Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Proof #18 Review

Written by Alex Grecian
Art by Riley Rossmo

As per company policy, I got this issue as a free advance review copy (a digital, not a physical copy). Just to let you know. Anyway, onwards to the review!

The eighteenth issue of Proof is an interesting one, for a variety of reasons, some of which will be lost on new readers. This is not to say that the issue isn't new reader friendly, quite the opposite actually, as this issue is a good jumping of point for new readers.

Even though it is new reader friendly, it is so in an odd way as the story takes place in the past and deals with Proof's mysterious past, which, again, isn't exactly something that would seem new reader friendly. The story does hint that this arc will eventually connect back to the present at some point though.

Review continues after the jump.

As mentioned above, Proof #18 is a story that deal's with the titular character's past ,which is something that shouldn't seem new reader friendly, but actually is. Instead of trying to connect past to future, Grecian instead simply tells a story that is set in Proof's past that has what looks like is going to be a huge impact on him.

Set in 1859 in London, the first part of "Julia" deals with Proof's time as a member of a circus, but not quite in the way that you would think a Sasquatch would be involved with one. Once again, this shows Grecian's ability to breath fresh air into what could have been a very cliched situation otherwise.

This issue is also the first part of a new story arc and, as such, is mostly set up for future issues down the road. Of course, this doesn't mean it a bad issue by any means, but it is a little subdued. Most of the characters that do show up in this issue get enough face time for readers to get a feel for them, but they could have used some more face time.

The story involves Springheel Jack, and a wonderfully designed and rendered character at that, as the antagonist. He's mostly just there, moving the story along more than actually doing anything major, but he does leave an impression and I can't wait to see more of him.

As for Julia, whom the storyarc is named for, she is another Sasquatch and although there is little interaction between her and Proof, the beginning of the story shows her importance to him in the present.

Rossmo's art also deserves special mention. He continues to refine his art, but not in a way that damages the aesthetic feel of the book. His panels and layouts continue to impress and not to mention that his art now has a more dynamic feel to it at times, mostly when Springheel Jack shows, which is something that is necessary for the character. The thing I loved most about the art though, was the colouring. It was fantastically vibrant and colorful while still being appropriate for the story.

Verdict - Check It. A solid read that manages to capture the charms of the book while all the while still being inviting to new readers.

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Matt Duarte said...

I liked this issue. I wonder if the whole arc is going to be set in the past or if it's going to be switching between past and present.

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