Friday, November 20, 2009

Crisis on Infinite Arts - David Lafuente's Ava Destruction

Ava Destruction is one of the characters from Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips' series, Incognito. Ava underwent a "live-fast-die-young" procedure that besides granting her superpowers, it made her look constantly like a teenager, despite being close to 50 years old. This is a pin-up that David Lafuente did of the character.

David Lafuente (Twitter | DeviantArt | Home Page) is an artist with a relatively short career in American comics. Originally from Spain, he illustrated several comics both in the Spanish and French comic industry. Eventually he made the jump to the other side of the ocean with a couple of short stories for Marvel, and he also collaborated with Kathryn Immonen in the mini series Patsy Walker: Hellcat.

Lafuente's biggest and most important gig, however, came when he was chosen as the new ongoing artist of the Ultimate Spider-Man relaunch. He is currently working in Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man, alongside with comic superstar Brian Michael Bendis. Lafuente's rise has been a fast one, and I am sure his career is going to be a long and fruitful one. Hit the jump for some more of his artwork.

A panel from Patsy Walker: Hellcat

A pin-up of Kick-Ass and Hit-Girl.

A cover of Runaways, featuring Molly and Wolverine.

A cover of Ultimate Comics Spider-Man, featuring the book's extended cast.

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Maxy Barnard said...

easily one of my favourite new artists, i'll never forgive myself for choking a month back and not going up to him and asking for one of the signed poster things at mcm.

brilliant stuff and a great choice matt!

Brandon Whaley said...

Love this guy's work. Round-head Spidey is the best.

Matt Duarte said...

@Primewax: Some people did not take very kindly to his rendition of Ult. Spider-Man though.

Radlum said...

Well, in his defense, only his Ult. Spider-Man looks bad, the rest of the cast is OK (besides Kong, but he has yet to make a relevant appereance)

Steven said...

I don't mind his Spidey, but his Peter Parker is awful. Worst haircut in comics, outside of manga.

Seriously, what is that mess?

Zdenko said...

If I spend a year writing just ''I hate his art'' in this post it would be just showing a 0,000000000001% of my dislike for his art. Seriously, everyone in UCSM looks like they're 12, haircuts are awful, if a person has the same hair color, you can't recognise him/her (Tell me the difference between Patsy from the Mini and MJ from UCMS, please.), etc. I very much dislike him and I hope he'll be sent to DC or something... Just keep him from UCSM.

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