Amazing Spider-Man Presents: Anti-Venom - New Ways to Live #2
Blackest Night #4
And thus, you have my thoughts on the entire warping Hal Jordan off of Earth plan in comic book form.
Noooooo! Why'd you have to do this Johns, why???? I could hold out some small hope for the original Azrael still being alive (didn't see the body, ambiguous death, etc, etc) up until now. Why'd you have to go and make him a zombie? We can't be friends after this.
And another JSA'er bites the dust.
While I actually liked this "he's the goddamn Flash" scene, this is also the kind of stuff that turns me off of Johns's work. It's like everyone mysteriously has to start spouting how great so and so is, typically about whatever character Johns is currently the main writer of, such as Hal Jordan or Barry Allen.
Nekron's back. Like the new look. Not sure why he has the chain on his neck and arm other than for flair though. Also, why isn't he the giant version that was in the old Green Lantern stories that featured him? Was also expecting more to go down when he appeared. After all the charging of the black rings, I expected some big rip in space to Nekron's dimension. Just sort of shows up and raises more dead, which we've already seen.
Blackest Night: Titans #3
Yes, she's "killing" her baby, but it's hard to really feel anything with how Blackest Night has progressed.
Getting bit turns you evil? Definitely not zombies though!
Dark Avengers: Ares #1
Damn it feels good to be a gangster...
Man, falling into one's own food is the worst. Happens to me all the time.
Dark Reign: The List - Punisher #1
Yes, Daken just sliced Punisher's arm into pieces. But wait, there's more...
Along with Kick-Ass, I believe John Romita Jr is the new king of gore in comics.
Dark Reign: Young Avengers #5
While the rest of the issue was a let down, this ending almost made up for it as Coat dreams of doing a dance number with the Green Goblin.
Detective Comics #858
Fantastic Four #572
Damnit Reed, clearly your front foot wasn't in the way, yet you had to go to the effort to show off about how you could have avoided the blast that killed the other two Reeds.
One Reed taps into his own universe by using another Reed with cosmic powers as a power source. It kills the other Reed, but gains access to his Infinity Gauntlet for a brief moment in which he wipes out half a dozen Celestials.
Gotham City Sirens #5
Green Lantern #47
The recently risen Black Lantern Five Inversions rip out Atrocitus's heart after realizing he's always filled with rage and nothing they say can make his emotions any greater.
Seems Atrocitus got better. Who needs a heart when you've got rage?
Really liked what Johns did with Sinestro this issue. Sinestro has been so great and humanized in Blackest Night that I'm almost able to forget he's basically space Hitler. Almost.
Even here, Sinestro won't allow himself to be seen caring for another person in front of Hal, despite his wife and only woman he ever loved "dying" again.
This could be interesting. I wonder if Atrocitus can wield both the red and orange rings at the same time.
Guardians of the Galaxy #19
It was so worth Adam Warlock becoming Magus if only to see Martyr get killed not once, but twice.
Kang "fixed" Starlord's and company's little aging problem, but it led to some funny no clothes moments for Cosmo and Mantis.
Whole bunch of time travel nonsense occurred in this issue, but basically we're back at the end of War of Kings where Magus appears. Instead of allowing that to happen, which destroys the future, the Guardians try to stop him at the moment before he turns into Magus. That went south real quick and Starlord was forced to use a Cosmic Cube that Kang gave him to kill Adam. However, as you can see above, Gamora, Mantis, Cosmo (NOOOOOOOOOO!), Martyr (YEEEESSSSS!) and others all died in the process. Not sure how this will be resolved or if DnA are just clearing the board for some reason.
That's a nice fatherly way to break it to your recently back from the dead daughter Drax.
Incredible Hercules #137
Let's ignore the fact that Aunt May knows that Hebi is coo coo for cocoa puffs and still setting her up with her loser nephew, Peter, for a moment and focus on how they are letting this crazy lady serve the homeless people "Soap" brand soup. I know times are tough, but that's just wrong.
New Avengers #58
Punisher #10
The Hood successfully raises Frank's family from the dead and Frank promptly orders their executions. Not pictured is how he then shoots that flame using villain in the head as soon as he torches his family. Probably feels like dying after that. If only Daken were around.
Ultimate Comics Avengers #3
Tony Stark's brother is pretty much the perfect anti-Tony Stark and exactly how I pictured him acting. Love the degenerate line at the end.
