Saturday, August 8, 2009

Comic Book Moments of the Week for 08/05/09

This week's Moments of the Week could just as well be called the Secret Six #12 image dump with how many moments that single issue had in it and I actually left several out! I probably could have put up the entire issue if I wanted to as it was just that damn good. Invincible Iron Man also made a respectable showing with several moments of its own while Cry for Justice earned most of the moments of the 'weak'. Hit the jump to see these moments and more!

Amazing Spider-Man #601

Michelle's face is the best reaction ever.

Hey, I own that site!

Captain America: Reborn #2

It's been forever since I've seen a Captain America origin scene, but did he kill the traitor in the original origin? That seems really odd to me for some reason. Cap killing someone in the 616 universe, even back in WWII, just seems wrong to me. Don't know why.

Doom Patrol #1

There's something funny to me about DC's version of the Large Hadron Collider disobeying the laws of physics and attempting to negotiate with the people of Earth so it does not destroy them.

This one was from the Metal Men backup in Doom Patrol #1.

Exiles #5

I'm partly to blame for this since I'm not buying Exiles, but it's always sad to see critically acclaimed fan favourite books get cancelled. But they really should have let this title lay low for a while and tried to dissociate it from the Claremont run.

Ghost Riders: Heaven's On Fire #1

Goddamn investment banker spawn of Satan! I mean, Shuh-tan. Like the hockey player!

Invincible Iron Man #16

Really liked them acknowledging that Norman isn't as smart as Tony Stark and couldn't just make/repurpose a flawless Iron Man armour of his own.

I believe this is the first time we've seen a hint of what's behind Madame Masque's mask. I know I've tried finding scans of her face online and failed before, so I could be wrong on that.

It puts the dress on or it gets the hose!

Greg Land wants his porn references back.

Justice League: Cry for Justice #2

This scene has been talked to death numerous times online already, but I just had to comment on how ridiculous this single page is and wonder how it made it past editorial.

It's almost as bad as Green Lantern complaining about being cold when his ring regulates his temperature and blocks any extreme cold or heat.

And almost as stupid as using the 3 Stooges as the models for the dead guards in a scene that is supposed to be a serious moment.

Secret Six #12

Deadshot is my hero.

I didn't say he was a good role model.

Sucks being base human in the DCU.

Unless you have a banshee on your side...

...or a gun toting Amazon with a mad on for her would be captors.

Of course, the devil (I think it's supposed to be Grendel) is a good substitute if you don't have a banshee or Amazon around.

Ultimate Fantastic Four: Requiem #1

So...Dr Strange got his head popped by a normal human that was just on fire?

Ultimate X-Men: Requiem #1

James Cameron wants his Terminator 2 prop back.

Uh, who the hell is Assemble (the Hulk/Cap/Thor cyborg thing in the back) and why is he showing up randomly in this requiem issue?

Classy funeral X-Men. I see why everyone hates mutants. Nice of you to put Cyclop's head back together, dress him up in his X-Men uniform, put a visor on his exploded head and leave him out on the lawn for the carrion to have some fun. And Iceman, you are still a douche. Lose the damn bandana already.

War of Kings #6

Left out the build up to this, but it featured Gladiator walking through the ruins of the Shi'ar homeworld, picking up the imperial scepter and the people crying out for him to lead them. Was awesome.

Ahaha, Vulcan win? Show him what's for Black Bolt.

Jolly good, ol' chap. You showed him what's for! That charred hamburger in the bottom left is actually Vulcan, for those wondering. Sadly, he gets better. Razzafrazza omega mutants.

That's what we call a pyrrhic victory.

War of Kings: Warriors #2

Why is that kid's head on backwards?

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Kevin said...

The War of Kings #6 images make me want the issue even more. Can't wait to get it next week.

Klep said...

So you mentioned in your review of War of Kings #6 that you didn't like how abrubtly it ended without showing any aftermath. After having read that scan (which I presume is the final page), I actually can't imagine a better way to finish it. The despair, sadness, and uncertainty portrayed by Crystal and Medusa (and the inhumans in the background) contrasted with Crystal's declaration of victory is about as perfect a summation of the cost and impact of the war (and war in general) as I think you could have.

Some of that sadness and uncertainty is transmitted to the reader rather than the satisfaction of finishing a story one might expect. The reader is left feeling uncomfortable with the war, wondering what it accomplished and if it was worth it. To me, that is just an amazing flourish by DnA and it makes me respect their talent that much more. If not for the fact that they have a universe they need to keep writing stories in, I would argue that there shouldn't even be an aftermath issue. Given the need to keep things going however, I just can't wait to read what they do next.

Eric Rupe said...

I was curious as to what happened to Dormammu since he, you know, just vanishes from Ultimatum after killing Strange. Event comics at their worst.

Matt Duarte said...

I totally called Gladiator becoming the leader of the Shi'Ar months ago. I'll wait for the check, Marvel.

I saw that page with the Ultimates Robot, and was as confused as you. It's just there, no one talks about it.

Hoylus said...

Are you sure that Cry for Justice page isn't a MightyGodKing parody?

Mark Cook said...

It would be hard to make Jay's buddies from the '40s NOT look like the Three Stooges...

IslandLiberal said...

Re: Cap killing someone, Brubaker's made it clear since his first issue that Cap has killed plenty of people in the course of the war, etc.

Kirk Warren said...

@IslandLiberal - I recall him showing Bucky being much more of a killer/not just sidekick deadweight in the flashbacks, but cant outright recall a scene with Cap killing someone like that origin scene. I was just curious if anyone recalled any old reprints if he actually killed that guy or not.

The Dangster said...

people at my store deride just because Cry For Justice because the font makes it look like "Gay for Justice." now they just make fun of the writing.

I think Cap killing that guy was in a fit of rage and semi-accidental.

Suggestion for what book to review: Doom Patrol. Honestly the Metal Men back up is worth $4.

btownlegend said...

That Flash link was enough to make this old comic book freak smile. Black Bolt at his best has always been a bad ass.

The Dangster said...

wait i didn't read ultimate x-men requiem. is that really the grave? corpses out on a lawn?

Nathan Aaron said...

Ha ha ha, I'm gay and even I thought that for a second when I saw the second issue of Cry for Justice. I did a double take "did that say Gay for Justice?" Weird! (But then, there's like, 3 gay characters in the book, right? Maybe it's supposed to be subtle. LOL)

Anonymous said...

Kirk, that's the kind of comment you make when you obviously have never SEEN the Three Stooges.

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