Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Santron Christmas Wishlist Contest

Ho-ho-ho!  Merry Christmas, fleshbags! Santron's been busy killing checking his naughty list and forgot to pack the nice list when leaving the North Pole.  Also, Santron seems to have sustained damage to his internal memory core while killing delivering coal to those on the naughty list and can't recall the list on his own.

As it would take too long to make the trip back to the shop to get the list of names, I want all of you people on my nice list to leave your wish lists of comic book trade paperbacks in the comments below with your name and email address and, once it's confirmed you aren't an Avenger or other naughty person, I'll be able to deliver my present to you this year!

However, there's only room on my damaged internal memory core for a handful of nice people, so some of you may end up like the Avengers on the naughty list.  Hit the jump for full details and to find out how to be on Santron's nice list!

Contest Rules & Regulations

Don't be naughty!

  • To enter, simply leave your name, email address and a wish list of 2-3 trade paperbacks or hardcovers (maximum value of $25 per book) you'd like to receive from Santron.
  • Three (3) winners will be chosen at random from the comments below.  
  • Winners will receive one (1) trade randomly chosen from their list.  We ask for a few due to the possibility of a title being out of stock due to the holidays and to prove you have actually read the rules and regulations before entering.
  • One entry per person.  No exceptions. IP Addresses will be checked and multiple entries will result in disqualification from this contest and any future contests.
  • Contest open to residents of Canada, US, Europe & Australia.  Canada & US residents can check for availability of trades.  Everyone else can check The Book Depository.
  • Contest runs from December 23rd to December 30th.  Winners will receive emails requesting their contact and mailing information.  Winners will have one (1) week to respond to this email and prizes will be mailed out as soon as their mailing information is received. 

Thanks for entering and Merry Christmas to all....EXCEPT THE AVENGERS.  THE AVENGERS MUST DIE!

Contest has ended. Winners have been contacted and will be announced shortly. Thanks to all who entered and a have happy holiday!

Related Posts


El Sr. Lado Brillante said...

What about México? :(

Brandon Whaley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Quitney said...

Mathew Quitney

Summer Blonde
Unknown vol.1
MAgneto: Testament

Andrenn said...

Oh wow, this was unexpected and awesome!


Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader HC
Thor: Ages of Thunder
Batman: Private Casebook

Qwant said...

What if my country isn't mentioned in The Book Depository free shipping list although it is in Europe?

Lee Nygma said...

Ooh, I waaaant:

I Kill Giants
Secret Warriors v.1

Brandon Whaley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GServo said...
The Complete Dracula
Little Nemo in the Palace of Ice and Further Adventures
Batman: Black & White, Vol. 2

Kirk Warren said...

@Qwant - As long as they ship to the country in question (I assumed they covered all of Europe), feel free to enter. Doesn't have to qualify for the free shipping.

Brandon Whaley said...

Heck, I'll jump on this. Um, let's see...perhaps...

Annihilation Conquest Book 1
Atomic Robo Volume 3
Elephantmen Volume 2 (it comes out on Dec 29th, so I'll take the chance haha)

primewax at gmail dot com

Thanks for the contest, guys!

Anonymous said...

Hi guys,

here's my wish list:

- War of Kings HC
- Secret Warriors 1: Nick Fury, Agent of Nothing
- X-Factor: Life and Death Matters TPB

My name's Michael Wolfsteiner; mail adress

Merry Christmas wishes coming from Germany!

Keep up the great work you're doing

Anonymous said...

Chris Pitts

Usagi Yojimbo: Yokai
Beta Ray Bill: Godhunter
The Inhumans

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Hell Yeah!

Mike Hintze

League of Extraordinary Gentleman Vol. 2
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Century 1910

Merry Christmas!

Qwant said...

As it turned out free shipping list = shipping list. I wish someday Russia would be part of Europe indeed.

Matt said...

Matt Brossard
fuzzbelly (at)

100 Bullets vol7 or later
Green Lantern: Secret Origin

Merry Christmas from Canada :)

brandon said...

Merry Christmas!

geekgoggles AT gmail DOT com
brandon b

3 trades:

Atomic Robo Volume 1
Gravel Volume 1 Bloody Liars
Parker The Hunter

All stuff I've never read.

