Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Crisis on Infinite Arts - Stuart Immonen's Nextwave Double Spreads
This installment of Crisis on Infinite Arts is a bit different from our usual fare, normally we have one big image up there and when you hit the jump, there's some other notable works by the artist. Because I wanted to spotlight six different double spread pages, I wanted you readers to be able to see all of them in their glory, and decide which one was your favorite.
Why six double page spreads? Because NEXTWAVESTUARTIMMONEWARRENELLISEXPLOSIONS, that's why! *ahem* Sorry.
Stuart Immonen ( Home Page | Flickr ) is one of my favorite artists, with a career as long as your arm, both writing and illustrating comics, working in the pages of Superman: Secret Identity, Action Comics, Legion of Super-Heroes, Final Night, and more. Most recently you might have seen his art in the pages of books like Ultimate Spider-Man taking over the book after Mark Bagley left, filling in for Bryan Hitch in Fantastic Four, and is the current artist of New Avengers.
Back in 2006, he collaborated with Warren Ellis in a nice little series called Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E. which was about five D-List superheroes battling a terrorist cell that that wanted to test out Unusual Weapons of Mass Destruction on American cities while pretending to be a lovable corporation. In issue 11, our heroes infiltrate the terrorists' stronghold and must face a series of increasingly more dangerous and ridiculous challenges, portrayed in the six double page spreads I mentioned above. Hit the jump to see it in all it's glory.
Nextwave versus giant golems, communist purple gorillas, red killer robots and subterranean monsters.
Nextwave versus several clones of Stephen Hawking using deadly gladiator-style flying wheelchairs and eye lasers.
Nextwave versus an army of E.L.V.I.S.M.O.D.O.K.s that shoot hamburgers, inappropriately dressed ninjas, Iron Babies, Shaolin warriors, and blue buccaneers.
Nextwave versus a pair of Brontho-Cylops, Siamese Samurais, and weird little aliens wearing taxi driver hats.
Nextwave versus a group of WolverApes, including a giant one that is carrying a Banana-Bomb, and Snakes on Bi-Planes.
Nextwave versus a giant Chimp Sentinel, flying white saber-tooth tigers, killer haunted trees and even more weird aliens.
Posted by
Matt Duarte
3:58 PM
Thought Bubbles: Crisis on Infinite Arts, Stuart Immonen
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The Wolverine-monkeys/snake-planes spread is clearly the greatest page in the history of comics.
I don't know, I would have to say Elvis MODOK's (shooting hamburgers!) is even greater.
Well worth clicking all of those to get the larger versions. I'm going with the army of E.L.V.I.S.M.O.D.O.K.s that shoot hamburgers, the inappropriately dressed ninjas, Iron babies, Shaolin warriors, and Blue Buccanneers. It just feels like I'm getting the most bang for my buck on that one, but it may simply be a personal choice.
Thanks for sharing these.
There is a higher insanity per square inch level in that page, but I also have to admit that the BrothoCyclops hold a special place in my heart.
This book was the best super-hero title being published by ANY company at the time (and even now). Every time I look at these spreads (and every time I reread the whole series) I catch something new that I didn't see before. I wish it did well enough to pay Immonen's contract dues. I still miss it.
I really, Really, REALLY need to get around to ordering the Nextwave Vol. 2 TPB one of these days...
@Space Jawa: You totally do. Another one of these days, I should post the brand new cheesy super hero teams that pop-out of the upside-down castle.
I´m reading what you all wrote here, and I´m wondering, because me an my Comicbook reading friends had this discussion a few times in the past years.
This was a great and funny read, Stuart Immonen`s artwork was absolutely stunning and Warren Ellis Script was just amazing.
So don´t get me wrong, because me and all of my friends, eight to be precise, have the same opinion about it, and the question we ask ourselves from time to time again is simply this: "Why was it cancelled with #12, and why did it not work for the vast majority of comic book readers out there?"
And no matter how often we talk about it, we are still as far away from an answer, as we were when we found out about the cancellation.
So maybe you can help, why do you think this series did only work for a few people and not for the masses???
THK - Aside from the fact that it doesn't star Batman or Spider-Man, it's a superhero parody, and it can be mean at times. From what I've seen, superhero fans, as a group, are very thin skinned and don't really react well to or like that kind of stuff. I mean, just see the whole Marvel/Blackest Night thing. You'd think Marvel literally stole and then burned some of those peoples copies of Blackest Night.
@ Matt: You know what? I've still got an Amazon Gift Card left over for Christmas. So why do I have to make it "one of these days"? I DON'T! I can purchase it right frikken now!
*Time passes*
There - I. Just. Did!
It'll go nicely next to Vol 1, right in between X-Men Noir and my Atomic Robo Volumes. Plus I still have money left over to help me by the next Atomic Robo when the finally release it should my Comic shop not be able to get a copy of it.
Also, I look forward to seeing what cheesy superhero teams you refer to. (And hope that one day, I'll be able to write one or two of them that'll fit right in...)
Lord, how I love Nextwave! It even has its own theme song.
By the way those red robots in the first picture are actually from an early Spiderman. The Robot is at Peter's school and they ask it to work out who Spiderman is.
@Randallw, that's what I love about these spreads, is that most if not all of these characters are old kooky ideas that Marvel published at one time or the other.
Nextwave is ridiculously awesome. Can't wait for the Ultimate Collection TPB coming out in March.
The fact that Mark Millar did not, in fact, lick a goat in Nextwave is a crime against humanity.
E.L.V.I.S.M.O.D.O.K. for me too, although how is snakes flying bi-planes not its own comic by now??
When people ask why I love comics, I can smile and think of these images.
I believe the weird little aliens on the 4th page are actually chimney-sweeps, not taxi drivers.
NEXTWAVE was cancelled due to the fact that it didn't sell well enough to support what Marvel was paying Stuart Immonen through his contract. From what I've heard, Ellis could have continued it with a non-contract artist but chose not to do it without Immonen (which makes sense because Ellis and Immonen made one of those perfect teams in comics....along the lines of Morrison/Quitely...and I would love to see them do anything just to have them working together again).
No question, Elvis MODOK wins this debate. I can't believe this post came out the same day I did a post on Nextwave! http://paneloftheweek.com/nextwave-agents-of-hate/.
That's kinda freaky. Either way two page spreads trump my scans.
Damn, I miss that book. And Dirk Anger.
The weirdest legacy of Nextwave? Aaron "Machine Man" Stack is cooler after that than he ever was. Who could've known?
Just because I haven't seen anyone else mention it: be sure you don't miss the captions in under the Nextwave logos on those spreads. Just in case these pages weren't packed densely enough with humor.
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