Tuesday, September 22, 2009

UPDATED - Quasar Died. He Got Better. And a New Costume.

Quasar died back in the original Annihilation.  Phyla-Vel took over the role for a bit before Quasar returned in an energy form and teamed up with Nova recently.  Based on the above promo image making the rounds recently, it looks like Quasar is going to find himself a new body and is modelling his costume after the Nova Prime armour this time.

As for my thoughts on the new look, based on this one image, Wendell Vaughn is looking pretty mean and sporting an 'edgier' looking haircut.  He almost looks like a villain, to be honest.  Maybe Magus gets a hold of him and turns him to his side somehow?  Or maybe it's not even Wendel since he's looking a little younger and sporting the scowl.  Costume-wise, I have no real complaints, but I didn't dislike his old costume either.  Your thoughts?

UPDATE - The Quasar image above was posted yesterday or the day before.  Seems I missed the first look announcement for the Realm of Kings one-shot posted at Marvel.com recently, of which the above Quasar is one of many new evil versions of classic Marvel characters, most likely coming from the tear in space-time from War of Kings.  You can view the 'evil Avengers' after the jump.

Pictured above are evil versions of Captain America (looks like a Bucky version), Ms Marvel, Iron Man, Giant-Man, Scarlet Witch, Quasar and Thor.  I'm guessing Magus will be involved in 'recruiting' these alternate versions of the popular heroes.

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Ryan Schrodt said...

This looks slick and the redesigned costume works well with the new designs of Nova and the uniforms for the Guardians of the Galaxy.

I'm just glad that Marvel is putting so much behind Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning's reimagining of their cosmic line. It's definitely the strongest franchise in comics at the moment.

smkedtky said...

I like the new look. I've always had a soft spot for Quasar. Unfortunately, I seem to be the only fan who can't get into Marvel's cosmic stuff. I tried with "War of Kings" (just because I love the Inhumans) but it didn't do anything for me. I'm not putting it down...just different tastes, I guess. Definitely a nice looking costume, though.

Anonymous said...

Since when was Quasar 'Marvel's Original Cosmic Avenger'????? That would be Captain Mar-Vell...definitely not Quasar

Anonymous said...

Have you seen the "Evil Assemble" solicitations? with an evil Captain America, evil Thor, evil Quasar is there as well. I think this is the evil Quasar...maybe from the fault?

Matt Duarte said...

Are those Quantum shin-protectors?

I think it looks a bit too much like Nova's old costume. Get rid of all the pointy ends in the shoulders, knees, and elbows and this would look better to me. But I approve of the haircut.

Anonymous said...

I thinking along the same lines as the above Anonymous poster (Anonymous II, I suppose). That is the exact same costume as the new 'evil' Quasar. Perhaps our traditional Quasar adopts the costume in the future, but that image is definitely of the new baddies threads.

Fenris said...

Magus, evil doppelgängers, cosmic conflict... sounds a lot like Jim Starlin's The Infinity War. But TIW was pure crap, so the only way is up...

Hawkgirl said...

Oh. If Quasar's really gonna be evil, I'll like it.

Mike said...

@ Anonymous - Mar-Vell was never an Avenger....that makes Quasar the original 'Cosmic' Avenger....(all the stuff I have to do while at work and THIS is what I decide to occupy myself?? Wow...)

Anonymous said...

Based on your reviews of these storylines, I've been meaning to look into it. What would be a good TPB to start with? I don't need to go too far back with the characters, but I'd like to start with the writing team(s) of these recent storylines.

Kirk Warren said...

@Anonymous - Our War of Kings Primer can probably catch you up on most everything you need to know / give you an idea of what you'd like to read to get into Marvel's cosmic books. For the absolute beginnings of the new era of cosmic Marvel, Annihilation (it had a couple of minis leading into it, but you could get by with the main series) is probably your best bet for the introduction trade.

If you just want something recent, I'd pick up War of Kings and go from there with Nova and Guardians of the Galaxy monthlies.

Anonymous said...

new, mighty, dark... and now evil? please, stop this nosense.

Maxy Barnard said...

thought: evil Quasar being taken over and inhabited by good guy quasar at some point. i'd put money on it

Anonymous said...

Mike...actually Captain Mar-Vell WAS an avenger long before Quasar was, he was posthumous made an Avenger after his death (check the first Marvel Handbook, but also mentioned in several Avengers stories throughout the years).

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