Thursday, November 19, 2009

Reader Question - Did You Buy Any Blackest Night Tie-Ins Just to Get A Free Power Ring?

Just a quick reader question to kick things off for today.  As most shops, including my own, are reporting sell outs for two times, three times and even higher order levels for the Blackest Night tie-ins associated with the free power rings, I was curious how many people have bought one of these comics solely for the power ring?  Anyone enjoy the comic enough to stick with the series or are you happy with your ring and never buying the book again?  Do you plan to buy other ring promotion books in the future?  Let us know in the comments below.

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Maxy Barnard said...

I bought Adventure Comics 4 for the Blue Lantern ring (and to encourage myself to go back and buy the other 3 issues) but that's about it.

it's a good free gift and I wish i'd done it with other series before now.

Qwant said...

I bought/planning on buying all of them. And some of them (like Booster Gold, which I wouldn't buy if not the ring) turned out very good, actually. Although I will buy some of these comics in trades anyway.

Rich said...

I haven't, but my store reports a LOT of this. They're selling 30-40 copies of books that they normally only order 4-7 of each month. Given that those plastic rings probably only cost a few cents to make, DC has really done themselves a favor. Great gimmick.

Andrenn said...

For one I can't really afford to do that, or I would, trust me.

My comic shop is actually a smaller division that's owned by the same guy. There's the forefront comic shop that I used to go to and I think they ordered rings but the shop I go to didn't.

I'm probably just going to get all the rings on Ebay when I have some spare cash.

Anonymous said...

I bought/am buying all of them, but the only ones I wouldn't have ordinarily gotten were R.E.B.E.L.S., Outsiders, and Booster Gold. I thought R.E.B.E.L.S. was great, to the point where I'm considering hunting down the back issues. Booster Gold was also good, though not as strong for me. Haven't read Outsiders yet.

Brandon Whaley said...

I've bought them all so far. I plan on going back to pick up the first three issues of Adventure Comics, and R.E.B.E.L.S. was really interesting so I'll probably go back and pick that up. Otherwise, not too impressed, but not disgusted either. Booster Gold was decent, but not enough for me to get into the series.

brandon said...

Just for the ring:

Booster, Doom Patrol, Adventure Comics.

Most likely getting JLA as well.

Booster I have bought in the past if it was a slow week, so I had an interest in it to begin with.

The Adventure and Doom Patrol simply didnt interest me at all so I wont be buying them again.

I cant bring myself to buy REBELS or Outsiders.

ModernTenshi04 said...

Three of them I already have on pull: Adventure, Doom Patrol, and Blacest Night. Decided to pick up Outsiders yesterday since it's Tomasi, but my shop has been letting people buy the rings for $1 each instead of the comic they're attached to. I like this, because now I don't have to buy Justice League next week. God I hate James Robinson's writing. Already not looking forward to the three JSA tie-ins.

smkedtky said...

My comic shop is really small and didn't order the rings (THEY have to pay DC for them). I could get them elsewhere but, the woman who runs my shop is too good to me to justify going anywhere else (I've got a line of credit at the comic store, she goes through the books and picks out the best looking copies for me - because I'm a nut about condition - best comic store ever)for any reason.

Ironically, I dropped BOOSTER GOLD this month. I love the character but the book just doesn't do it for me anymore.

PMMJ said...

Luckily, my local store didn't make me buy one of the issues in question, but let me pick up some other DC graphic novels instead. Everyone wins!

Ivan Antonio said...

They look awfully cheap. But then again, that's the point. I hope they do the same kind of thing here in Brazil. I only care for the GL ring, though.

Ryan Schrodt said...

I will openly admit that the only reason why I picked up this month's Doom Patrol, REBELS, Adventure Comics, and Outsiders was for the free rings. I'm a sucker.

Ryan Schrodt said...

As a heads up to people whose shops didn't order the books with the rings or didn't have enough rings, online retailers like Midtown Comics ( are selling the rings individually without the comics.

Space Jawa said...

I didn't have to buy any of the tie-ins to get my rings. My shops been selling them loose to anyone who wants them.

Daryll B. said...

Nah....I not a jewelry person...however I do have the Red, Sinestro and Blue Lantern jerseys...

mrpeepants said...

i want those rings! I didn't get them yet but I plan on it.

Matt Duarte said...

My shop is too small, so he didn't have enough books to order to qualify for the rings. I might get them on eBay or some other site one of these days though.

Jon said...

I usually pick up most of the books connected to the promotion, but I got R.E.B.E.L.S. and Outsiders specifically for the rings. I read both issues and was not terribly impressed, so I probably won't be continuing with them.

And on a semi-related note, how funny is that image of the rings? Good thing whoever photoshopped it is familiar with the way mirrors work . . .

Daryll B. said...

LOL Jon...The Weekly Crisis I believe was the first place to show that mess up by the DC A/V Promotional Department...

Kirk, Matt, and Eric's flub detector lives on!

Zdenko said...

Well, I live in Bosnia, so that would be a no, unfortunately. I'll probably buy off Ebay a Red one and 2 Black One's...

Nathan Aaron said...

My store had a very noble idea, that instead of making you buy the comics, all you'd have to do is bring in two canned good food items for each ring, that they'd then give to the local homeless shelter. Amazing idea! Bad part, they're only giving away one ring every Saturday morning. By the end of this year, they'll only be on the fourth ring. I just decided standing in line for eight Saturdays was too much. I'll probably get them on ebay one day, or just realize I bet I could live without them (even though I really want'em!)

Sector 2814 said...

i've been buying all the tie ins even if they didnt come with a ring...but doom patrol was so horrible i wont be picking up the second part. at least it came with the ring...

Jule said...

I was tempted to buy all the titles but i back off, to much money for titles i dont have any interest, however my LCS its prepairing some very interesting proposals, the single rings, a wood box, and various levels of buying
this one have previews pictures of teh wood box..

Anonymous said...

If I buy any Blackest Night tie-in books, its purely for the book itself and not the power ring. The only one I have right now is a Black Lantern ring.

ShadowWing Tronix said...

My LCS happens to be one that sells the ring by itself if you don't want the comics. I'm really not interested in the whole Technicolor Lantern bit (or I'd get the Blue Ring, as blue is my favorite color and politics aside I do believe in hope to a point). I will, however, get the Green Lantern ring, as it looks better than the Free Comic Book Day version I own now (which really doesn't fit well on my adult finger).

Anonymous said...

I've only been vaguely aware of the ring promotion. I've avoided "Darkest Night" entirely until this week, when I picked up Doom Patrol/Metal Men #4. The cashier offered a Darkest Night ring, and I said, "Hmmmm... nah." That elicited a curious laugh from him.

CyberVenom said...

For Christmas this year, my brother surprised me by pulling out 8 ring boxes and said I could only choose one. I pulled the star sapphire and he said "no, that's not for you. choose again" Then i chose the red lantern ring. He says "screw it. open them all." All the rings were there, including the black lantern ring! I was so surprised and happy! Then he gave me the comics themselves!!!! Best. Brother. Ever.

Radlum said...

Damm, that's one of the worst parts of not living in the US (in terms of comic book reading/collecting). I missed all of the ring and now I'll have to look for them in Ebay and I don't doubt that they'll be overpriced.

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