Any ideas who this Spider-Man is? I'm thinking Ultimate Deadpool, but not sure why. Doesn't seem to fit the 'so smart, he can make you commit suicide' angle though. Maybe it's just an evil Spider-Man clone.
Ahaha, Captain America's disguise for blending in France is a Canadian baseball team hat. That just tickles my fancy for some reason.
Ultimate Iron Wars #2
First rule is we don't talk about 4chan! Second rule is we don't talk about 4chan!
X-Force #20
I love Kimura. Yost & Kyle should just do another X-23 miniseries with her and Laura.
The Spiderman clone seems like Tao from Wildcats and Sleeper.
I didn't find the DR: Young Avengers conclusion to be unsatisfying.
Guardians of the Galaxy has the best closing line of any comic EVER this week from Drax, glad you highlighted it!
Ultimate Avengers is more like Ultimate Dark Avengers or Ultimate Thunderbolts. Since I already get those two I'm glad I started picking it up. As for Tony's brother, I read that Orson Scott Card series they did and I don't remember any mention there of Tony having an older brother.
Happy I didn't pick up Ultimate Avengers, I guess I can keep skipping it. Upset that I didn't pick up FF I think. Probably the same with X-Force. Damn it.
GotG was full of crazy moments. I don't know what the plan is there.
Nova had alot of great moments, especially starstalker figuring out he's not a real boy. Nice touch.
Geoff Johns should just work for wrestling companies and write storylines, he's good at pushing characters and making anything somewhat interesting. That being said, thank you for making The Atom matter.
Gaggy appeared in Batman #186, Nov. 1966, not to hard to do some research, otherwise I really enjoy your blog
Stupid soldiers. Why the hell would you mess with somebody sitting at the same table as the GOD OF FREAKING WAR! That's just inviting disaster.
already mentioned the night nurse confronting Ms Marvel and Patriot confront Iron Patriot in the first half of Ryan's list but also there were:
Jerry absorbing the properties of Ares' axe then hitting him with it in Secret Warriors.
The Cypher part of X-Necrosha was full of win...especially with Beef's puns about him...
Power Girl just loves destroying JSA conference tables..
Taskmaster is the main reason I pick up Avengers The Initiative now. His playing both sides is really awesome
Finally back to New Avengers...the scene with Jessica and her mother...nicely done Bendis
Interesting, I never knew that Tony Stark's brother was Daniel Craig.
with respect to Azrael in BN#4, can not necessary be Jean Paul, remember, he had a "brother" who had the same skills and Jean Paul had to kill him in azrael#75. even we can expect the return of the original Azrael.
That GotG art is painful , especially considering the subject matter. Magus running Phylla thru with a sword should not look like a saturday morning cartoon.
I enjoy Ultimate Comics: Avengers. It's nice to have a different take on what a superhero team could be.
I was REELING in my room when I was reading Detective Comics, particularly the end. The whole thing just comes out of nowhere. Rucka was great at getting you to drop your guard, and then having most of it play out in complete darkness was just brilliant.
And yes, Williams switching art styles FOUR TIMES in ONE comic book is just beyond awesome, and shows a level level of dedication I haven't seen in any other comic I've read.
for those keen on Gagsworth Gagsworthy.
I was reading that entry some time back and it had the line "But alas, Gaggy was, to my knowledge, never seen again." So kinda tickled me to see him back.
I imagine the GotG roster cleaning was because there were 14-15 members last I checked. Even the X-Men had sennse to whittle down the roster after Giant Size X-Men Annual #1.
It's probably for the best, as the original Star Lord mini-series portrayed his nascent Guardians as a space-based Suicide Squad, even if the only true casualty was Captain Universe. (Why bring Moondragon back when they could have brought him back?!)
Sad to see Mantis go, especially since this iteration of the character was the first version I actually liked. (Her previous incarnations in the 1970's Avengers and 1980's Silver Surfer were abominable.)
I was just re-reading Ultimate Iron Wars, and something I didn't catch the first time was the panel showing the flight map from Prague to Darmstadt, including the point where Tony got the pilot drunk. That, for me, was the moment of the week :)
I'm going to call that the Ultimate Spider-Man who can talk you into killing yourself is Dr. Emil Burbank from squadron supreme. Not sure why. But yes, his character seems VERY Tao from WildCATS. Nice call, Anonymous.
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