Shane said...

Shane Maga
chickenloosiepoop (at)

Unknown Soilder Vol. 1
Pluto Vol. 1
Yotsuba&! Vol. 1

Merry Christmas and keep up all the good work

Anonymous said...

Great Idea!

Jeremy U

X-Men: The Dark Phoenix Saga TPB
Thor: Ages of Thunder TPB
X-Men: The Complete Age of Apocolypse, Book 1

Thanks, and Merry Christmas

RobosAGoGo said...

Santron! I wish he could be a recurring character rather than a one-off character.


Ben S.

Saga of the Swamp Thing, Book 1
Parker: The Hunter
Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow

Ramon Villalobos said...

Wow, that is very cool of you guys.

Ramon Villalobos

Asterios Polyp
Batman: RIP

Happy Holidays, you guys.

PMMJ said...

Paul Jacobus
paul at otd dot com

Criminal, volume 1
Spider-Man Noir
Booster Gold: 52 Pickup

Michael Pierce said...

Michael Pierce
mikee385 AT gmail DOT com

Wow, so many to choose from...

Mouse Guard: Fall 1152
Queen & Country: The Definitive Edition, Vol. 1
The Sandman, Vol. 1: Preludes and Nocturnes

Cody said...

Cody Dolan
cedolan (at) yahoo (dot) com

Tales Designed to Thrizzle: Volume 1
Hellboy, Vol. 8: Darkness Calls

This is a great contest; thanks for putting it on!

Merry Christmas!

Warwick Johnson said...

This is the Coolest idea!

Warwick Johnson
warwicksjohnson [At] gmail [Dot] com

Scalped Vol. 1- Indian Country
All-Star Superman Vol. 1
Criminal Vol. 1

Anonymous said...

Aryeh Harris-Shapiro

Planetary Vol 1: All Over the World and Other Stories

Elephantmen Volume 1: Wounded Animals

Fell Vol. 1: Feral City

Mitchell F. said...

Mitchell Frizzell


Transformers: Spotlight 1
Ultimates 3 TPB
Atomic Robo TPB 1

Thanks and have a merry christmas.

Chris said...


Chris Macpherson

Marvel Masterpieces: Amazing Spider-man vol.3
Iron Man: Demon in a Bottle
Batman: Year One

Zdenko said...

Zdenko Voloder

Incredible Hercules: Against the World
The Amazing Spider-Man: Essential Vol.2
Superman: Whatever happened to the Man of Tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

Heh, Gravity may be nice...

Michael Stangeland
stangm (at) hotmail (dot) com.

Nextwave: Agents Of H.A.T.E. Volume 2 - I Kick Your Face TPB
Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War, Vol. 1 TPB
The Ultimates Vol. 1: Super-Human TPB

Anonymous said...

Chad Biggar

I Kill Giants
The Umbrella Academy V1

Ethereal said...

Justin Miousse

Justin DOT Miousse AT

Kingdom Come TPB
Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? TPB
Final Crisis TPB

Evan said...

Evan Fedeli
ef2031a (at)
Trinity Vol 1
Asterios Polyp

Hilarious premise! Happy Holidays!

Arctis J. said...

Daniel Schirmer

Outsiders Vol.5
Marvel Boy

Ryan K Lindsay said...

Guys, this is why you rock.
Name: Ryan Lindsay
Trades I'd love from Santron:
Gotham Central Vol 3, because I'm slowly catching up as I race ahead with Brubaker's newer stuff (while contributing too it occasionally, smug? Me?)
Beta Ray Bill: Godhunter because S.W.O.R.D. has won me on Kieron Gillen and I hear such high praise for this one.
Automatic Kafka by Joe Casey, and Ashley Wood because I like the different stuff, occasionally, and Ashley Wood always had me at hello, robots and zombies!
People I Wish To Be Killed: The Avengers, of course!

btownlegend said...

Rubin Gonzales

Demo vol. 1
Atomic Robo vol. 1
Secret Six: Unhinged

Keep up the good work.
Bring back Eric's Soapbox!!!!

Ryan K Lindsay said...

Apparently I'm a goon and didn't check on the whole Kafka thing first, it's not collected, and unless Santron wants to track down all the issue for me I guess I'll submit another preference.

