Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Promotions - Lantern Rings for Everybody!

Remember those peachy keen Black Lantern rings that came with Blackest Night #1? Well, according to a poster/comic shop employee at the Green Lantern Corps forums, DC is hooking us up with rings for every other corps. How do you get a ring? Read on for more.

According to the poster, DC sent the following email, which I assume every retailer will eventually get:

With BLACKEST NIGHT ramping up the danger across the DC Universe, DC Comics presents a full spectrum of BLACKEST NIGHT PROMOTIONAL RINGS, solicited in the September Previews!

Retailers may order the rings based on orders of BLACKEST NIGHT #5 and these November tie-in issues: JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #39, BOOSTER GOLD #26, DOOM PATROL #4, ADVENTURE COMICS #4, R.E.B.E.L.S #10 and OUTSIDERS #24.

Retailers may order Promotional Blackest Night Rings as follows:

* For every 25 copies of DOOM PATROL #4 ordered by the order increase cut-off date, retailers may order one bag of fifty YELLOW PROMOTIONAL RINGS at a net cost of $8.00 U.S. The YELLOW PROMOTIONAL RINGS are scheduled to arrive in stores on November 4.

* For every 25 copies of BOOSTER GOLD #26 ordered by the order increase cut-off date, retailers may order one bag of fifty ORANGE PROMOTIONAL RINGS at a net cost of $8.00 U.S. The ORANGE PROMOTIONAL RINGS are scheduled to arrive in stores on November 18.

* For every 50 copies of JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #39 ordered by the order increase cut-off date, retailers may order one bag of fifty RED PROMOTIONAL RINGS at a net cost of $8.00 U.S. The RED PROMOTIONAL RINGS are scheduled to arrive in stores on December 2.

* For every 50 copies of BLACKEST NIGHT #5 ordered by the order increase cut-off date, retailers may order one bag of fifty GREEN PROMOTIONAL RINGS at a net cost of $8.00 U.S. The GREEN PROMOTIONAL RINGS are scheduled to arrive in stores on December 16.

* For every 50 copies of ADVENTURE COMICS #4 ordered by the order increase cut-off date, retailers may order one bag of fifty BLUE PROMOTIONAL RINGS at a net cost of $8.00 U.S. The BLUE PROMOTIONAL RINGS are scheduled to arrive in stores on December 30.

* For every 25 copies of R.E.B.E.L.S #10 ordered by the order increase cut-off date, retailers may order one bag of fifty INDIGO PROMOTIONAL RINGS at a net cost of $8.00 U.S. The INDIGO PROMOTIONAL RINGS are scheduled to arrive in stores on January 13.

* For every 25 copies of OUTSIDERS #24 ordered by the order increase cut-off date, retailers may order one bag of fifty VIOLET PROMOTIONAL RINGS at a net cost of $8.00 U.S. The VIOLET PROMOTIONAL RINGS are scheduled to arrive in stores on January 27.

That's some serious promotion for these lesser known titles, which are all getting Blackest Night tie-ins for those issues, making it all the more enticing to pick them up for retailers scared of over ordering just for some rings. I'm also pleased to see Green Lantern rings, which were offered with Rebirth way back when and ridiculously small in size, being offered again. I'm usually pretty hard on DC for their business practices, but this is grade A, top notch marketing at its finest. Only question is, do retailers give away rings to those who buy those issues and should I start saving so I can get them all?

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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Matt Duarte said...

Ron (@rawnzilla) tweeted the same thing earlier today, so I think this is pretty much confirmed already.

Good to see the smaller titles getting a push too, although it would have made a little more sense to just give away a color ring with each issue of Blackest Night (8 issues, 8 color rings), from a logistical point of view. But like I said, I'm glad DC is trying to promote their smaller books such as Booster Gold and R.E.B.E.L.S.

Chad Warren said...

My only question is why not give yellow rings out with Booster "Gold"?

ModernTenshi04 said...

I agree with Matt, it would make more sense to give them out with the main Blackest Night issues. I'm just glad they're going to do it for the other corps. Was awesome when I walked in to get Blackest Night #1 last month and my store just gave me a ring since I had the book on my pull. Most other stores were charging .25 with the purchase of Blackest Night #1.

Ron Cacace said...

Yup, it's real. We're working on a promotion around these books right now. It's gonna be the bees knees.

Abalam said...

To bad I live in Europe, guess I'll have to search on ebay to get the rings.

Anonymous said...

Hooray!!! I can't wait to wear a rainbow of rings, lol. They aren't giving these away with Blackest Night cause they already know ya'll going to buy that. They want to get new readers for other books!

Kirk Warren said...

Apparently, the rings can be bought with 25 orders of those issues, but will come out in a staggered release. Not sure how retailers will divvy them out with that.

Sebastian said...

I will gladly pay for the rings.


Jule said...

A very good way to promote the other titles, dammit I will have to fight the collector inside me to not buy all of them

Anonymous said...

is it just me or could that bat skull belong to the bruce of E2? i mean bats is displaced in time, why couldn't the body of E2 have changed places with bats after the omega beams? just a though

Anonymous said...

Im betting on darkseid's human host's skull. However when black hand sez to the skull - 'your connected to all of them' I start to wonder if it isnt darkseid.

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