Monday, February 2, 2009

I'm Alive!

No, your eyes aren't deceiving you, it's an actual post! After about a month of inactivity, I've finally crawled my way back onto the interweb to bring you an update.

As for where I've been, it's unfortunate, but I have no real excuse I can give you other than it was fairly personal and not something I'd like to discuss in a public forum.

There were times I wanted to post an update as to the current situation, but I could never bring myself to do so, for a variety of reasons. One such is that I didn't want to make any deadline for my return and then end up missing it and having to keep posting nothing but, "Sorry, I'll be back in another week!", ad nauseum until people just got tired of seeing nothing but apologies for lack of updates.

While no posts at all probably wasn't the best way to go about it either, I don't really see any other solutions that would have been satisfactory in my eyes and I hope everyone can forgive my absence.

So, what can you expect from me from now on? Hit the jump to find out!

Coming Up on the Weekly Crisis

With the rather vague reasoning and apologies for my absence taken care of, I wanted to give a brief update as to what kind of posting schedule you can expect for the time being, as well as status updates for things left undone, such as the Best of 2008 awards.

First up - the scheduling. I'm going to go back to a simpler posting schedule for the time being that will include roughly three posts per week - Monday, Wednesday and Friday. These will consist of the Post-Crisis Previews, Weekly Crisis Comic Book Reviews and the Moments of the Week.

What this means is that I won't be posting as many reviews as I used to, at least for the time being, as it will be restricted to that one day of reviews. You can expect three to four reviews per week - more if I'm up to it - and the much loved MotW until I get back into the groove of things.

TMC - The Monthly Crisis

Also, this frees up some time to finish off the Best of 2008 project I was working on before the break in posting. Yes, not a post, but a project. Just what is this mysterious project? Well, I had planned on releasing a free, downloadable magazine version of the Weekly Crisis, titled TMC - The Monthly Crisis, which would have housed the Best of 2008 awards, some reviews, Moments of the Year and a few editorials.

As life conspired against me, that didn't get released around New Year's when I had originally intended, but I've still got most of it finished and was busy adding some back dated reviews of comics I read in the past month to round out the magazine. I should finish it up by this weekend and will release it then for everyone, but I've included a couple of scans below. Note, however, that these scans are shrunk and the actual images are more than double the resolution of these jpgs. Also, the magazine is a one shot deal. I have no intention of going into the magazine business or converting the blog into a monthly format. Just thought I'd clarify that before anyone got any strange ideas, ahah.

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Unknown said...

Glad to see your back.

Don't worry about the lack of updates, stuff happens.

Matt Duarte said...

Glad to have you back, Kirk. We've missed you.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back.

Ron Cacace said...

Welcome back, I see you're tired of playing Banjo-Kazooie?

Kirk Warren said...

Thanks for the kind words, good to be back.

@rawnzilla - That wasn't me. =p Although, I'm playing Lost Odyssey off and on now.

SC Spartan said...

Great to see you back man! Can't wait to hear your thoughts on all the new releases!!

Andrenn said...

A magazine eh? Looks awesome! I'm glad to see you back, Kirk.

Patrick Hulman said...

welcome back kirk

Anonymous said...

My favorite Canadian has returned! The interworld is now a safer place thanks to you... and the Chainsaw Bayonet/Sword Gun of course!

Keith Gammage said...


Anonymous said...

glad to see you arent dead. hope all continues to stay well with you for the future

Eric Rupe said...

Nice to see you back Kirk.

Anonymous said...

Good to have you back Kirk!
Looking forward to your posts again, especially with all that's happened in the world of comics recently

Matthew said...

Awesome! Welcome back, Kirk.

NerdFlag said...

Welcome Back, sir. Welcome back.

E. Peterman said...

The magazine looks fantastic. Looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Looking forward to the new stuff!

Anonymous said...

the series of tubes missed you.

Anonymous said...

Long time reader - First and probably last post:

It's good to be able to read your opinions again! Yay!

Anonymous said...

The best comic review site. Glad to see you posting again. Thanks for your work.

Anonymous said...

yeah, yeah, yeah! So glad you're back!

matt said...

Hey hey! Welcome back!

googum said...

Good to have you back! These things happen, and the new stuff looks sharp!

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