Thursday, August 13, 2009

SPOILERS - Blackest Night Big Bad Revealed

Spoiler Warnings. Seems Diamond Distributors has spoiled the party on who the big bad behind Blackest Night is. I'll refrain from posting the image here, but you can find it on Diamond's page or at this ImageShack link if Diamond eventually takes it down. All I can say is, good job DC and Diamond on this one.

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Matt Duarte said...


Quitney said...

That seems to line up with most of the theories I've read.

Ron Cacace said...

That was the first character that I thought was behind the Black Lanterns. Looks like I was right again.

Anonymous said...

DC chose/allowed it to be on the cover of PREVIEWS, which will be out before the third issue of BLACKEST NIGHT as it is. This would have been revealed in the solicitations in a week anyway, so who cares?

Matt Duarte said...

They took it down from the Diamond page already. Looks like releasing the cover this early online was a slip up.

Kirk Warren said...

@Rawnzilla - Ya, he's been pretty much the only guess for most people for a while. I honestly hoped it wouldn't be, as he doesn't quite line up with it, but I imagine Johns will just use selective continuity to fit him in and then build him up significantly, much like he does with many older villains.

@Anonymous - I don't particularly care about spoilers. A good story is a good story. If you need a reveal or catch to make it good or the story is worse after knowing, you're probably M Night Shyamalan. I just consider this a massive slip up from a PR perspective. This could have been a) revealed in issue 2 with Scar or someone mentioning him by name, b) been revealed in an exclusive to CBR or whoever from Johns or c) press released by DC in a more formal setting. It just reflects poorly on them in my opinino when a major event is spoiled in a Previews magazine cover blurb.

NU said...

Anonymous said...

IGN is reporting that the image is the cover of Blackest Night 5 so this wasn't a screwup by diamond

Daryll B. said...

great job diamond and dc...half the fun of this was the

Kirk Warren said...

@Anonymous - If it wasn't a screwup, Diamond would not have taken the cover image down. Obviously someone told them not to. I'd imagine IGN had an exclusive of some sort for it and either had it scheduled to go up today or was allowed to publish it early since the news was released early by Diamond.

Unknown said...

I find this interesting because it means they are not doing the "big reveal" or the "big bad" on the final page of the penultimate issue. Like said, Diamond probably took down the image because IGN had the exclusive, not because it spoiled the series.

DC/Johns may have done this because a)Johns just didn't want the big bad's reveal to be a big deal, b) they realized that a lot of people had guessed it and said screw it, let's just confirm it or c) it's misdirection and there's still a big reveal of some kind coming. Remember the SCW where they showed Kyle Rayner as Parallax at a con to throw people off the Anti-Monitor's return. In any case, that's a pretty mean looking dude.

Kirk Warren said...

@kwaku - Well, there was a recent interview where Johns mentioned that the Anti-Monitor wasn't "happy" imprisoned in the power battery. Maybe he busts out and actually saves people or becomes the actual big bad again for this arc.

Brandon Whaley said...

Anti-Monitor as a hero? Nice concept. As long as they don't get into the Monitors of Countdown/Final Crisis, I'll be cool with that. Or maybe a "Battle of the Villains" pitting this guy versus the Anti-Monitor, and the heroes on the sidelines trying to stop the destruction of everything we hold dear (I hope not, because they'd probably toss Mandrakk in there or something).

Steven R. Stahl said...

Making a villain named 14-5-11-18-15-14 the mastermind -- The name is just too derivative, irrespective of whether he was used before. Past a certain age, that sort of name is just overly cute.


Anonymous said...

Maybe Neil Gaiman slipped someone over at Diamond some cash to post the pic to get back at DC for insisting that Death of the Endless is really "Death as Mercy" ;-)

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