Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Flash: Rebirth #4 Review

Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Ethan Van Sciver

- Nothing happened. Thawne explained his masterplan, kind of, but it amounts to just running fast. There's some fights, I suppose, but no tension or drama. Just the odd punch and Thawne poking people with his little wand thing.
- Saint Barry is so awesome, he literally created and sustains the Speed Force. He also cured cancer and shits butterflies. That's how great Barry is, in case you didn't know yet.
- For a book about speed, it's still moving painfully slow and there's no sense of motion or, well, speed to be found in any of these pages. It's just talking and the odd punch.
- The art feels rushed. It's mostly filled with half drawn 'ghost' images of each of the speedsters instead of actual fleshed out drawings. On top of that, it's like the book was just dipped in a bucket of red and yellow paint and tossed in the dryer with how much red and yellow is smeared on the pages in lieu of actually drawing backgrounds.

Verdict - Dropped. I rarely drop miniseries or events midway through, but I came in looking for more of the Barry Allen from Final Crisis, not the grimdark Saint Barry version, and was curious if Johns could recapture the magic from his original run on Flash. Sadly, this event seems to be aimed directly at a very distinct minority of Flash fans moreso than a catch all reboot/launch of the Flash franchise like Green Lantern: Rebirth was. Shame.

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