Friday, July 24, 2009

Marvel Acquires Rights to Marvelman/Miracleman

Marvel teased they would break the internet in half with an announcement at the Cup O'Joe panel at Comic-Con today and, while there were no outages in my area, I'm going to have to say they at least delivered an announcement worthy of the hype.

As you can tell by the title of this post, Marvel purchased the rights to Marvelman, better known as Miracleman in North America. For newer readers, Marvelman is one of the most celebrated comics in history, boasting critically acclaimed runs from both Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman, and, as hard as it may be to believe by some people, this literally is the biggest comic book related news you will likely ever hear.

What does this mean? For starters, Marvel can now begin reprinting the out of print and impossible to find series for a whole new generation of readers. On top of this, they now have the ability to start printing new stories of the character. Will they use the unpublished Neil Gaiman scripts to finish off his run, which had been cut off due to the bankruptcy? Will Neil Gaiman be returning to Marvel to finish up the run himself? Will we see digitally restored copies of the original trades, similar to how Absolute Sandman touched up the original Sandman issues? I don't know, but damn, even as someone who's already read all of the Marvelman stories, is this not the best news I've ever heard in the my 15+ years of comic book reading.

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Anonymous said...

I could really care less...If the reprint the Moore stuff I'll buy it but other than that...

Eric Rupe said...

A lot of this depends on what rights Marvel got exactly. I'm looking forward to possible new collections/reprints, which would really worth it, though I am less than enthused about Marvel's future plans give that well, they generally f#$% this kind of stuff up. Hopefully, they will be able to bring Gaiman back on.

Andrenn said...

After that abomination that is the new Red She-Hulk I can't seem to be happy about anything with Marvel nowadays. I'm sure that for fans of Marvelman this is big but for me I can't seem to care.

Mike El said...

Can't F*****g Wait.

Anonymous said...

I picked up 20 copies of Miracleman #1 the other day, so I'm pretty pumped about this news. Wasn't there a Miracleman movie in the works before? Would Marvel gain those rights as well?

Matt Duarte said...

@Gordohacker, you picked up 20 copies of Miracleman #1? I really hope that is a typo.

Also, this is great news, I hope they release an Omnibus with all the Moore stories.

Mike I said...

Maybe he just literally picked them up and then put them back down.

Monkeymanbob said...

Issue #1 of MM currently runs at around £50 an issue, I would say that value is about to plummit if reprints are on the way. I wouldn't be that stoked!

Anonymous said...

Haha, I actually bought 20 copies, they were just a couple dollars each. Where are they 50 euros each? Maybe for #15? I think this would bring interest back into the series. And honestly, I have never had a chance to read the entire series.

Anonymous said...

Why would reissues drop the price of the originals?

In fact the opposite will occur- higher interest in a generally unknown character, higher demand for original runs of the issues- higher price (at least in short term..)

BTW- ive read the whole run. Its really great- hopefully Gaiman wil come back to finish up his story...

Anonymous said...

I officially curse Neil if he sold his rights to Marvel, w/o him getting major controls.
This is the only thing I can think of that is worse than it never being printed again.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, marvelman vs Dark-Punisher-Wolverine-Cable-BS... That should work out great.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see reprints of the Moore's and Gaiman's original stuff and an ending to Gaiman's run.

However, I'd rather not see Marvelman in the Marvel Universe. It would go against the original stories of how Marvelman is the most powerful guy in the world. Add him with the other superheroes and hes nothing. Though, if they wiped the slate clean and just had a new Marvelman not connected to the Moore/Gaiman stories, then I guess that'd be cool.

Anonymous said...

Gaiman's MM sucks. As far as I'm concerned, the series ended with #16, along with Alan Moore's departure. Just like Swamp Thing. The succeeding issues were not only pathetic, but embarassing to a great yarn.

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