Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Deadpool Movie Announced

The Hollywood Reporter is, uh, reporting that, with the success of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, which pulled in over $150 million worldwide in its opening weekend, Fox has green lit a Deadpool movie. Ryan Reynolds is already signed on to reprise the role of The Pool - The Deadpool (worst line of dialogue ever!) - and writers are already hard at work on it.

Matt and I have been procrastinating on our Wolverine movie reviews, but, in regards to Deadpool, I really enjoyed the opening segments with Reynolds. He was everything I expected from the Merc with a Mouth and I was shocked at just how little screen time he had before showing up later in the film as Weapon XI. Hopefully they will move away from that iteration if this movie ever sees daylight. I've included a shopped Snake-Eyes, from the GI Joe movie, to show off how a real Deadpool movie version could look after the jump.

It's not perfect, but it definitely shows that they could use an approximation of his comic book costume in the movie and still look good. It should be impossible to mess up a movie about an insane, sword wielding, joke cracking mutant with a healing factor that's played by Ryan Reynolds, who seems born to play the role, but this is Hollywood we're talking about and Fox in particular, so anything could happen.

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Andrenn said... 1

If they can do him even somewhat similar as he was in Hulk vs. Wolverine than I'm good. Have those guys write it and we're solid. Give him his original outfit, as well as break the forth-wall and we've got an awesome movie. Glad it's been green-lit.

Anonymous said... 2

Well if you saw the Deadpool post-credits ending it looks like the whole Weapon XI crap won't have much of a lasting impact. His healing factor is apparently still intact (I mean, his decapitated head can talk!), and his mouth is now open, so maybe they'll find a way to explain how he loses the internal swords (seriously? wtf, how does that not slice him up from the inside?), Cyclops-vision, etc.

The movie sucked balls, I seriously hope the sequel is not as bad as it looks (the Japan ending... "I'm drinking to remember"...urgh).

Anonymous said... 3

what odds another prequel?

saw the movie last night, but we got the Japan ending - anyone care to post details of the other ending?

Randallw said... 4

I haven't seen it but I read elsewhere Deadpool gets his head cut off. After the titles he reaches for his head, puts his finger to his lips and "ssshs" the audience not to tell anyone.

Randallw said... 5

Sorry to doublepost. I forgot to link to the latest Marvel (Deadpool) vs DC (Watchmen)

Duckface said... 6

The ending is: We see hands searching for something in the rubble of that random circular building that Weapon XI blew up as his head went falling down. The hands find Deadpool's head; the eyes open and he says "Shhhh" directly to the audience. This all happens with the head still detached.

Matt Duarte said... 7

Totally stoked! I just hope that Fox doesn't make this with the expectations that it'll be a huge summer blockbuster, or they'll be sorely disappointed.

Anonymous said... 8

thanks duckface!

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