If you missed any of our Blackest Night primer, make sure to check out the index post for basic information, links to all the other posts and the schedule for upcoming posts. When you're ready, hit the jump for everything you need to know about the Green Lantern Corps.
Emotional Spectrum: Willpower
First Appearance: Showcase #22 (original), Green Lantern Corps: Recharge #1 (current, two Corpsmen per sector version)
Homeplanet: Oa (Sector 0)
Leader: Guardians of the Universe
Key Stories: Green Lantern: Rebirth, Green Lantern Corps: Recharge, Sinestro Corps War, Sins of the Star Sapphire, Rage of the Red Lanterns, Agent Orange, Emerald Eclipse
No evil shall escape my sight.
Let those who worship evil's might,
beware my power -- Green Lantern's light!"
Note: The Alpha Lanterns have their own oath and it goes as such:
Obey the Laws forever more
Misconduct must be answered for,
Swear us the chosen -- The Alpha Corps!"
Origin: The origin of the Green Lantern Corps goes back billions of years. The Guardians of the Universe, a race of immortals that were among the first sentient beings in the universe, took it upon themselves to establish peace and order throughout the cosmos.
Their first attempt at a cosmic police force resulted in the creation of the robotic Manhunters. The Manhunters began showing signs of problems through their use of excessive force and disregard for the mandates set about by the Guardians. The Manhunters believed that order could not be established unless all life was eliminated and this resulted in the Massacre of Sector 666, which saw trillions of beings executed and only five survivors, who became terrorists hellbent on revenge against the Guardians for their crimes. Atrocitus was one of these survivors and later formed the Red Lanterns.
When the Guardians attempted to deactivate the Manhunters, they rebelled and instigated a millenia long war against their creators that culminated with an attack on Oa. While never fully defeated, the Manhunters were no longer a threat to the universe. This left the Guardians without anyone to help police their laws. As they believed the Manhunters failed due to not having or beng able to recognize emotion, for their new corps, they chose sentient beings with the ability to overcome great fear and expressed great strength of will. These attributes were to be used with the Guardians' newest creation - green power rings that harnessed willpower from the emotional spectrum.
This new corps would go on to become the Green Lantern Corps, named after the original police force of the universe, which began on a fog covered world and saw police officers carry green flame-filled lanterns on their nightly patrols. Those green lanterns became known across the universe as a sign of order and was the perfect symbol for the Guardians new police force.
Initiation: Mogo, the sentient planet and fellow Green Lantern, is responsible for the Green Lantern recruitment process. Mogo controls the rings of deceased Lanterns and guides them to new recruits. Recruits are chosen based on their ability to overcome great fear and the strength off their willpower. There are currently two Green Lanterns for each of the 3600 sectors, as well as various honour guard members, such as Guy Gardner and Kyle Rayner, that do not fall under any sector and are chosen at the Guardians' discretion.
During the Sinestro Corps War, Mogo was nearly destroyed by Ranx and the Children of the White Lobe. It was stated that due to his guidance of the rings, if he had been destroyed, the Green Lantern Corps would be unable to recruit new members and the rings would simply return to Oa upon the death of any Green Lantern. No other corps has been shown to have this limitation.
Rewriting Of The Book of Oa: During the Sinestro Corps War, the Guardians of the Universe saw fit to begin rewriting the Book of Oa to enact ten new laws. So far, only four of these new laws have been revealed and they are as follows:
- 1. Lethal Force is authorized to be used against the Sinestro Corps.
- 2. Lethal Force is authorized against all enemies of the Green Lantern Corps.
- 3. Love and physical relationships between members of the Green Lantern Corps is forbidden.
- 4. The Vega System is no longer Outside the Green Lantern Corps' jurisdiction.
Furthermore, the rings provide basic life support, shields, flight, communications and access to the near-infinite knowledge held within the Book of Oa. In the presence of a Blue Lantern, Green Lantern power levels more than double and expenditures of this power are quickly refilled.
Weaknesses: Due to Parallax's imprisonment within the central power battery, rookie Green Lanterns are weak against anything yellow and cannot affect them with their rings. Those that have overcome their fears can use the rings on anything yellow, though. Green Lantern rings must be recharged every 24 hours or whenever they expand too much energy.
Also, Red Lanterns can easily burn away Green Lantern power reserves with their rage powered flames. Finally, Orange Lanterns can absorb any and all green light, rendering Green Lanterns attacks useless against the orange light of avarice.
Notable Members
Guardians of the Universe (Sector 0)

One group splintered off from the Guardians became the Controllers, who were recently decimated by Larfleeze in Agent Orange. Another faction of females did not agree with the need to ignore all emotions in a crusade to police the universe and left on their own in pursuit of love. They settled on Zamaron and became known as the Zamarons.
The Guardians powers are quite extensive and they have shown to be immortal, highly durable, and possessing vast psionic abilities and knowledge. Kyle Rayner has been quoted as saying Ganthet has the power to crack a planet in half and the Guardians, while typically shown to take Watcher-like non-involvement type stances, have been shown to be strong enough to go toe-to-toe with Superman-Prime and even the Anti-Monitor.

