Amazing Spider-Man #597
Gas or no gas,
Spider-Man doesn't get hit by someone using a bow and arrow.

Bullets, my only weakness! In all seriousness, WTF! They can't honestly pane out next issue nad have it be a shot to the wrist or shoulder or something. Not sure how they're going to get around what will have to be a major copout on some level.
Beta Ray Bill: Godhunter #1
That, my friends, is
Beta Ray Bill destroying a planet
Galactus is trying to feed on in an attempt to starve him.

This is
Beta Ray Bill pimp slapping one of Galactus's heralds after destroying the planet.

And this is
Beta Ray Bill being awesome. For those unfamiliar with Mr Horseface or his level of awesome (it's higher than yours), this series looks like it could be good and a throwback to his
Walt Simonson days.
Deadpool #11
Uh...How does this work?
Bullseye doesn't have a healing factor...
Fantastic Four #567
Latveria gets blown up every second Tuesday. I think it's usually retaliation for a SHIELD helicarrier crashing or maybe the
Baxter Building getting destroyed.

Giant prehistoric sharks are no match for
Doom! We all know he'll be back by the end of this arc for some
Marquis of Death asskicking and
Reed Richards gloating.

Scuzzy, burnt/rotting flesh filled metal masks are all the rage these days.
Flash: Rebirth #3
While it's not the standard
Flash/Superman race, at least it was finally settled just who's faster (and by a large margin).

No, that isn't
Zoom (well, technically it is Professor Zoom, just not the Zoom we know), it's actually the
Reverse Flash, Eobard Thawne, whom Barry killed after he murdered Iris (they all got better) and was who
Kelson Vibber had as
his first choice in his recent guest post laying out the possible mystery villains for this series.
Green Lantern Corps #37
Ion's really dead??? That doesn't sound right...

Who are these guys again? Oh ya, the
Alpha Lanterns. Was wondering if they still, you know, existed post-
Final Crisis.

This was one of the more interesting moments this week, but had me a bit disappointed, too. We just get one of my favourite
Sinestro Corps members,
Lyssa Drak, who got a name change or is paying dividends to the
X-Men on this page with the Drax spelling, back and she's immediately written out again by

Was under the impression
Scar simply used the book, but it looks more like it controls her than the other way around. Although, I've yet to see a consistent portrayal of her across any books, so who knows.
Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers #2
Starro the Conqueror looks amazing. Not reading Rebels, but might have to just to see this guy in action.
Uncanny X-Men #511
Wow, it's the same person with three different costumes on!
X-Factor #44
I still find it a little creepy that the formerly 15 year old
Layla is have sex talks now. Might just be me.
Starro looks amazing. Probably starting to pick this up now officially. The rest is awesome. No Red Robin, AC or Batman stuff?
The X Factor issue had a ton of great moments.
If Cap America or Wolverine can tag a fresh Spidey, I'm sure freakin Bullseye can hit him with arrows after gas made him sloppy.
Land is really bad. And lazy. But the worse thing is that he's not even half as bad and lazy as Fraction is on UXM.
X-Factor looks good. Perhaps I should repick it. But then it would mean that I repicked it because I saw scans from the issue on a website and that is what bad people do.
My favorite moment from X-Factor was when Layla mentions that they renamed "JFK" airport to "BHO".
Also, holy shit, BRB: Godhunter was awesome. There's so much stuff in it (without counting the reprint): BRB teams up with Thor, meets with the flirtatious Agent Brand, destroys a group that was using an organ (as in the instrument) to create black holes, fights against a herald of Galactus AND destroys a planet. All of that in one single issue!
Don't forget Bullseye was crippled at one point. He was healed by a blood transfusion with nanites so maybe a few of them are still there.
Flash: Rebirth proves it - Geoff Johns is just a paid fanfiction writer.
Beta Ray Bill looks amazing. I didn't have any interested in it before, but this makes me wish I picked it up.
OtherMarlo - I'm not sure what you mean by this. Aren't all superhero writers technically paid fanfiction writers? That is, assuming that they actually enjoy what they are writing. I think you mean this to be in insult, in which case you are going to need to be more specific!
gotta throw some stuff in from Batman this week...some of those alfred scenes had me tearing up
Help me out here...when exactly did Professor Zoom enter the speed force before his neck was broke? I was hoping for Barry's twin...but nice that Geoff went the easy way out...AGAIN....
Beta Ray Bill was surprisingly good...I was disappointed in the secret invasion story involving him...but this? HE BLEW UP A PLANET TO STARVE GALACTUS!!! That's a Holy %*%( moment if there ever was one.
I think Fraction is doing a good job and I love for the Dodsons to take over the book for a bit...I admit I was a Greg Land fan in the beginning..but come on now he is not even trying to come up with new so bad.
This whole X-Factor rn needs to be in an Omnibus..*gets handed note*...What do you mean you only do it for Brubaker and Bendis??? Dang Marvel!
Daryll, while an X-Factor omnibus would be all kinds of awesome, there would have to be two, one before Messiah Complex and another one after it. Now that I think about it, that would be about 20 issues, so I guess it COULD happen.
X-factor moment continues to affirm why I think Ruby Summers is one of the best new characters in recent years.
While BRB: Godhunter probably deserves to be in the MotW, I was disappointed with this issue. First, the art is just not my cup of tea, so that's problematic all the way. Second, Bill himself seems to have REALLY lost his way, to an extent certainly not foreseeable from the disappointing post-SI one-shot. Third, Agent Brand was so over-the-top slutty/flirtatious that it just left a bad taste in my mouth for the rest of the book. Don't you hate when relatively little moments in a book just ruin everything for you? Oh well..
Aaron, I really liked the art in BRB: Godhunter. I thought it fit the tone and the story very well. What didn't you like about it?
Professor Zoom is from the far future. He went on to appear several times in Mark Waid's Flash run going up against Wally. He even showed up thinking he was Barry at one point (his features were altered to look like Barry).
Plus he knows Barry will one day kill him. It was this knowledge that turned him from idolizing Barry to hating him.
So it is not only possible, but easy to have him appear from at different point in his lifeline. The more difficult thing to explain would be having him actually be Thawne back from the dead.
...And a zillion years later, the black Spiderman costume STILL rocks. Man, if only it'd stuck around, and not gone all Venom on us...
Matt, it's hard for me to say why I dislike the Beta Ray Bill art. It's certainly not the worst thing ever, but I just don't really enjoy it. I think it works best when "normal" people aren't on page. Agent Brand, and even Thor, just look a bit off to me, though I have less of a problem with Bill himself, Stardust, or that cute refugee guy. *shrug* I tried to make it sound like not too huge a deal: it's just not my preferred art style. There's no explaining taste, eh? But, I'm certainly not saying it is "bad" art, just not quite what I wanted.
Aaron, I understand, sometimes the art just doesn't click with you.
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