Amazing Spider-Man #599
Harry Osborn now knows
Peter Parker is
Spider-Man, right? Uh-uh. Next page had Harry saying he turned the see-through visor "off" and he can't see Peter's face. Forget not recognizing his best friend's voice or anything. Stuff like this is why I hate the BND status quo. They flaunt the retarded magic/no one knows who he is in your face or make other characters look like idiots to get around the whole identity reveal as if it's clever.
Batman: Streets of Gotham #2
I'd been waiting for a scene like this where Dick wouldn't recognize one of Bruce's villains and Dini did a great job with it. It definitely brought a smile to my face reading it.

For those out of the loop,
Hush had surgery to make his face look like
Bruce Wayne's. He had been captured before he could do anything with it, but managed to escape in this issue and promptly called a press conference to cement his place as the new Bruce Wayne. Dini has fleshed out Hush beyond words between here and his run on Detective and I'm actually looking forward to seeing where he goes with this development.
Beta Ray Bill: Godhunter #2
Entire race trying to defend their planet getting in the way of your revenge on a planet eating menace? Just infect the race with a potent virus and blackmail them by with holding the cure until they leave! This is why I love
Beta Ray Bill. He's practical.

Of course, blackmailing races, infecting them with deadly viruses, blowing up their planets, etc, etc is fun and all, but not exactly the noblest of endeavours and Bill pays the ultimate price for his single minded pursuit of vengence on
Blackest Night #1
My moment of the week. Was not expecting this at all and
Scar's chowing down was the moment
Blackest Night officially delivered the goods in my eyes.

Of course, while everyone saw this coming a sector away, this splashpage was still an awesome moment.

Martian Manhunter didn't eat up too much space in this issue, as we already knew about his Black Lantern-ization, but it was still cool seeing him back.

This was completely unexpected. Thought
Ralph and
Sue Dibny were going to be fake outs and not actually become Black Lanterns, what with them being Ghost Detectives and all. Add the gore and Reis twisted renditions of both and it was another great moment from this issue.

You don't see people getting their hearts ripped out in many comics, especially an event book from Marvel or DC, so was shocked to see how much gore was on display here.
Dark Avengers #7
Wolverine (yes, I know it's Daken) on too many team jokes never get old.
Deadpool #12
Oh god, this is a lawsuit waiting to happen. "Faux News live from school shooting - comic books turn kids into killers, "news" at a 11".


To be fair, that was pretty cool.

FPS lover in me couldn't help but laugh at this one.

And if the teacher killing scene from above wasn't enough, we also get suicide for more possible public outrage.
Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers #3
I think I should be reading this book.

really think I should be reading this book.
Mighty Avengers #27
This was
Jarvis's reaction to
Hank Pym's new base of operations having about a million different rooms.

Ahaha, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be laughing this hard over him describing a team getting wiped out as, "Alpha Flighted", but I can't help it.
Superman/Batman #62
The doctor is in!
Mr Zsasz hasn't looked this creepy in, well, ever.
I need to start reading Deadpool, damn it...
"while everyone saw this coming a sector away"
Oh please not another non-american team getting whiped in order to show that the american heroes are the best at what they do?
European team in Sentry, canadian team in New Avengers, indian (?) team in Iron Man and now chinese team in Mighty Avengers? This is getting annoying!
oh you should DEFINITELY be reading Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers. It's the second best Avengers book out there, which for a Limited Series about animals is really saying something!
@mugiwara, what European team? MI 13?
No, it was some team called Super Heroes of Europe with all members wearing flags of their countries: Norway, France, Germany...
They appeared in the first Sentry mini by Jenkins and Jae Lee. Most of them were killed by the Void.
Re: "Alpha-flighted"
Too soon , man , too soon....
That's like when Spidey was making dead Captain America jokes.
USAgent has always been kind of an asshole, so I think it's pretty much in character for him to make that joke.
Scar is one freaky little blue bitch. I bet she's great in the sack!
( So , so wrong.... )
Some great moment this week, I too loved the wolverine on too many teams joke,and the many moments in blackest night. And you know what even though in amazing spider-man, the whole Harry not noticing its peter thing was really stupid, the rest of the issue was brilliant.
You missed one great moment in this week's X-Factor, when Madrox made a Bob Marley reference, and Ruby (Cyclop's mutant daughter from the future) says, "Who?" Madrox then mutters that, "This is what hell must be like, where nobody gets your cultural references."
Amen to that, brother!
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