I went by Marvel's catalogue listings and it usually lists cover artists. Only had Todd Nauck as the artist, so just assumed it was his. Ill update it with correct info.
Personally I loved the homage cover for Green Arrow 30. Made me laugh.
@Anonymous - It was a great cover idea that really cracked me up, but I strongly dislike Greg Horn's art. It's so stiff and overly rendered. Plus, if you look at Hal's arms, they are weirdly out of proportion with the rest of his body. It would've been an awesome cover with a different artist.
I loved that Spidey cover as well, it's incredibly dynamic.
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