Sodam Yat (Sector 1760)

In the recent Emerald Eclipse storyline, Sodam Yat tapped into the Ion power and used it to convert Daxamite's red star into a yellow star. The yellow star would empower the people of Daxam, effectively giving them powers similar to Superman. Both Sodam Yat and the Ion entity were presumed dead as a result of this sacrifice and have not been seen since. However, many believe he survived this and will be seen again at some point during Blackest Night.
Hal Jordan (Sector 2814)

Hal also has a history with several key players going into Blackest Night, namely Sinestro, who was his friend and mentor in the past, Atrocitus, who was the first villain Hal ever fought, and Black Hand, who is the herald of the Black Lanterns.
At present, Hal Jordan is still viewed with disdain by his fellow corpsmen for his destruction of the corps, even with them knowing he was possessed by Parallax at the time. In the build up to the Blackest Night, Jordan has also come into contact with the other corps and has, at one point or another, used their rings, which lends credence to the theory that he will use all of the rings or somehow become a White Lantern during Blackest Night.
Kyle Rayner (Sector 2814)

Upon the rebirth of the corps, Kyle became known as the Torchbearer of the corps and was viewed as a living legend by his fellow corpsmen. He later lost the power of Ion durng the Sinestro Corps War, but maintains Honour Guard status as a Green Lantern.
Along with Guy, he was recently given a temporary suspension from the Green Lantern Corps by the Guardians of the Universe for disobedience and dissenting opinions over the execution of prisoners at the conclusion to the riots on Oa in Emerald Eclipse. This suspension saw them teleported to Earth just as Blackest Night was beginning.
As Kyle has suffered many hardships in his life, primarily through the deaths of loved ones, it is expected that the at least some of his past loves will be revived as a Black Lantern.
Guy Gardner (Sector 2814)

John Stewert (Sector 2814)

Abin Sur (Sector 2814)

Sinestro (Sector 1417)

Other Notables:
Alpha Lanterns

Kilowog (Sector 0674)

Mogo (Sector 2261)

Salaak (Sector 1418)

Saarek (Sector 0773)

Soranik Natu (Sector 1417)

I just remembered that part in Rebirth mentioning how Guy's ring is always sparking and Kilowog's ring is the only one that makes a sound. Way cool.
Mogo... I thought he'd end up as the new Oa after BN, since he is such an integral part of the Corps and since the Guardians look to be on the outs, but then I remembered he's dead in the 31st Century. Curses, foiled again.
Hal's entry brings to mind the cover to Green Lantern #49 and #23 with the rings. A good portion of my own personal iconic covers are Lantern-related. You should definitely do a special post where you detail different Lantern covers.
Cool stuff, kids. Really. This is one of the reasons I read comics. The discussion, the contention, the community. Seriously, great work. Can't wait for the rest of the posts.
Is Parallax in the central power batter in Oa???
I thought he was trapped within the four Earth-based Green Lantern's batteries at the conclusion of Sinestro Corps War.
Wow...forgot all about Mogo. When did we last see he/she?
I also thought Parallax was encased within the four batteries.
Great stuff.
Parallax is, indeed, inside the four Earth lanterns batteries, but the yellow impurity due to his first imprisonment in the central battery still causes all the rookie Green Lanterns to have problems dealing with yellow objects. I should have clarified it better.
From my (admittedly meager) knowledge, there was a Yellow Lantern Hal Jordan, but it was a Bizarro, not the real Hal Jordan. Was there another time that Jordan has used a yellow ring?
@Anonymous - Hal used multiple yellow rings during the Sinestro Corps War when he helped rescue Kyle Rayner. Much like other rings, Hal could barely used it and was laboured by the process, similar to how Ollie reacted when using the Green Lantern ring in Rebirth. Sinestro laughed at his attempts to use the yellow rings.
Thanks for the info -- I remember now what you're describing. (Curse my feeble human memory!)
Ive always thought that Kilowog, Mogo and Salaak should be honor guards too because they really cant patrol their sectors
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