by Jon Favreau and Adi Granov
Where is it? Unfinished. Jon Favreau is still busy with the upcoming Iron Man 2 film.
Where can I get more? If you want to get your movieverse-Iron-Man fix, the recently announced Iron Man vs. Whiplash mini-series could be what you are looking for. We mentioned it a bit in the November Solicits and Kirk made a great post about Whiplash's different costumes over the years. From the looks of it, this mini will be heavily influenced by the upcoming film, much like how Viva Las Vegas was.

by Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch
Where is it? Completed, as stated in the original post.
Where can I get more? There was a third volume of Ultimates, but in all honesty it wasn't a lot like the previous two volumes, and it was followed by the world-shattering events in Ultimatum (both stories by Jeph Loeb). Since then, Mark Millar has returned to the universe he helped create, in the pages of Ultimate Comics Avengers to a certain level of critical acclaim. Kirk reviewed the first issue when it came out, and Ryan featured it on his Weekly Power Rankings as well.

by Frank Miller and Jim Lee
Where is it? Unfinished. Frank Miller is still busy in the world of film making, there are plans for sequels to both Sin City and 300. Miller has also stated that he has already finished the first draft to the 300 sequel, of which we assume there will also be a comic.
Where can I get more? Nowhere. In the current Batman books, Dick Grayson has replaced Bruce Wayne under the cowl. If you want a story about Bruce Wayne womanizing and being slightly off-balanced, you might want to check out the current Batman strip in Wednesday Comics by Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso.

by Geoff Johns, Richard Donner, and Adam Kubert
Where is it? Finished, as stated in the original post.
Where can I get more? The brand new character introduced in the pages of Last Son, Christopher Kent, has become one of the prominent characters in the new status quo of the Superman books. He currently stars in the pages of Action Comics under the code name of Nightwing (not to be confused with Dick Grayson, of the Batman family).
Additionally, Geoff Johns is going to be writing the upcoming Superman: Secret Origin series, that we talked about in the September Solicits.

by Warren Ellis and Ben Templesmith
Where is it? According to Warren Ellis, he is working on the next issue of Fell already, but it will be a while until we hear about it.
Where can I get more? Ellis is one of the most prolific writers out there, currently working on several titles, such as Ignition City and No Hero to name a few, so you will have no difficulty finding something to scratch your Ellis-itch (that sounds like an STD). Templesmith has also been busy, working on several projects, one of them being a creator owned series called Choker, which he describes as "sort of like Fell, but with it's face ripped off and a bad dose of gonorrhea."

by Warren Ellis and John Cassaday
Where is it? Almost here. The day after I posted the original article, Warren Ellis said that John Cassaday was already working on Planetary, since then, the book has already been colored and lettered.
Where can I get more? The last issue of the series will be published in October, as we mentioned in our commentary of the October solicits. I imagine the collection of the remaining issues will not be very far behind once the final issue is released.

by Grant Morrison and Gene Ha/Jim Lee (respectively)
Where is it? Almost here and still unfinished, respectively. The Authority will soon be published but there is no news on when the WildC.A.T.S. story will be finished.
Where can I get more? As stated in the original post, the Authority story will be finished by Keith Giffen and Darick Robertson , and it has been since then solicited and renamed to The Authority: The Lost Year, as seen in our commentary of the November Solicits. Wildstorm will additionally re-release the first two issues as The Authority: The Lost Year Reader, to catch readers up on what went on before.

by Damon Lindelof and Lienil Francis Yu
Where is it? Finished. After the long delay between issue #2 and #3, the rest of them came out in an orderly fashion.
Where can I get more? Lindelof hasn't done any more comics work since then. You can always purchase the collection of this mini-series, in case you missed it the first time around. Lindelof continues to write for the TV series Lost.
If you want to get more Ultimate Hulk action, you can always check out the great mini series called Ultimate Human that was released last year.

by Kevin Smith and Terry Dodson/Glenn Fabry (respectively)
Where is it? Same status as last time: Spider-Man/Black Cat was finished, but Daredevil/Bullseye will apparently never be touched again.
Where can I get more? Kevin Smith has come back to write comics since then. First he wrote a 3-issue mini series called Batman: Cacophony, which revolved around Onomatopoeia, a character he had created during his run on Green Arrow.
He is also currently writing another Batman mini series, called Batman: The Widening Gyre. To address concerns from fans, he publicly stated that the mini series was completely written already, to assure them there would be no delays from his part.

by Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham
Where is it? Unknown at the time. During Comic-Con International, Marvel announced that they had purchased the rights of Marvelman directly from the creator Mick Anglo, possibly solving many of the legal issues surrounding the character.
Where can I get more? It is hypothesized by many that the run will be finished once all the people involved are contacted again and deals are worked out. Both Gaiman and Buckingham have expressed interested in finishing their run on the series, but both of them are very high profile creators with many projects always on their plate (most notably, Buckingham is the ongoing artist of Fables). Marvel also heavily hinted that they will most likely be releasing collection and reprints of older Marvelman material.
I think I remember Jim Lee saying that he takes responsibility for All Star Batman And Robin's lateness. I don't know what the means as far as how many scripts are actually complete, but there must be some in Mr. Lee's hands.
The character Smith created in Green Arrow was "Onomatapaea," not "Cacophany."
Kevin Smith isn't finishing the DD/Bullseye series because he felt Bendis did a much better job in the MK DD series.
I know I must be wrong here but I could have sworn in a 20 Questions segment with Didio back in the beginning of the year that all of the All-Star lines were done.
Whether they were the never released Wonder Woman or Batman and Superman. He basically stated that no more comics were coming out.
I would personally like to know the status of Ellis' "New Universal" project. I was a fan of the original (maybe the only one) and I am loving this version as well. The only problem is I have nothing to read.
@Dan, good call on that! Got the names mixed up. I'll fix it immediately.
@anonymous, interesting, I didn't know about that.
@brandon, yeah, I remember that. But as far as I knew, the status on the book was "indefinite hiatus", not cancelled. That might have changed when I wasn't looking though.
@Jack, someone commented in the original article that Ellis' computer/hard drive crashed and he lost a TON of scripts, including Fell and New Universal.
i just want to know what's going on with 'the twelve' i know we're 8 issues in, but it feels like it's been over a year since the last issue... i really dug that mini...
@Blake - It's on hiatus. As with all JMS projects, don't expect it to ever finish or, if it does, it'll probably be some rushed conclusion totally disconnected from the original issues that made it great. Sorry, just bitter over Rising Stars and Supreme Power and how they suffered after their 'hiatus' statuses.
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