Dear Santron,
Please bring me the first Swamp Thing trade from Alan Moore. I'm keen to check it out and if you do I'll personally go out and kill an Avenger, how about that bald Druid guy who watched She-Hulk sunbathe that one time.? If you'd prefer me to take down the indomitable team of Ant-Man, Goliath, Giant-Man, Yellowjacket and the new Wasp, then so be it.
Thanks Santron, you rock.
Cuddles with milk, Ryan

Matt Duarte said...


Maxy Barnard said...

Max Barnard

New Warriors Vol. 1 Defiant
Avengers: The Initiative, Vol. 1: Basic Training
Showcase Presents: Ambush Bug Vol. 1

Chris said...

Chris Bilko
I would like:

Invincible Iron Man, Vol. 3: World's Most Wanted, Book 2
Immortal Iron Fist Vol. 5: Escape from the Eighth City
Chew vol 1: Tasters Choice

Thanks for the great work guys!

Anonymous said...

Hihi, Santatron!

Linh Lu
akoya.miazaki AT

JLA: Golden Perfect
Atomic Robo Vol. 1
Y: The Last Man Vol 1

Please and thank you!

Anonymous said...

You guys are great! Long-time reader, first-time poster.

My books are:
Dark Avengers Vol. 1: Assemble (Bendis/Deodato)
Green Lantern: Agent Orange (Johns/Tan)
Punisher: Welcome Back, Frank (Ennis/Dillon)

Michael Reyes

Thanks, Santron! You're the best!

Michael said...

Merry Christmas!

Mike Panetta

Scalped Vol 1: Indian Country
Superman: Whatever happened to the Man of Tomorrow?
I Kill Giants

Anonymous said...

Strangers in Paradise Pocket Book Volume 1
Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane Hardcover Volume 1
Birds of Prey: Of Like Minds

DoctorMarmalade said...

Matthew Perutz
New krypton volume 1
Asterios polyp

This little contest just made my day.
This is an awesome idea, and merry christmas.

Fayzan Bakhtiar said...

Fayzan Bakhtiar

This is an awesome contest -
Desolation Jones (Ellis + Williams III)
Red (Ellis + Hamner)
Marvel Boy Premier HC (Morrison + Jones)

Happy Christmas!

Frank said...

You guys are great :)

Frank Lanza

Jack of Fables Vol 1
Ex Machina Vol 4

Merry Christmas to you all!

ThePinkPeril said...

thepinkperil at

Deadpool Classic Vol. 2
Deadpool Classic Vol. 3
Maybe an Incredible Hercules trade

Please and thank you!

Daryll B. said...

O this is so cool...ok I'll jump in on this too

Daryll B

Incredible Hercules Secret Invasion - Got the first trade and working on getting them all...geesh I just made it sound like Pokemon...

Secret Six 6 Degrees of Separation - This I cannot wait to get resolicited here in NY. It is sold out practically everywhere

And because I choose to think of better times involving the character - Flash: Emergency Stop

Thank You Santron...and I would have chosen a story involving you but I have most of you tales in trade and the one story I truly want with you in Iron Man has not been collected yet...

FYI: Mask in the Iron Man has been collected but the follow up involving Ultron and the followers of the Asian man the helped Tony make the original suit hasn't been to this point.

Anonymous said...

Awesome contest! Thanks guys!

Dan Duran

1) Dark Avengers 1
2) Secret Invasion
3) New Avengers Vol. 7: The Trust

Daniel Woburn said...

this is awesome! way to get in the christmas spirit, guys. I am very conscious of the fact that I won the I Kill Giants tpb around the time of the anniversary earlier this year, so I won't be too heartbroken if Santron doesn't make it to my house!

Daniel Woburn

Green Lantern: Agent Orange
Captain America: The Man With No Face
Chew Volume 1

thank you Christmas Crisis!

Anonymous said...

Lauri Maide

Deadpool Classic, V.1

Merry Xmas from Estonia

Anonymous said...

Nothing like a contest to make lurkers want to post. Been so far behind on comics lately that I haven't posted.

Levi Williams

Chew vol. 1: Taster's Choice
Criminal vol. 1: Coward
Umbrella Academy vol. 1

Jacob said...

