Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Atomic Robo: Shadow From Beyond Time #4 Review

Written by Brian Clevinger
Art by Scott Wegener

+ Dr Carl Sagan! I love how they've worked these (arguably) famous scientists and writers into the book, from the premise with Tesla and Edison to Hawking in earlier volumes and now with Sagan in this story. While they work even if you don't know who these people are, I do and absoultely love their inclusions.
+ Atomic Robo's last name is Tesla. That makes me laugh for some reason. He's also deathly afraid of bugs. To be fair, they can get inside a robot body and die and put bug guts everywhere.
+ SCIENCE! I love all the random pseudoscience in the book, such as 'zorth axis' and '5th cardinal directions'.
+ One of the funniest Atomic Robo's yet.
+ Wegener's little touches with the art. Things like Robo's 70's disco attire or wearing knee socks for his jungle outfit.

Verdict - Must Read. I can't think of a single bad thing to say about this issue. Perfect blend of comedy, action, SCIENCE! and plot progression that reminds me why I love this series so much.

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