It's Sunday, and that means it is time to look at some of our favorite covers in yet another edition of
Cover of the Week. It looks like Ryan and I are part of a bigger hive mind, as we seem to have gone with similar the similar motif of "people holding heads in the air". Alas, poor reader, you are going to have to hit the jump to see what I mean.
Matt's Cover of the Week - Wolverine: Weapon X #7
Matt: What an incredibly creepy and bloody cover by
Adam Kubert! It's very eye-catching and shocking, the kind of stuff that causes congressional hearings and gives
Fredric Wertham nightmares.
Ryan's Cover of the Week - Supergirl #47
Ryan: In a week full of excellent covers, this one really stood out to me. I absolutely love the personality of the piece.
Joshua Middleton has put together a really compelling cover here.
Runner-ups: Nomad: Girl Without a World #3, Mighty Avengers #31, Dark Avengers #11
I being me have to big up Nomad #3 as my cover of the week. nothing can beat the joy I get out of the covers it's had so far.
This Weapon X arc has great covers all around, the previous one was one of the main reasons I picked up that issue and started this series, this cover was phenomenal, and the enxt one looks pretty darn interesting too. I like how all three are slightly different as well.
But, my cover of the week would have to be Viking #4, that thing was just pure art, check it out, I reviewed it at my site the other day.
@Flip: I agree, it's had some great covers so far.
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