Thursday, June 25, 2009

JMS Off Thor

Bleeding Cool is reporting that J. Michael Straczynski is ending his run on Marvel's critically acclaimed Thor this September. Bleeding Cool's source is Diamond's Previews catalogue, which lists Thor: Defining Moments Giant Size #1 (what the hell kind of title is that?) as the conclusion to JMS's run on the God of Thunder.

As befit the news of Captain Britain and MI13's cancellation, I figured the banner image for this post was picture perfect for my reaction to the news. My only hope is that Marvel brings in Matt Fraction and Patrick Zircher as the new creative team to take over. You will remember both from the spectacular Thor: Ages of Thunder series of one-shots.

What of you? Will you continue reading Thor with JMS off the title? Who do you want to take over for him? Sound off in the comments below.

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Zdenko said...

After JMS, I can't really think of anyone. His run was superb for me. Matt Fraction could do it, he had those One-Shots which were very good, but I don't see him going full time on Thor with Iron Man, X-Men and all...

Anonymous said...

Fraction is over-booked with other Marvel properties as it is, I don't really see how he can take over Thor as well.

My guess is we'll find out at Comic-Con in a few weeks. I would expect a big-name, being the Thor movie seems to be moving forward.

Matthew said...

Fraction or Oeming. No question.

Anonymous said...

I actually do not mind this move so much. JMS is great on Thor and even Fraction will not live up to JMS. But, JMS was not putting out a monthly title. It was struggling to get half of the titles out each year. That is pretty bad. It does not matter how good the writer is, if he cannot get the work done on time, he has to go.


Maxy Barnard said...

I want to say Cornell should take over, for no other reason than Captain Britain ending and Dark Reign Young Avengers' Enchantress II proving he can write asgardians (albeit lisping ones)

Nathan Aaron said...

Patrick Zircher's art on Terror, Inc. (the first mini) was MIND BLOWINGLY gorgeous! Why oh why Marvel couldn't put two and two together and get him back for the second mini (out now) is beyond me. I totally skipped that one, the art is horrid. Patrick is an amazing artist!

Matt Duarte said...

Haha, yes! The Darth Vader image again! That was pretty much my reaction too.

If this title had been coming out on a monthly schedule, it would be a legend by now. It's too bad it suffered such delays, but both JMS writing and Coipel's art was almost worth it though.

Fraction does seem like a good fit for the title, I'd rather have him write Thor than Uncanny X-Men.

Phillyradiogeek said...

Fraction did a great job on Secret Invasion: Thor, but I didn't read any of his one-shots. Cornell would also be a logical choice.

What I'd like to know is why he's gone. I've heard JMS was unhappy with the direction Marvel wanted to take with Thor, and after Spider-Man OMD, this might have been the last straw.

It's obvious there is no love lost between JMS and Marvel (don't forget the postponement of The Twelve indefinitely).

Eric Rupe said...

From here - He chalks up part of the success of his stint on Thor to the series’ “self-contained, self-sufficient and self-directing” nature before adding, “Of course, now that the Siege of Asgard Big Crossover Event is looming before me, I have to do some serious and hard thinking about the future.”

Daryll B said...

count me in on having Fraction and Zircher as the new team...

my dark horses would be Alan Davis as writerand artist or as artist with Mard Waid as writer

and Cornell with Hairsine (after Hairsine completes Killapolooza of course..)

jpbl1976 said...

Isn't there any way that Marvel can lure Simonson to do another run on Thor? I've thoroughly enjoyed JMS's run but Walter Simonson's run was still better. The way Simonson melded Thor's roots in Norse mythology with the Kirby/Lee rendition is still, in my view, the definitive take on the character.

Michael Edwards said...

I can't understand why Marvel would shoot themselves in the foot by getting rid of JMS. He's scorching hot now with the success of his movies, Thor, and his Spider-Man run prior to Sins Past. Not to mention his first hit Babylon 5, which has created a massive following rivaling Star Trek.

And please god, no. Mark Waid has clearly passed what prime he had. He cannot write any good stories anymore. Give the book to some one who will actually keep up the tempo that JMS set. Maybe some one who can talk Marvel out of the planned Siege of Asgard event. I mean how many times can Asgard be sacked in fan-fiction, and comics?

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