Jacob Crawford

Doctor 13 Architecture and Morality
Elephantmen Vol. 2: Fatal Diseases
Ex Machina Vol. 8: Dirty Tricks

Anonymous said...

awesome contest! it DOES make lurkers post!

Dan Carter

Shade the Changing Man vol. 2: Edge of Vision
Nextwave: Agents of Hate vol. 1: This is What They Want
Invincible Iron Man: America's Most Wanted Bk. 1

Anonymous said...

What a generous idea, good on you guys!

Luc Jordan

lucwhostalking at

1. Atomic Robo and the Fightin' scientists of Tesladyne.

2. Batman: Year One

3. Blankets (is less than $25 with the amazon discount but might not be from The BD so if i am lucky enough to be chosen and it is over the limit i guess this is disqualified.)

Oh and Merry Christmas to the Weeklycrisis team, been a long time enjoyer of the site, many thanks for all the hard work.

Anonymous said...

Woo a contest open to Australians!

Richard Andrew


Thor Ages of Thunder
Marvel 1985
X-Men Forever Vol 1

Rick Chung said...

Rick Chung

The Walking Dead Book 1
Asterios Polyp
I Kill Giants

stevo said...

Stephen Baba

1. Swamp Thing Vol. 1: Saga of the swamp thing

2. Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War Vol. 2

3. Daredevil: Return of the King

Anonymous said...

Mark Evans

Invincible, Vol 10
All-Star Superman, Vol, 2
Daredevil: Born Again

Thanks for the contest. Happy Holidays, and I look forward to another year of reading your stuff.

Lansan Johnson said...

1. Green Lanter Secret Origin

2. Batman The Black Glove

3. Cable and Deadpool Vol. 1

Anonymous said...

Xavier Barker

Dear Santron,


Black Panther: Secret Invasion
Thor Ages of Thunder
Beast OGN by Marian Churchland

Feliz Navidad Santron, Happy Slaying!

P.S. Could you knock off sentry for me? he's been very naughty

Kevin said...

This is a great idea. You rule


1. Invincible: The Ultimate Collection, Vol. 1
2. Batman: Whatever Happened to the Cape Crusader? Deluxe Edition
3. Secret Six: Unhinged

Marc said...

Marc Diefenderfer

1. Deadpool Classic Vol. 1
2. Agents of Atlas
3. Marvel Comics in the 1960s by Pierre Comtois

Thanks for doing this, and happy holidays!

Anonymous said...

Peter Manetas

Dear Santron,

Here is my wishlist:

Green Lantern: No Fear
Green Lantern: Revenge of the Green Lantern
Green Lantern: Wanted, Hal Jordan

Very generous of you Santron, and much appreciated. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night

Anonymous said...

Eduardo Sosa

Criminal, volume 1
Invincible: The Ultimate Collection, Vol. 1
The Walking Dead Book 1

happy holidays

Nick said...

Nick Taranto

Nova Vol. 5: War of Kings TPB
Rann/Thanagar: Holy War Vol. 2 TPB
Green Lantern: Emerald Twilight & A New Dawn TPB

Thanks Santron!

Anonymous said...

Ted Houseman

Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2
Incredible Hercules: The Mighty Thorcules

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Ryan Hunt

The Authority Book 2: Under New Management
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. 1

El Sr. Lado Brillante said...

Francisco Torres

Captain Britain And MI13 Volume 3: Vampire State
Batman RIP
Final Crisis

TheDonAbides said...

Don Winslow

The Marquis: Inferno
The Stand, Volume 2: American Nightmares
Avengers Forever HC

Brandon Whaley said...

I really suck at rules.

My name is Brandon Whaley, by the way.

Evan said...

Very thoughtful Santron!

Pax Romana
Secret Warriors v1

Happy Holidays!

Clay N. Ferno | Clay Fernald said...

Strangers in Paradise Pocket Book #1
Batman: No Man's Land
Invincible Trade #7 : Three's Company

Anonymous said...

Steele P.

Green Lantern: Agent Orange
Final Crisis: Rogues' Revenge
Green Lantern: Rage of the Red Lanterns

Andy O. Bruce said...

Andrew Breidinger

Agents of Atlas: Dark Reign
Superman: Red Son
Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E. Vol. 1: This Is What They Want

Being that Santron is an arguably evil entity, are the winners of this contest receiving stolen goods? I have to wonder.

