If you missed any of our Blackest Night primer, make sure to check out the index post for basic information, links to all the other posts and the schedule for upcoming posts. When you're ready, hit the jump for everything you need to know about the Sinestro Corps.
Emotional Spectrum: Fear
First Appearance: Green Lantern #10 (as a Corps)
Homeplanet: Qward (Sector -1 of the Anti-Matter Universe)
Leader: Sinestro; Renegade faction led by Mongul
Key Stories: Sinestro Corps War, Rage of the Red Lanterns, Emerald Eclipse
Beware your fears made into light.
Let those who try to stop what's right,
Burn like his power -- Sinestro's might!"
It would be years before Geoff Johns explained that the yellow ring actually harnessed fear from emotional spectrum. The culmination of all this came with Sinestro's realization that to combat the Green Lantern Corps, he would need his own corps to be on even footing and, thus, the Sinestro Corps was born. Recruitment began shortly after Johns rebooted the Green Lantern franchise with Green Lantern: Rebirth and saw Sinestro's new corps expand rapidly, seemingly rivalling the Green Lantern Corps in numbers overnight and resulting in their debut at the onset of the Sinestro Corps War.
Initiation: Unlike Green Lantern rings, which seek out people that can overcome great fear, the Sinestro Corps rings seek out those that can instill great fear. Furthermore, the Sinestro Corps rings literally gangpress new recruits into the corps and immediately teleport them back to Qward in the Anti-Matter Universe so they can be "subjected to psychological and physical reconditioning".
Finally, each new recruit, once trained under Arkillo, the Sinestro's drill sergent, must undergo a final trial whereby they are placed in an isolation chamber in complete darkness with their new ring, which is drained of all power, and forced to either harness fear to light their ring or die trying.
Weaknesses: Sinestro Corps rings are weak against Blue Lanterns, who can drain their power. Combined with the fact Green Lanterns are weak against red and orange light, the two emotions farthest from them on the spectrum, it is possible that yellow, also in the middle with green, is weak against violet (Star Sapphires) and/or indigo (Indigo Tribe). Kryb was easily taken down by the Star Sapphire, Miri, where several Green Lanterns failed, and they are already shown to be weak against blue, so it is very likely these weaknesses may be shown during Blackest Night.
Notable Members

There, Sinestro met the Weaponers of Qward, who fashioned a yellow power ring for him. Sinestro would use this ring to fight back against the Guardians and Green Lantern Corps and, eventually, it was the inspiration for forming an entire corps of yellow ring users.
Sinestro has only considered two people to be his friends over the years, Abin Sur and his eventual replacement, Hal Jordan. Despite everything that has happened, it appears that Sinestro still respects Hal Jordan and considers him a friend.
It was recently revealed that Sinestro has a daughter, the Green Lantern, Soranik Natu, whom he has kept hidden and watched over for all these years. When Atrocitus revealed he knew of his daughter, Sinestro was forced to confront her and reveal his identity as her father. Natu outright rejected him, but has come to accept the knowledge that he is her father.

Through the combined efforts of the Green Lantern Corps, Guardians of the Universe and even Superboy-Prime at the conclusion to the Sinestro Corps War, the Anti-Monitor was defeated and Prime threw his dying body into space, where it was then captured on the dead planet, Ryut, in Sector 666, the same place as the Manhunter Massacre of Sector 666 took place, and imprisoned inside a giant black lantern, where his powers now serve as the Central Power Battery of the Black Lantern Corps.

When Sinestro was imprisoned in the Central Power Battery for his crimes, he learned of Parallax and developed a plan that would see it corrupt and possess Hal Jordan, who would go on to destroy the previous encarnation of the Green Lantern Corps.
During the Sinestro Corps War, Sinestro used Parallax to possess Kyle Rayner, who then became a herald of the Sinestro Corps and fought many of his fellow Green Lanterns before being defeated. Parallax was then extracted from Kyle and separated into four pieces, each piece residing inside one of the four Earth-based Green Lantern's personal power batteries, where Parallax has remained since.
Mongul (Sector 2811)

Using these rings, he went about establishing his powerbase within the leaderless Sinestro Corps faction post-Sinestro's capture at the end of the Sinestro Corps War. Recently, he attempted to take over Daxamite. After enslaving the local Daxamite population and defeating Arkillo for control of this faction of the Sinestro Corps, Mongul was forced to fight Ion, who had come to aid his former people and home. Ion sacrificed himself in the Daxam red sun, where he used the Ion power to convert it to yellow, which gave his Kryptonian-like people Superman level powers. This allowed them to easily fight back against their oppressors and forced Mongul to issue a retreat command. Mongul was last seen stating he had another planet in mind for a base of operations.
Also, Sinestro is aware of Mongul's actions and has plans to deal with him at some point in the future, most likely during Blackest Night.
Hal Jordan (Sector 2814)

Other Notables:
Amon Sur (Sector 2814)

Arkillo (Sector 674)

Cyborg-Superman (Sector 3601, formerly 2814)

At some point before the Sinestro Corps War, Cyborg-Superman became the leader of the Manhunters and was eventually captured by the Green Lanterns. Freed of his imprisonment by Sinestro during the Sinestro Corps War, Cyborg-Superman pledged loyalty to the Anti-Monitor in exchange for his own death. He had become tired of life and his immortal existence and where every other attempt at dying failed, he believed the Anti-Monitor would succeed.
While he appeared to die during the Sinestro Corps War, the epilogue showed the Manhunters finding several parts of him and reviving him. He has not been seen since, but his connection to the Sinestro Corps and the Manhunters, whom have a storied past with the Guardians, Atrocitus and the Massacre of Sector 666, along with Cyborg-Superman's desire for death, it is believed he may return at some point during the Blackest Night.
Fatality (Sector 1313)
Kryb (Sector 3599)

Lyssa Drak (Sector 3500)

Superboy-Prime (Sector 2814 of Earth-Prime)

One quick nitpick point. The current Mongul is the son of the Mongul that destroyed Coast City.
I don't know if it is just me, but I can't see the banner you used above the "Powers" section.
No, I've got the same problem Matt.
@Steven - Good catch, I always forget when he first came in. It wasnt actually til Imperiex or just before Our Worlds at War for the second one. Ill update it to reflect that.
@Matt & Eric - Banner was working last night, not sure what happened. Reuploaded it, should be fine now.
Yeah, it works now.
anyone think we are goin to see the REAL mongul pop up in blackest night?
It's possible. Maybe he and Mongal, who Mongul II killed post-SCW, will show up for a family reunion.
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