Saturday, August 8, 2009

Cover of the Week - Hulk #13 JRJr Variant & Captain America: Reborn #2

This week's Cover of the Week nods see Ryan and I agreeing on the John Romita Jr Hulk #13 variant/Amazing Spider-Man homage as our cover of choice while Matt went with the good, old fashioned Captain America vs Hitler cover to Captain America: Reborn #2. Hit the jump for a look-see and our reasons for picking each.

Ryan's & Kirk's Cover of the Week - Hulk #13 (John Romita Jr. Incentive Variant)

Ryan: Excellent homage to a classic image. Honestly, I'm surprised no one has used this idea before, but I'm sure glad to see that the amazing John Romita Jr. was the first.

Kirk: Couldn't help but love this homage piece, but I'd hate to be the hobo that tries to score some free clothing out of that dumpster.

Matt's Cover of the Week - Captain America: Reborn #2

Matt: Look, it's Captain America choking Hitler while Bucky kills some Nazis. Do I really need to explain why this is my pick for cover of the week?

Runners-Up: Luke Cage: Noir #1, Ghost Riders: Heaven's On Fire #1 & The Mighty #7

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Maxy Barnard said...

Because the first thing you do when you're not gamma-enhanced is throw out your big-ass purple shorts. switching the image from spidey to hulk kinda makes it too funny.

The Dangster said...

haha i actually found that hulk cover really funny. glad he chose to pay homage to his dad's cover.

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