Anonymous said...

Great contest

my wish list

essex county
war of kings hc
incredible hercules dark reign tpb
Happy holidays :)
kai charles

Unknown said...

Kurosh Jozavi

I Kill Giants
Umbrella Academy Vol. 2

Anonymous said...

Hello Santron,

My name is Praneel Singh & I've been a very good boy & would love to receive any of the titles I've listed below.

All Star Superman Volume 2
Beta Ray Bill Godhunter
The Sinestro Corps War Vol1 or Vol2

Thanks again for this contest...
Praneel N. Singh

Anonymous said...

dear santron,

My name is Jake Henry and my e-mail is

lets see, i'd like:

"George Sprott 1894-1975"
"The Walking Dead: Book One"
"Coward (Criminal, Vol.1)"

Oh boy! I've been especially evil this year, so I hope I win!


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hello Mighty Santron!

When your finished slaughtering and maiming, please add me to your list:

Pat Ruddy Email:

Green Lantern: RingQuest
Green Lantern: Agent Orange
Batman: RIP

Enjoy the holiday mayhem everyone!

KentL said...

Wow! This is very cool of you guys.

Kent Lorenz

Asterios Polyp
A Drifting Life

Merry Christmas, Santron!

Anonymous said...

Hi guys!
You are my favorite robot now, Ult... err Santron!

Peter Bolkeny

Green Lantern: Rage of the Red Lanterns HC
Final Crisis: Rogues Revenge HC
Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds HC

Anonymous said...

Ren Soeiro

Thanks and merry Xmas!

Anonymous said...

William Lang
williamkeatslang (@)

Whatever happened to the Caped Crusader HC
Iron Man: Hypervelocity

Thanks! Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Ralph Chiariello

Please add a humble reader to your list witht he following request oh Santron!!

I beg you for:

Wolverine: Old Man Logan HC

All Star Superman Vol. 2

Star Wars Thrawn Trilogy HC

Oh and this is simply AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!

Black Lantern Brittney Murphy said...

Chris Cashel-Cordo

Astro City: Life in the Big City
Astro City: Confession
Astro City: Local Heroes

Anonymous said...

Chad Bowen

The Mighty Vol 1
Irredeemable Vol 2
Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds

Thank you so much, hope I win!

Anonymous said...

David Martin

Annihilation Conquest Book 2
Whatever Happened To The Caped Crusader
Superman Red Son

Kneel before Santron!!!

Ron Cacace said...

This is a very nice thing you're doing, Kirk. I hope you have a very merry Christmas. Good luck everyone!

Anonymous said...

Dear Santron,

I've been been a good boy this year!

Could you please bring me:
Atomic Robo Vol. 1 (based on glowing reviews!)
Empowered Vol. 1
The Incredible Hercules: The Mighty Thorcules TPB (you've definitely sold me on this story!)

Thanks so much,
Dave McLellan

Anonymous said...

Matthew Lovacheff

Incredible Hulk: Planet Hulk HC
Immortal Iron Fist: Omnibus HC
Batman: Dark Victory HC

Brad McKinney said...

What a wonderful way to lure out us lurkers!

My name is Brad McKinney and I'm at

My wish list is:
- Tales Designed to Thrizzle
- Gemma Bovery
- The Near Complete Essential Fred Hembeck Omnibus

Any points awarded for diversity?

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Kirk and crew!!

Annhilation, book 1,2 and 3!!

All the best of the season guys,


Caton said...

Caton Noble

More than Complete Actiona Philosophers TPB

Sleeper Season One TPB

Saga of the Swamp Thing HC vol 1 or 2

Anonymous said...

I have a permanent entry in the naughty list but what the hell,here's mine:

ºDoom Patrol - The grant Morrison years (that sounds like an awesome show)
ºVigilante - Alan Moore years
ºBatman - Knightfall

Here's the adress:

Enjoy killing those dumbass people in thights these holidays,maese Santron!!!

Anonymous said...

Jonathan Slutz

Final Crisis
Ultimate Galactus Trilogy
Fantastic Four: Masters of Doom

all in TBP format

Thx Santron!

Anonymous said...

