BLACKEST NIGHT SERIES 4 ACTION FIGURESDC has been using these 'blacked out' toys as a means of announcing and creating speculation in regards to Blackest Night since the previous Black Lantern Kal-L and Martian Manhunter reveals, so what does this mean for Wonder Woman and is it even our Wonder Woman? Read on for my thoughts and speculation!
DC Direct continues to roll out action figures based on the soon-to-be legendary BLACKEST NIGHT storyline!
This series includes Wonder Woman, who is surprisingly transformed by the happenings of the Blackest Night (Read the comics to learn more!); Green Lantern Kyle Rayner, in his new costume as a member of the prestigious Green Lantern Honor Guard; Black Lantern Firestorm, who was once a member of the Justice League but is now a part of the Black Lantern Corps; and Black Hand, who threatens to destroy everything the Guardians and the Green Lantern Corps stand for, in ways no one ever dreamed possible.

Star Sapphire Wonder Woman?

Black Lantern Wonder Woman?

Blue Lantern Wonder Woman?

What Do You Think?
In CBR's Geoff Johns Prime, in regards to Wonder Woman, Johns was quoted as saying,
"Wonder Woman will have a role in “Blackest Night,” though she isn’t a central character initially. She also appears in the “Blackest Night: Wonder Woman” miniseries by Greg Rucka. I’m a huge fan of Greg’s run. Can you guess what Black Lantern will be in it?Clearly, Wonder Woman will play a part and the above toy screams she gets a ring of some kind, but which one? Compassion seems to go with Wonder Woman. Maybe she will be our 'eyes' for a focus on the Indigo Tribe in her miniseries and she'll join them? Maybe Superman is incapacitated, as seen on the Nekron cover to Blackest Night #5 and Diana is a Blue Lantern? She instilled great fear when killing Maxwell Lord on television, maybe a Sinestro/Mongul Corps ring? What do you think?
One thing to remember is the scenes in Green Lantern #43 showing the characters who escaped death. Diana *has* already died once before and come back, so the Black Lantern could be keying off that version of her.
Better that than any of the other alternatives I could come up with including Diana, Earth-2 Diana, Hippolyta or Artemis as a Black Lantern.
I was tempted to think of Hippolyta or Artemis, but Johns has said specifically that Wonder Woman, and I know each of them has been 'Wonder Woman' before but am assuming Johns isnt playing with semantics, will have a major role to play in Blackest Night. Just beinga Black Lantern doesn't seem to mesh with a major role to me and the toy lists it as "Wonder Woman", not Earth-2 WW or Hippo or Artesmis Wonder WOman (It labelled E2 Superman as Earth-2 Superman where as it lists this one as simply "Wonder Woman").
Very true on the Wonder Woman semantics thing. I don't think Johns would split hairs like that. And the solicits have unfortunately been specific so far about who the characters were (i.e. Earth-2 Kal)
As far as the other rings go, there was two you left out and they're both scary ones to consider just from what I've seen.
Imagine Diana with a red ring? In the Genocide arcs, she's been shown struggling with her anger and temper and how to keep it in check.
Or conversely we get a hint of what the Indigo Lanterns are really about with Compassion, since that's Diana's other strength.
Compassion is probably the best choice, but I didn't see a staff and with so little info on them, I left it out. Blackest Night #2 had the Black Hand diary thing at the end and it said rage is next (Hawkman and Girl represented Love), so maybe Diana, who Johns said is stepping up big for the event, which implies not just the miniseries, will get the red ring and be a big part of it for the next chapter?
Wonder Woman is Love (well she's "peace" really, but I believe that when we inevitably get our White Lantern, that ring will be fueled by Peace).
Superman will definitely be Hope (Van Sciver actually talked about how he had to design a costume for him "just in case" in a podcast interview a few months ago).
I hope this leads to more DC Heroes getting rings for this storyline.
I'm kind of divided on DC heroes getting rings. On the one hand, it's kind of cool but on the other it's also kind of fanboyish, but in a bad way. I guess it would really depend on the execution.
I immediately thought Blue Lantern, specially with what I think is the messiah-role they will play, I guess I could see Wonder Woman filling that role. What do I know? I don't even follow the title.
I also just wanted to point out how ridiculous the little pointy things on Bruce Wayne's skull look. Seriously?
Could it be Donna Troy? She does have upper arm bands and a sash belt.
I always thought that the white lantern would be powered by 'life' - the opposite of black = death and the combination of the whole spectrum of emotion.
Why couldn't it just be "wonder woman"? I mean, it's just Kyle "Green Lantern" up there.
is it just me or could that bat skull belong to the bruce of E2? i mean bats is displaced in time, why couldn't the body of E2 have changed places with bats after the omega beams? just a though
Did any one think that it maybe Donna Troy who becomes the Black Lantern Wonder Woman
this is an irrelevant question, wonder woman is a black lantern. This is confirmed.
um.... anonymous just went bizarro on our arses...
Heh, yeah, I think the last Anonymous to respond failed to note the date on the post.
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