Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cover of the Week - Booster Gold, MA: Super Heroes & Amazing Spider-Man

The Cover of the Week is, as the banner suggests, a look atthe week's best covers and this week had some very nice covers that saw Ryan, Matt and myself pick three different covers for our cover of the week nods.  Hit the jump to see each and why we chose them.

Ryan's Cover of the Week - Booster Gold #26

Ryan: There's nothing fancy about this one, but the perspective is good, it's a great tie-in to the story, and it's eye catching. You can't ask for much more than that!

Matt's Cover of the Week - Marvel Adventures: Super Heroes #17

Matt: Man, did the Avengers really need to destroy that sign? Seriously though, it's a very eye catching cover by Niko Henrichon.

Kirk's Cover of the Week - Amazing Spider-Man #611

Kirk: It's a fairly spartan cover, but also a great homage to the extremes of the 90's that birthed the Deadpool character.  It's also easy to ignore how good it is with how long and how often we've seen the image, which may have made it lose some impact in some people's eyes.

Runners-Up: Luke Cage Noir #4, REBELS #10 & Green Lantern Corps #42 (Variant)

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Maxy Barnard said...

whilst i loved the corps variant this week for me it's DEADPOOL #17 *looks at how awful it is*... okay that's a lie.

Strange #1 had the best cover this week, it's just visually arresting, especially with the white space that is his crippled hands. brilliant stuff.

Matt Duarte said...

@Flip: I liked the idea of the Deadpool cover, but when you look at it closely, the facial expressions of Emma and Domino are just awful. Jason Pearson has been rocking it in those Deadpool covers, but this one just wasn't as good.

Also, I looked at the Strange cover that they had in the Marvel site, and I noticed the white-space in the hands, and I thought it was a cool effect. But I also saw that the image still had the outlines outside of it (as if it were unfinished), and I thought that they were probably going to add something in the white space later.

JordanFromJersey said...

I love the ASM#611 cover as well(BTW, you have it listed as 612)

I love it so much I framed it and put it on my wall(I have several comics up like that)

I mean it's pretty much perfect for me. It's my 2nd favorite Marvel character dressed as my favorite character, standing next to my third favorite character... (yes I'm a product of the '90s, deal with it)

Monch said...

what happened to the moments of the week?

Dickey said...

Speaking of Deadpool I just notice after seeing this cover for a couple of months. Does anyone think that the deformed feet Spidey is sporting are a shout-out to Liefield's inability to draw proper feet?

Kirk Warren said...

@Monch - They'll be up today, most likely this afternoon.

Matt Duarte said...

@Dickey: If I'm not mistaken, Skottie Young is actually a pretty big fan of Liefeld, so at worst it is some lighthearted parody, rather than harsh mockery.

McE said...

The Dave Johnson cover for Punisher Max would've made the cut for me.

Then again, I'm not sure I've seen a cover of his that wouldn't make the cut....

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