Damon Beres

Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? Hardcover
Heavy Liquid (Paperback)
Batman R.I.P. Hardcover


Air said...

Dear Santron,

Andrew Irwin
agirwin (at) ozemail (dot) com (dot) au

If you find time between sleigh-ing that pesky Pym (and avoiding that nasty Mr Thor), I would like to epxand some of my reading with:

Asterios Polyp
Wolverine: Weapon X vol 1 (adamantium men)
Incredible Hercules vol 1

(very cool of y'all to run this contest!)

Jonathan Soweidy said...

Jonathan Soweidy
jsoweidy (at) gmail dot com

Thanks for doing this
agents of atlas dark reighn
atomic robo volume 2
Iron fist vol 5 escape from the eighth city

Our Christmas ham wanted to become an Avenger so i ate him.

Anonymous said...

Frank Ojeda

Preacher Vol. 1 Gone to Texas
Batman Dark Victory
Thor (J Michael Stracynzynski) Vol.1

the4oclockhero said...

Beta Ray Bill: Godhunter
Thor vol 1 (JMS run)
Skydoll vol. 1

Joe Tutterow said...

Joe Tutterow
djtutterow AT mac DOT com

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
Phonogram: Rue Britannia
Final Crisis

Unknown said...

Darin Robinson

All Star Superman Vol. 1
All Star Superman Vol. 2
The Hood: Blood From Stones

Thanks for the contest and Merry Christmas.

Unknown said...


Tim Veilleux

Superman: Red Son HC
Kingdom Come TPB
I Kill Giants TPB

Merry Christmas and thanks for doing this!

Teresa said...

(I've tried to post this twice, and Firefox is cooperating, so I'm trying in Explorer. If this posts multiple times, please forgive me.)

This is a very cool contest! Thanks for doing it.

Teresa Brown
trbrown0212 (at) sbcglobal (dot) net

Atomic Robo vol. 1
Catwoman: The Long Road Home
Destroyer Premiere HC

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...


Batman And Son TPB
Scalped Volume 1
Invincible Volume 1

JonesHawkeye said...

Ben Jones

Crisis On Infinite Earths Absolute Edition
Lost Girls
Walking Dead Omnibus S&N Vol. 1

detectiveman said...

Hi! I love the site, it is a great study break...

Chase Warren :

- Parker: The Hunter
- Heavy Liquid
- The Incredible Hercules: The Mighty Thorcules

Anonymous said...

Hey commenters, you might wanna check your prices on amazon.

Kirk Warren said...

@Anonymous - I haven't noticed anything crazy price wise yet. Haven't checked everything, but no Absolutes or omnibus or anythign listed to my knowledge. Each book can be of ~$30 or lower value, not all 3 combined.

Steven Bearden said...

Steven Bearden

Popeye Volume 4 (Fantagraphics)
Fables Deluxe Edition Vol. 1
JLA, Vol. 1 by Grant Morrison

Anonymous said...

Shane Gerlach

Sandman vol 1 by Neil Gaiman
Sandman vol 2 By Neil Gaiman
Sandman vol 3 By Neil Gaiman

Patrick Wiedeman said...

-Heavy Liquid
-Swamp Thing vol 2.

Thanks Santron!

Ryan Schrodt said...

Considering I have an Avengers logo tattoo, I should probably steer clear of ol' Santron eh?

Merry Christmas, y'all!

Daniel said...

Daniel Wright

-The Middleman: The Collected Series Indispensability
-Green Lantern: Rage of the Red Lanterns
-Saga of the Swamp Thing Book 1

Anonymous said...

Hudson Vickers

Thor Ages of thunder
All Star Superman Vol 1
All Star Superman Vol 2

Unknown said...

Great contest, thanks!
Melissa Doyle

1. Watchmen
2. Atomic Robo vol. 2
3. I Kill Giants

Unknown said...

Mate Geist

Criminal: Coward
The Ultimates: Homeland Security

Christophe Duran said...

Christopher Duran

1. Infinite Crisis
2. Avengers Forever
3. Flash, Book 1:Blood Will Run

Anonymous said...

Really amazing that you guys are doing this! Thanks.

