Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Secret Six #9 Review

Written by Gail Simone
Art by Nicola Scott and Doug Hazlewood

In my eyes, this issue is so good that it single handedly makes the entire the debacle of an event, Battle for the Cowl, worthwhile. Simone understands each of these characters and what motivates them and watching Bane and Catman reacting to the news of Batman's death and their own round about way of acknowledging his impact on their lives was worth the price of admission alone. Throw in Ragdoll's hilarious portrayal of the boy/girl wonder and it's just icing on the cake.

The most difficult part of this review is actually narrowing down my favourite part of this issue. We've got moments with Bane and Catman debating the useage of the term of hero in relation to their stopping some child kidnappers (a scene that followed Bane having broken one man's back and snapped another's neck), Catman leaving Bane to deal with the crying child, to which Bane is woefully unprepared, and even throwbacks to the old Adam West Batman's television show with Bane, Catman and Ragdoll climbing up a wall.

In lieu of picking a single moment, such as those listed above, I'm going to go with the back and forth pyscho analyzing between Catman and Bane over each other's desire/denial about possibly replacing Batman and the begrudging respect/reverence they have for the man. That and the realization by Ragdoll that anything he says sounds sick and perverted, which was followed by his spouting of random words and sayings throughout the issue.

Verdict - Must Read. The plot is fairly straightforward, but the trip is worth it. Spot on characterizations and easily one of my favourite comics this year. Highly recommended.

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