Adventure Comics #3
Batgirl #3
Booster Gold #25
Deadpool #900
Green Lantern Corps #41
Incredible Hercules #136
The dreaded purple nurple attack.
Secret Six #14
Posted by Kirk Warren at 1:23 PM
Thought Bubbles: Comic Book Moments of the Week
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My name is Kirk Warren and I’m a full time comic fan blowing my pay cheques on way too many comics every week.
Back in the early 90's, my mother bought me a Spider-Man comic to shut me up on a trip. I didn’t know it at the time, but that moment changed my life. Since then I've become a full blown comic fan and now purchase well in excess of 20 comics per month plus trades and other comic related goods.
As you can see, I've taken my hobby to the next step with this blog and it's allowed me to connect every single day with thousands of people that share the same passion I have for comics and I wouldn't change that for the world.
Krypto is officially the best male DC character. Seriously prove me wrong
And Incredible Hercules is the best Marvel title right now; I mean, they could drop 80% of the other stuff they publish and I wouldn't mind, but if something happens to Incredible Hercules I would set Marvel's main building on fire...ok, I'm overreacting, but still, it's my favorite series right now.
Incredible Hercules has the best recap page and FX of all comics :D
Actually, a couple of pages earlier in GL, Kyle was being forced into a fridge by all his Black Lantern Girlfriends.
My favorite sound effect from this issue of Incredible Hercules was SUKKKAPUNCH
"Actually, a couple of pages earlier in GL, Kyle was being forced into a fridge by all his Black Lantern Girlfriends."
Maybe I should start reading the Blackest Night tie-ins.
Also, my favorite sound effect in this issue of Incredible Hercules was NUHHKKRACK, nothing beats a good old kick to the groin.
Greg Pak has a gift when it comes to writing sound effects. One of my favorites was in the final issue of World War Hulk, and went something like GPJRKJCS...the initials of all the creators who had worked on the issue.
Hm, I don't know how I feel about the new Batgirl costume. While I'm glad they've gotten rid of Cassandra's faceless mask, I always thought it was silly for a street-level hero to have a mask with no sort of lenses/other eye protection. I mean given the type of situations they encounter daily and how even just a little dust in our eyes can be incredibly distracting it seems odd not to have some sort of eye protection. But on the other hand, Batgirl on The Batman cartoon looked weird with lenses and I think Barbara's costume would also look silly with them
...Or I could be overthinking things here >_>
While I loved the scene of Deadshot killing Smyth at the end opf Secret Six, I just don't see how the guy was even alive after that beating Ragdoll gave him. That wrench was embedded in his head.
haha! That Ted and Booster gay doll moment was priceless.
I'm not gay, damnit!
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