Sean Fuller
sfx5000 (at) hotmail

Fantastic Four/Inhumans
Secret Invasion: Captain Marvel TPB
Thor: Stormbreaker - The Saga of Beta Ray Bill TPB

Corey Dvorkin said...

Corey Dvorkin

The Cream of Tank Girl(Titan Books)
Saga of the Swamp Thing, Book 1 (DC Comics)
Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War, Vol. 2 (Hardcover)

Anonymous said...

Pablo Buján

The Stuff of Legend
Sherlock Holmes, Vol. 1: The Trial of Sherlock Holmes
The Complete Dracula

David Le Quere said...

Wow! That's really nice! THank you, Santron!

David Le Quéré

- Avengers Forever (hardback)
- Punisher Max v.4 (hardback) (issues 37-49)
- Ultimate Spider-man v.10 (hardback) (issues 112-121)

Anonymous said...

Cheers Santron

Brett Morton

- Walking Dead Volume 1 Robert Kirkman
- Daredevil Born Again - Frank Miller
- Ex MAchina Book 1 Hardcover - Brian K Vaughan

Josh said...

Josh Milligan
joshkmilligan @

Parker: The Hunter Darwyn Cooke
Incognito Ed Brubaker
Ex Machina, Vol. 7: Ex Cathedra Brian Vaughan

Anonymous said...

By Hercules ! What a good idea !

Benjamin Mecham

I wish those three comics :
-Avengers West Coast: Vision Quest
-Essential Ghost Rider vol.1
-Essential Sub-mariner V.1

Anonymous said...

Angelica O

GIRLS: Conception
Marvel 1602: Fantastick Four
Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Born

Anonymous said...

Arnaud EUCAT

My three comics:

Batman: Knightfall part one: broken bat
Batman: Knightfall part Two: Who rules the night
Batman: Knightfall part Three: Knightsend

Anonymous said...

Chris Davidge

longtime lurker, firsttime poster

Atomic Robo vol.1
I Kill Giants
Wasteland The Apocalyptic Edition Vol.1

Great site.
Cheers and all the best in the new year.

Anonymous said...

John Roberts

Final Crisis
Annihilation Book 3
Atomic Robo Vol 1

Anonymous said...

Yehuda Lazimi

Agents of Atlas (Paperback)---> "Agents of Atlas" Numbered 1-6
Against The World: Premiere Edition (Hardback)---> "Incredible Hercules", numbered 112-115 and "Hulk Vs Hercules: When Titans Collide".

This is so kind, I hope it's not too late to subscribe and to win lol

Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing this.

Dan Chituc

Superman:Red Son Deluxe
Chew Vol 1
Thor: Age of Thunder

pat said...

Whatever Happenend to the Caped Crusader TPB
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
Batman: The Long Halloween

Those are my three...thanks Kirk and continue with the great work

Anonymous said...

Frédéric MOLIERAc

Invisibles TPB 6 : Kissing M. QUIMPER
Invisibles TPB 7 : Invisible Kingdom
Sandman Mystery Theater TPB 7 : The Mist and Phantom of the fair

Thank you

Unknown said...

Jason Steven Murphy

Legion of Super-Heroes: 1050 Years of the Future
Batman: Secrets of the Batcave
Casanova, Vol. 1: Luxuria

Thanks - looking forward to see what will be happening here on Weekly Crisis in 2010.

Mike said...

Name: Mike Roe
Wish list:
* Wolverine: Old Man Logan
* The Mighty Vol. 1
* G.I. Joe: Cobra

THANKS SANTRON! (Even if you get presents for another little boy or girl, you're still awesome.)

Andrew said...

Andrew Trevelise

ajt5031 AT

1. Green Lantern: Secret Origin
2. Thor: Ages of Thunder
3. Sleeper: Season 1


ModernTenshi04 said...

degoeym AT gmail DOT com

1) Green Lantern Corp.: Recharge
2) Wonder Woman: Who Is Wonder Woman?
3) Superman: Red Son (Deluxe Edition)

Thanks, and keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

Long time reader, first time poster.
Awesome contest, hope their's still time to enter.

1) Thor: Ages of Thunder
2) Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life
3) Green Lantern: Rebirth

Kirk Warren said...

@Anonymous - Ya, you made it in under the wire. Just closing up the comments now.

Thanks everyone who entered. Ill contact winners shortly.