However, the biggest release this week is probably 100 Bullest #100, which marks the final issue of one of my favourite Vertigo books. I only collect it in trades, but I'm interested in hearing how they wrap things up while I wait for the inevitable trade.
Hit the jump for the previews.
Written by Greg Rucka
Art by Eddy Barrows and Ruy Jose
Enter: Ursa!
Kirk: Despite a little apprehension over the 'magically aging' Chris Kent, I was quite surprised how much I enjoyed the first issue of Rucka's Flamebird and Nightwing run on Action Comics. Looking forward to seeing how they deal with Ursa and finding out more about the Phantom Zone prisoners that Flamebird and Nightwing have been tracking down on Earth.
Written by Ed Brubaker
Art by Luke Ross
The most important issue of Captain America since issue 25 is finally here! Sharon Carter's dreams are forcing her to relive the death of Steve Rogers -- and her time under the control of Dr. Faustus. But will these dreams also reveal hidden secrets about what she saw and did the day Steve died? By Ed Brubaker and Luke Ross.
Kirk: Most important issue since Cap died? Or most important one until next month's Captain America #50? Which will be the most important issue until the following month's Captain America #600 and so on?
Oh, who am I kidding, all marketing noise aside, every issue of Brubaker's Captain America should be the most important issue of the week it comes out and I suspect this one will follow the same pattern of its predecessors. Biggest question is, are they really setting up to revive Steve Rogers, despite how great and well received the stories have been since his death?
Written by Peter J. Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason and Rebecca Buchman
Prelude to BLACKEST NIGHT! "Emerald Eclipse" continues as a Red Lantern escapes out of its sciencell and ignites a riot on Oa, forcing Guy, Kyle, Kilowog and Voz to try and prevent the ultimate jailbreak. Meanwhile, Sodam Yat and Arisia arrive on Daxam to stop Mongul and the Sinestro Corps. But how can they hope to stop an entire Corps? Plus: Sinestro arrives on Korugan in search of his daughter!
Kirk: Previews for this issue just went up on Newsarama and look amazing. I actually think Tomasi has been doing a better job with his half of the Blackest Night build up than Johns recently and, based on that solicit and preview, this issue looks like it will continue the trend.
Only problem I'm anticipating is deciding which part of the issue I'll like more - Sodam Yat returning to his home planet, Daxam, to fight off the entire Sinestro Corps, the Red Lantern, Vice, starting a riot in the Sciencells, which frees all of the Sinestro Corps rings and prisoners that were held there, or Sinestro's return to Korugan and the fate of his mysterious daughter.
Written by Peter David
Art by Valentine de Landro
After the shocking events of the past few issues, MADROX has learned that in X-FACTOR, anything can happen. And in this issue—everything does! Separated from his teammates and involved in a war he never expected to see, he can only look back on the days when the team stood together. Now—the rebellion has begun!
Kirk: Yay, X-Factor is good again! To be honest, I'm actually more interested in Madrox and Layla's adventures in the future with Cyclop's daughter, Ruby, than whatever the rest of the team is up to, but with how good the last few issues of this series has been, I'm just happy to see the X-Factor book making a return to its former status as one of my Must Read books every month.
I thought Sinestro's daughter was Natu...
you're forgetting about the best book coming out this week, Brubaker & Philips' Incognito
@Rawnzilla - Sinestro met Natu during Sinestro Corps war and there was no indication they were related. I'd also find it a bit odd if they just forced the only Korugan relative of Sinestro into the role as a Green lantern. I'd imagine she would have been ostracized by all of Korugan before she became a Green Lantern, too.
@lunatic96 - I actually haven't been keeping up with Incognito, despite hearing good things about it. is it similar to Criminal?
A lot of people have been speculating that his daughter is Natu, given that she's the only name Korugarian character around apart from him, and that handling it's been given to Tomasi, rather than Johns. Depending on the circumstances on which he gave her up, he may not have known who she was (certainly, I believe the implication is, the daughter is unknown to the public; Sinestro acts like it's a big secret).
Very small week (the week after is brutal).
not really, it's more like a superhero noir.
Kirk, Incognito is a lot more like Sleeper than Criminal.
Sounds good. I loved Sleeper, but I find Criminal highly overrated. His Scene Of The Crime was so much better.
GLC and Action Comics from DC. Looking forward to both, I'm loving Action Comics right now, and GLC just continues to be a solid read every week.
Captain America, X-Factor and Moon Knight for me. Cap is always solid, and returning to the Sharon Carter storyline seems good, after the little side line with Namor. X-Factor is awesome, and I'm in the same boat with the interest in Layla and Madrox in the future. Moon Knight has been good, but different than what the first few arcs were. I'm hoping the new arc ends soon though, it's getting a little redundant.
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