Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Reader Question - What Do You Think DC's The Source Will Announce Next?

DC's The Source blog let it be known DCU in 2010 Begins Now with a post stating they would be making a series of major announcements all week long that would define their line for the year.  The first major announcement was the Earth One original graphic novel reveals and it was quickly followed up with the news Wonder Woman would finally receive its long teased renumbering to coincide with its 600th issue and the big War of the Superman event from James Robinson set for 2010.  My question to you is what do you think they'll announce next?  Hit the jump for some of my guesses.


We spoke about this at great length when the news first broke about Grant Morrison's follow-up to Final Crisis (and, yes, I always feel the need to bust out that horribly Photoshopped image) and his Multiverse spanning story back in April.  My guess is we get some more concrete details on Multiversity, which was hinted at a late 2010 release window.

Batman: Reborn

Grant Morrison again, this time addressing some skeletons in his closet, specifically the whole Bruce Wayne in the past/Dick Grayson having his skeleton in the basement in Batman & Robin.  Look for something related to Bruce Wayne, his status and possible return to be announced.

New Weekly Comic

Wednesday Comics 2?  I've heard rumours of it, but nothing more.  However, I fully expect another weekly comic to be announced.  Whether it's a new project, a follow up to Wednesday Comics or something different is anyone's guess.

Your Thoughts?

Those are my picks for potential announcements.  I'm sure we'll get some smaller ones related to stuff like Blackest Night (more tie-ins maybe?) or lower tiered books, like say REBELS or what not, but I'll leave other speculation up to you guys.  What do you think DC will announce next?

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Matt Duarte said...

I just wanted to mention how surprised I was that the postcard campaign for Wonder Woman managed to amass only around 800 postcards. I mean, sending a postcard costs less than 50 cents, and they had over two months to do this. Do people not care about the renumbering or do they not care about Wonder Woman?

Anyway, for the next big announcement... more Superboy Prime?

Kirk Warren said...

I dont really see the point in sending a post card. They were going to renumber it regardless. You dont just do something like that at the whim of fans. Next they'll be killing people we vote on. Oh wait...

Zdenko said...

I think people are just too lazy nowadays to send postcards. I could be wrong, of course...

As for the announcement, maybe will get some sort of a tease for the direction of Green Lantern after Blackest Night? I honestly don't see what storylines can come after Blackest Night except usual conflicts with Sinestro and/or Atrocitus.

brandon said...

something with green arrow.....war of the arrows? something like that. GL will probably take a year to build for something in 2011. I'm guessing obviously.

Brandon Whaley said...

Nobody cares about Wonder Woman. I really hope it has something to do with Multiversity. I wanna see what they do with these Watchmen-esque characters.

Brandon Whaley said...

Seriously, Wonder Woman could be at issue #1000 and I wouldn't read it in its current state.

Anonymous said...

Im excited for War of the Supermen...would love to see Multiversity in 2010 as well

LuchoMon said...

I´m excited abotu WOTS. Robinson and Rucka. Great!

Brandon Whaley said...

My interest in War of the Supermen declined exponentially as soon as the name Robinson popped up. Might as well give it to Loeb.

Aaron K said...

As a Marvelite, I can honestly say that I couldn't care less about Wonder Woman. She is one of the least compelling characters that I kind of know about in comics. I think Batman's cool; Green Lantern is a great idea; Superman's a little too powerful; the Flash is... fast and red. Wonder Woman, so far as I know, is an Amazonian with a stupid outfit and a lasso. Oh, she's also a woman. That's really her defining characteristic to folks who aren't readers of her: she has a woo-woo (to channel Mel Brooks). Perhaps that can't be helped, but I think my sort of simplistic thinking/feeling on Wonder Woman is shared by an alarming number of folks. And, I imagine, that's a shame since there must be something awesome going on there to have made her such an iconic heroine.

Anonymous said...

A great announcement from DC would be that they plan to hit their shipping deadlines occasionally. I've been about 2 months between deliveries now as I haven't met my minimum for delivery.
For the people who really don't care about Wonder Woman, (and Primewax, do you not care so much that you were compelled to come back 20 minutes later to reiterate the point :-)), I was the same until I started to read the George Perez version after COIE. Now that really made me care, right up to the point where he left and it was ruined by a succession of writers who didn't understand / care about the rich vein of Greek mythology he had used for it.

Brandon Whaley said...

Such is the lack of my care for Wonder Woman :)
Anyway, looks like one of the guesses was correct: http://bit.ly/89k3HE

Ivan said...

Batpirate and batcaveman.

This is totally worth it already.

blankwave said...

Bruce Wayne most likely.

Anonymous said...

OMG, Grant Morrison shout be shot for destroying the DC Universe. Final Crisis suck big time - the art suck, the story makes no sense, and Batman RIP is a total mess!! Grant, go back to Marvel and do your X-Men! Your work at Marvel is much better than anything you've done at DC (Except your Vertigo works). STOP MESSING WITH THE DC UNIVERSE!!!

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