PRICE: 2.99
IN STORES: September 9, 2009
PRICE: 2.99
IN STORES: September 23, 2009

PRICE: 2.99
IN STORES: September 16, 2009
PRICE: 2.99
IN STORES: September 30, 2009
Agents of Atlas

PRICE: 2.99
IN STORES: September 2, 2009
PRICE: 2.99
IN STORES: September 16, 2009

PRICE: 2.99
IN STORES: September 9, 2009
PRICE: 3.99
IN STORES: September 30, 2009
Dark Reign - Young Avengers

PRICE: 3.99
IN STORES: September 9, 2009
PRICE: 3.99
IN STORES: September 30, 2009
Other Changes
You see what I mean about double shipping? It's madness! Five of the titles I follow have two issues coming out in September. To make matters worse, some other series I follow are having a "very special issue" of sorts and get a one-time-only price increase. Take a look...

PRICE: 3.99
IN STORES: September 23, 2009
PRICE: 3.99
IN STORES: September 2, 2009
The issue of Exiles is the final one and it is extra-sized, somewhat excusing the price hike. This issue of Runaways seems to mark the return of Gert, but there is no information if it is a regular sized issue or not.
The Grand Total
Just to give you a comparison, if all these titles were on their normal schedule and price, it would cost me $21.93 to buy them for the month.
$2.99 x 6 = $17.94
$3.99 x 1 = $ 3.99
Total = $21.93
But when you add up all the extra issues and price increases, it ends up being a grand total of $40.88!
$2.99 x 7 = $20.93
$3.99 x 5 = $19.95
Total = $40.88
To say that this is going to make me go over my self-imposed comic budget would be an understatement.
The Number 1's

PRICE: 3.99
IN STORES: September 23, 2009
PRICE: 3.99
IN STORES: September 9, 2009
This is not helped by the fact that Marvel's current policy on making ALL #1 issues of their new ongoing series cost $3.99, even though the series would normally be at $2.99. This is the exact opposite of what you should be doing if you want to attract readers and invite them to check out something they may not be sure on. Vertigo is doing the opposite, making all of their debut issues of new series only $1, inviting readers to try them out. We don't know the long term success of this technique, but kudos to them for trying.
Like I said, this all seems to be coming from Marvel's camp, but then again, I do read more Marvel titles than I do from any other company. And the frustrating thing is that I don't want to drop any of these titles (well, Exiles is canceled, and Agent of Atlas is not far behind) because I like the stories that are being told in them. These are not titles that I am buying for the sake of having a complete run or out of loyalty to a character or franchise. I am not going to regret buying any of them (well, I could, but I haven't regretted buying any of the previous issues is what I mean).
Are you affected by these shipping shenanigans? How are you coping with the increasing comic prices? Has your pull list been culled recently? Let me know in the comments section.
When you write "bimonthly", you should be saying "twice monthly".
Bimonthly means every two months.
Just sayin'.
Rick, that would actually be "semimonthly" for twice a month.
Just sayin'.
In comics, they use it to describe books that come out twice a month. They used to always describe Amazing Spider-Man as going 'bi-monthly' in the summer months.
@Rick: I know what you mean, but I have always seen it used in that context in comics.
My own money problems are starting with October when Haunt debuts, with Image United right behind it. With those 2 titles coming up I know I'm going to have to trim my pull list.
As for Dark Reign: Young Avengers I have my doubts #5 will really ship in September and if it's not just Marvel being hopeful. It's a shame also since issue #3 is when I finally got hooked and excited for more really.
Actually, the DR: YA series will probably ship. It's basically on a 4 week shipping schedule, which is the 5 wednesday September allows for two - one at the start and one at the end.
Yeah, putting Spider-Woman's intro at $4 is garbage, same with the upcoming SWORD series, it'll start at $4. It's very bad business and I'm sure it'll hurt them a bit, but not enough to change their ways.
It's also much worse when Australian stores nearly double the price into our lousy dollars, even though we are trading at 82US cents, apparently that doens't work into comic money...
Actually Bi-monthly has ALWAYS meant once every two months. There actually used to be quite a few books published this way and a lot of magazines still are. The term you are looking for is bi-weekly, which means every two weeks. Which is what they always referred to when X-Men or Spider-Man started appearing twice a month. I've never seen it used the other way around in comics in the last four decades.
Also, despite seeming skewed, first issues of new series ALWAYS sell considerably more than further issues of the same book. So while it doesn't make any sense in a "building new readers" way, it does make sense in a purely business sense, in that Marvel will make a bunch of extra bucks off a new #1 that will automatically sell more issues the following issues of the series whatever the price.
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