Sunday, November 29, 2009

Cover of the Week - Secret Warriors & Superman: Secret Origin

Hey, kids, it's Sunday! And you all know what that means, right? Cover of the Week!

Every week we take a look at all (yes, ALL) the covers that came out and we decide which ones we like the best. In this edition, it's just Ryan and me doing the deciding, and the code word seems to be "Secret", in yet another coincidence between our picks. Hit the jump to see what I mean.

Matt's Cover of the Week - Secret Warriors #10

Matt: Secret Warriors has had some interesting covers, playing up the "half-cover" theme in some interesting ways. While this one is not the best in the bunch, in terms of composition and creativity, it's the wonderful yet somewhat eerie rendering by Jim Cheung and the colors which make it really pop.

Ryan's Cover of the Week - Superman: Secret Origin #3 (Incentive Variant)

Ryan: This is simple, bold, and powerful. Gary Frank does an amazing job with this interpretation of a very iconic shot of Superman and Lois Lane.

Runner-ups: Madame Xanadu #17, Invincible Iron Man #20, Wonder Woman #38

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T-DuB said...

I'm still mad the Jock variant to "Detective Comics #859" didn't even place this week. It's one of the rare times I even buy a comic just for its cover. The last time I did was just for the Arthur Adams variant to "Thor #6".

Matt Duarte said...

DC variants rarely make the cut for a very simple reason: DC doesn't put them up on their website! That means if we are not lucky enough to see it at the shop or some other website, we will have no idea what a DC variant cover will look like.

Actually, I think they might put them up in their website, but weeks before the sale date, so by the time we choose our covers, we are more likely to forget about it.

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